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Maulotaurs in Heretic E5M8
A Maulotaur in Hexen's Castle of Grief Hub

The Maulotaur is a creature from the Heretic-Hexen series. Maulotaurs greatly resemble the mythological Minotaur, except that they wield giant hammers (or mauls), which they use to smash their enemies into a pulp. They also have several ranged attacks. One is a scatter of small, flaming pellets summoned with side-swipes of their hammers, another is the ability to summon 'snakes' of flames that crawl along the ground in a line formation. The third of their ranged attacks is to dash forward from a distance and gore their opponent. Maulotaurs have 3000 health, and are somewhat considered Heretic's equivalent to the Cyberdemon of the Doom series. Like the Iron Lich and D'Sparil, Maulotaurs cannot be transformed using the Morph Ovum or instantly killed by a Firemace under the influence of the Tome of Power.

In Heretic, they sometimes drop a flame orb worth 10 shots, and on rare occasions, drop a Mystic Urn when killed.

Maulotaurs also appear in the sequel to Heretic, Hexen: Beyond Heretic, as summonable creatures that will fight for the player, created by an artifact known as the "Dark Servant". The Maulotaur will attack enemies without question, but each summoned Maulotaur fades from existence after roughly 30 seconds. Also, they have 'notoriously bad aim', and will not consider withdrawing their attack even if the player is directly between them and their target, and they could accidentally kill a player this way.

Uses out of Heretic/Hexen

  • The Maulotaur also has a history of appearances in the modification EarthBound Doom as sub-boss enemies. They are considered more dangerous than their original forms, since they have a slightly increased amount of hit points, their flame snakes are no longer weighed down by gravity, and some of the snakes can even home in on the player, and hit multiple times for severe damage.
  • Additionally, when they are slain in the same modifcation, they run a low risk of spawning a 'ghost' version of themselves. The Maulotaur Ghost takes identical damage to their living form, they can pass through elevations and walls without impedment(no clipping), and they can shoot new varities of flame swaths(including their normal shots, Arch-Vile-style flames, or non-homing flame snakes), but in return, the ghosts cannot gore anymore, and their ghosts vanish off the map when they die, prevent -respawn from bringing them back.


  • This article incorporates text from the open-content Wikipedia online encyclopedia article Maulotaur.