

A major load of bull: Maulotaurs in Heretic E5M8.
A Maulotaur in Hexen's Castle of Grief Hub.

The Maulotaur is a creature from the Heretic-Hexen series. Maulotaurs greatly resemble the mythological Minotaur, except that they wield giant hammers (or mauls), which they use to smash their enemies into a pulp. They also have several ranged attacks. One is a scatter of small, flaming pellets summoned with side-swipes of their hammers. Another is the ability to summon 'snakes' of flames that crawl along the ground and up ledges in a line formation. The third of their ranged attacks is to dash forward from a distance and gore their opponent, which seems to be used most often at medium range (usually when a player is trying to make optimum use of the Phoenix Rod). Maulotaurs are tremendously strong and tough with 3000 health. Like the Iron Lich and D'Sparil, Maulotaurs cannot be transformed using the Morph Ovum or instantly killed by a Firemace under the influence of the Tome of Power. Like D'sparil, the Maulotaur also has a 50% immunity to the powered up Hellstaff's rain.

In Heretic, they sometimes drop a Flame Orb worth 10 shots, and on rare occasions, drop a Mystic Urn when killed.

They first appear as final bosses in The Portals of Chaos and again as final bosses in the Field of Judgement, and occasionally as "normal" enemies in episodes three through five.

As a Heretic boss, any monster that is hurt by him will not fight back. However, the boss will attack any non-boss creature that hurts him.

Maulotaurs also appear in Heretic's sequel, Hexen, as summonable creatures that will fight for the player, created by an artifact known as the "Dark Servant". The Maulotaur will attack enemies without question, but each summoned Maulotaur fades from existence after roughly 30 seconds, or if they are killed first (they have nearly 3000 hit points). Also, they have 'notoriously bad aim', and will not consider withdrawing their attack even if the player is directly between them and their target. It's possible for a player to be killed accidentally in this way.


One of the maulotaur attacks is bugged. When hammering the ground to create a trail of crawling flames, if the maulotaur is standing in water, sludge or lava, the flames will fail to spawn. This is a side-effect of the terrain code in Heretic: to create the visual of monsters and other objects being partially submerged, a "floor clipping" effect is used which lowers the actor by 10 units. The maulotaur spawns the flames at its feet, if it has been lowered by the terrain's foot clip effect, the flames end up being spawned below the floor and the engine fails to create them.

This bug can be used deliberately to represent a maulotaur being unable to create flames in water, although it is not only the water flats that are affected. For this reason, a compatibility option is generally offered by source ports which fix the bug, such as jHeretic or ZDoom.

Heretic data

ID # 9
Hit points 3000 (Heretic), 2500 (Hexen)
Speed 16 map units per frame
(112 map units per second)
Width 56
Height 100
Reaction time 8
Pain chance 25 (9.8%)
Mass 800
Bits ?
Bits list


Sprites & sounds
Sprite name MNTR
Alert sound MINSIT
Active sound MINACT
Pain sound MINPAI
Death sound MINDTH
Melee attack
Damage 4-32 or 5-40
Flaming Pellets ranged attack
Type Projectile
Speed 20 map units per tic
(700 map units per second)
Damage 3-24 (times 5)
Width 20
Height 6
Sprite name FX12
Sound MINAT2
Ground Flame ranged attack
Type Projectile
Speed 14 map units per tic
(490 map units per second)
Damage 4-32
Width 10
Height 12
Sprite name FX13
Sound MINAT1
Charge ranged attack
Type Projectile
Speed every 2 frames?
Damage 7-56?
Width 56
Height 100
Sprite name MNTRU
Sound ?

Hexen data

ID #
Hit points
Reaction time
Pain chance
Bits ?
Bits list


Sprites & sounds
Sprite name
Alert sound
Active sound
Pain sound
Death sound
Melee attack
Flaming Pellents ranged attack
Type Projectile
Damage  ?
Sprite name
Ground Flame ranged attack
Type Projectile
Damage  ?
Sprite name
Charge ranged attack
Type Projectile
Damage  ?
Sprite name


  • This article incorporates text from the open-content Wikipedia online encyclopedia article Maulotaur.