BFG (Doom movie)

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"Big fucking gun..."

The BFG in the DProxy-Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0 m movie is identified on a computer monitor as Bio Force Gun version 3.14, which is a reference to Commander Keen's IQ, 314, which is in turn a reference to Pi. Unlike in the games, the gun is not labelled as '9000'. When it first appears, Sarge calls it a "big fucking gun". It has no apparent magazine, suggesting that it is recharged in its special storage system. The gun fires a blue (rather than green) blast of plasma, which obliterates the target and burns away at the surrounding areas for several minutes. The flash damage does not appear to be part of this weapon: when it is fired at Reaper, he dodges the main blast and is either not attacked by any other energy or is immune to that energy.