Blue mana


Revision as of 02:06, 30 September 2023 by Xymph (talk | contribs) (fix plural)

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Blue mana is one of two ammunition types used by Hexen weapons. All slot two weapons use blue mana, and slot four weapons use both green and blue types. Picking up this item provides 15 mana, except on the lowest and highest skill levels where it gives 22 mana per pickup. The symbol on blue mana crystals resembles the katakana character ス (su) flipped vertically.


Blue mana data
Thing type 122 (decimal), 7A (hex)
Enum MT_MANA1 (334)
Appears in Hexen demo
Hexen/DDC expansion
Radius 8
Height 8
Sprite MAN1
Frames 9 [ABCDEFGHI]
Class Ammo
Flags 1 (decimal)
00000001 (hex)
Flags list 0: Can be picked up
Flags2 524288 (decimal)
00080000 (hex)
Flags2 list 19: Float bobbing movement

Appearance statistics[edit]

In the IWADs the blue mana item is first encountered on these maps per skill level:

The IWADs contain the following numbers of blue mana items per skill level: