Christian Blair (Endless)

Christian Blair, known by his alias Endless (sometimes stylized as π•°π–“π–‰π–‘π–Šπ–˜π–˜),[1] is a Doom modder and reviewer. He is perhaps best known as being the founder and principal author of The Doom Master Wadazine, an unofficial online Doom magazine. His other projects include the Wadazine Master Collection of community projects; Wadarcheology, a review series dedicated to unknown WADs from 1994-2004; and the Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures, a review series for levels found using the random file feature of the idgames archive.


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  1. ↑ EndlessΒ (19 July 2020). "The Doom Master Wadazine 01: Remastered." Retrieved 5 February 2022.
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