Dakota Cann

From DoomWiki.org

Revision as of 06:29, 8 September 2024 by Gez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Dakota Cann''' is a graphic artist who worked on the HUD and UI for Doom Eternal, as well as many illustrations for the game's profile icons and nameplates. She also dr...")

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Dakota Cann is a graphic artist who worked on the HUD and UI for Doom Eternal, as well as many illustrations for the game's profile icons and nameplates. She also drew the sprites for the Vassago in Legacy of Rust. Before joining id Software, she worked on mobiles games for Boss Fight Entertainment.

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id Software
Doom era
Idlogo old.png
Doom 3 era
IdSoftware Logo 200x.png
ZeniMax era
IdSoftware Logo 2016.png