Demon (Doom 3)


Revision as of 19:59, 22 April 2015 by Ryan W (talk | contribs) (SEO rewrite per User:Quasar/SEO. NOT AN ENDORSEMENT of the gameplay statements, just clearing up the tone and structural issues which were large)

Template:Doom 3 remake

Demon (Doom 3)


Attack Damage

10 (melee attacks)

Found in
  • Doom 3: Administration, Alpha Labs Sector 3, Communications Transfer, Monorail Skybridge, Delta Labs Level 1
  • RoE: Phobos Labs Sector 1, Phobos Labs Sector 3
  • Lost Mission: Exis Labs (Part 1), Hell (Lost Mission level), Hell Outpost
Cheat spawn

"spawn monster_demon_pinky"

The Demon (sometimes called Pinky) is a monster in Doom 3. It appears as a lumpy, fleshy quadruped with mechanized hind legs and no apparent facial features, save a large mouth and two horns.

Gone in Doom 3 are the surging hordes of Demons and Spectres. This enemy is relatively uncommon, usually appears alone, and when accompanying lesser monsters (such as Imps or Z-Secs) often stays hidden until they are defeated.

Combat characteristics

A Demon runs forward to bite its target. Compared with the classic games, its attack speed and range are greater, and the player's movement slower, leaving few opportunities to dodge or escape. In addition to damage, a successful bite disrupts the player's aim, making counterattacks difficult.

Demons are able to hop sideways several feet when shot (not so much in the stock maps, but in add-on levels which are more spacious). The player must quickly rotate to keep up, or risk wasting ammo and exposing his flank.

Tactical analysis

Ideally, one should kill a Demon from a distance before it charges. The chaingun or plasma gun can do this fairly quickly. A sprinting player can outrun a Demon as well.

Close-range fights will occur, however, as Demons have wide bodies and seem to prefer annoyingly cramped corridors. One direct hit from a super shotgun or 2 to 4 shotgun rounds finish a Demon. Melee weapons are fairly useless as the monster simply attacks through them, chainsaw included.


"Pinky" as seen in the film.
  • id Software explains the distinctive face of the Demon[citation needed] by describing its birth: a newborn's face is sealed under thick folds of flesh (which do not, unlike other animals, undergo apoptosis), and the beast must then "consume" itself in order to breathe and eat.
  • In Hell (Doom 3 level), the front halves of Demons can be seen hanging on meat hooks. The reason is unknown, though it has been speculated that the more intelligent hellspawn use them as a food source.
  • A summoned Demon lets out a screen-shaking roar.
  • In the E3 2002 video, a Demon eats the guts of a Fat Zombie on the bathroom floor. This is considered one of the most disturbing and memorable scenes in the demonstration. The Marine, who has been hiding behind a corner, emerges and kills the Demon with little issue. The zombie then surprises him by "awakening" and attacking, forcing him to destroy it also.
  • In the Doom movie, "Pinky" mutates into a Demon, his wheelchair remaining attached and moving similarly to the hind legs in-game. Why he did not simply become a wheelchair-bound Imp or Hell Knight is unclear; one possible explanation is that there was less of him available than a typical human, so the infection focused itself on his organic parts.

Appearance statistics

The stock maps contain the following numbers of demons:

Game Recruit Default
Doom 3
Doom 3, BFG Edition
RoE 3
RoE, BFG Edition
The Lost Mission