Doom Wiki:Criteria for people articles


Revision as of 07:59, 29 August 2005 by Fraggle (talk | contribs)

The Doom community contains a large number of people. However, not all of these people are worth having a writeup on.

Some guidelines for people writeups:

  • The person being written up should have done something notable. For example, contributed to successfully released projects (including WADs, source ports, editing utilities, and the like), won a well-known tournament, recorded a number of speedruns for Compet-N, etc. If they have not done anything of note in the Doom community, they should not be written up.
  • The writeup should be about their contributions to the Doom community. Information about other interests (eg. "Uberdoomer likes to play the guitar and play Counterstrike") is not appropriate.
  • The name of the writeup should take the form First name "handle" Last name: for example, Fred "Uberdoomer" Blogs.
  • List the person's achievements (e.g. projects they have been involved in) in a bullet-point list, giving the year.
    • Unfinished and unreleased mods should not be listed.
  • Include a link to their website and/or released projects in an "External links" section at the end of the writeup.
  • Photos can be included, but be sure to get permission from whoever owns the copyright on the photo. Photos are more appropriate on long writeups, however.