Drew DeVore (stx-Vile)

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Drew DeVore (alias stx-Vile or Vile) is a prominent American speedrunner (born 1983), holding more than 70 Compet-n records on IWAD maps on various skill levels. Specific feats include the first sub-30 minute Nightmare! run of the complete game of Doom II, a 5:00 run of Ultimate Doom Episode 1, and a UV pacifist run of MAP07: Dead Simple, which was for a number of years considered impossible. As of December 2024, he submitted over 250 demos to Compet-n and more than 640 to the Doom Speed Demo Archive.

Body of work[edit]



  • Dubzzz's 5Minute Design Assembly 4ever (Doomworld/idgames)
    • MAP37: Pyroclasm (D5DA4a.wad)
    • MAP18: Bonestorm (D5DA4b.wad)

Current Compet-n records[edit]

The following data was last verified in its entirety on November 22, 2020.

Level runs for the original Doom games[edit]

Record count
Doom 16
Doom II 9
TNT: Evilution 16
Plutonia 30
Total 71

Compet-n maintains two separate competitions for levels that have an exit to a secret level. The styles with such a differentiation are UV speed, NM speed and UV pacifist.

n = The level is finished via the normal exit.

Level runs for the PWADs[edit]

Drew holds 26 additional map records: 10 for Alien Vendetta, seven for Hell Revealed, four for Memento Mori, three for Memento Mori II, and two for Requiem.

Other records[edit]

Drew also holds 20 episode/full run records: eight for The Ultimate Doom, four for DOOM II, four for TNT: Evilution, and four for Memento Mori.

External links[edit]