Hexen scripted ambient sounds

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Hexen and its expansion set use ACS to manage ambient sounds in their map, using script 254.

Example script[edit]

These scripts are generally of this form:

script 254 OPEN
   int whichsound;

   delay(random(x, y) * 100);
   whichsound = random(1, z);
   switch (whichsound)
       case 1:
           ambientsound("Ambient1(t, u));
       case z:
           ambientsound("Ambientz(v, w));

The values for t, u, v, w, x, y and z depend on the script.

Ambient sounds[edit]

Logical sound names are usually rather explicit, however some of them are identified only by a number. This table helps identify them.

Logical name Lump Name Logical name Lump Name Logical name Lump Name
Ambient1 insects1 Ambient6 owl Ambient11 rocks
Ambient2 crkets Ambient7 bird Ambient12 chains
Ambient3 crkets1 Ambient8 shlurp Ambient13 gong
Ambient4 katydid Ambient9 bubble Ambient14 steel1
Ambient5 frogs Ambient10 drop2 Ambient15 steel2


The ambient sound scripts in Hexen use a delay expressed in tics. There are 35 tics per seconds, so a maximum delay of 700 tics corresponds to a maximum delay of 20 seconds. The volume at which each ambient sound is on a scale of 0 to 127, so for example (50, 80) corresponds to between about 40% and 63% of full volume (rounding up). For concision, the random keyword is not explicitly written, so any bracketed pair of values in these table should be understood as being a random integral value between the two boundaries given, inclusively. Each sound is listed only as its logical name followed by its volume. Note that some sounds may be listed several time in a single script; this is how it was coded by the Raven Software level designers.

Map Delay value Ambient sounds
MAP01 Hub 1: Winnowing Hall (3, 7) * 100 5 Ambient1(50, 80), Ambient10(50, 80), Ambient1(50, 80), Ambient10(50, 80), Ambient12(50, 80)
MAP02 Hub 1: Seven Portals (2, 7) * 100 4 Ambient7(50, 80), Ambient10(50, 90), Ambient10(70, 110), Ambient11(30, 70)
MAP03 Hub 1: Guardian of Ice (4, 7) * 100 5 IceStartMove(20, 90), EarthStartMove(50, 80), IceStartMove(50, 90), EarthStartMove(50, 80), IceStartMove(20, 60)
MAP04 Hub 1: Guardian of Fire (2, 5) * 100 4 Ambient9(50, 90), Ambient9(50, 100), LavaMove(50, 80), Ambient10(50, 90)
MAP05 Hub 1: Guardian of Steel (2, 4) * 100 5 Ambient15(50, 80), Ambient14(50, 80), Ambient15(50, 80), Ambient14(50, 60), Ambient12(50, 127)
MAP06 Hub 1: Bright Crucible (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient8(30, 90), Ambient8(80, 100), Ambient9(50, 90), Ambient7(50, 80), WaterMove(50, 70), Ambient1(50, 100)
MAP08 Hub 2: Darkmere (100, 200) 8 Ambient1(50, 110), Ambient5(50, 100), Ambient8(50, 100), Ambient8(50, 70), Ambient9(50, 90), Ambient4(50, 100), Ambient1(30, 90), Ambient5(50, 80)
MAP09 Hub 2: Caves of Circe (3, 7) * 100 5 Ambient10(50, 100), Ambient10(50, 70), Ambient11(90, 120), Ambient11(50, 90), Ambient2(50, 80)
MAP10 Hub 2: Wastelands (5, 7) * 100 5 Ambient1(50, 80), Ambient1(50, 100), Ambient11(50, 100), Ambient11(30, 70), Ambient10(50, 80)
MAP11 Hub 2: Sacred Grove (3, 4) * 100 5 Ambient1(50, 80), Ambient2(90, 100), Ambient3(50, 90), Ambient4(50, 90), Ambient7(80, 110)
MAP12 Hub 2: Hypostyle (3, 6) * 100 5 Ambient9(50, 80), Ambient9(70, 110), Ambient10(50, 100), Ambient10(50, 70), Ambient12(50, 70)
MAP13 Hub 2: Shadow Wood (2, 4) * 100 8 Ambient1(50, 100), Ambient2(50, 90), Ambient3(50, 80), Ambient4(50, 90), Ambient6(50, 90), Ambient6(30, 80), Ambient7(50, 100), Ambient7(30, 90)
MAP21 Hub 4: Forsaken Outpost (5, 7) * 100 5 EarthStartMove(50, 80), Ambient1(50, 90), Ambient10(50, 70), Ambient10(50, 90), Ambient12(50, 100)
MAP22 Hub 4: Castle of Grief (3, 7) * 100 5 Ambient11(50, 100), Ambient12(50, 90), Ambient12(80, 110), Ambient1(50, 90), Ambient7(50, 90)
MAP23 Hub 4: Gibbet (2, 7) * 100 5 Ambient10(50, 80), Ambient10(50, 110), Ambient12(50, 127), Ambient12(40, 90), EarthStartMove(50, 90)
MAP24 Hub 4: Effluvium (2, 4) * 100 7 Ambient5(70, 100), Ambient8(50, 120), Ambient8(80, 110), Ambient9(50, 80), Ambient9(50, 90), Ambient12(50, 80), WaterMove(50, 90)
MAP25 Hub 4: Dungeons (2, 4) * 100 5 Ambient12(50, 100), Ambient12(50, 80), Ambient8(50, 70), Ambient8(80, 110), Ambient10(50, 90)
MAP26 Hub 4: Desolate Garden (5, 7) * 100 4 Ambient1(50, 80), Ambient2(50, 90), Ambient3(70, 120), Ambient8(50, 70)
MAP27 Hub 3: Heresiarch's Seminary (4, 8) * 100 7 EarthStartMove(50, 80), EarthStartMove(50, 90), Ambient13(50, 90), Ambient10(30, 70), Ambient11(50, 80), Ambient13(50, 110), Ambient13(30, 120)
MAP28 Hub 3: Dragon Chapel (2, 7) * 100 5 Ambient12(50, 127), Ambient12(50, 90), Ambient13(30, 80), Ambient13(50, 70), Ambient13(60, 90)
MAP30 Hub 3: Griffin Chapel (3, 7) * 100 5 Ambient10(50, 110), Ambient12(50, 80), Ambient13(50, 80), Ambient13(60, 90), Ambient13(30, 70)
MAP31 Hub 3: Deathwind Chapel (2, 4) * 100 5 Ambient10(50, 80), Ambient12(50, 90), Ambient13(50, 60), Ambient10(50, 80), Ambient13(50, 80)
MAP32 Hub 3: Orchard of Lamentations (2, 4) * 100 5 Ambient1(50, 100), Ambient2(50, 120), Ambient7(50, 80), Ambient13(60, 70), Ambient6(80, 127)
MAP33 Hub 3: Silent Refectory (5, 7) * 100 5 Ambient12(50, 80), Ambient12(50, 100), Ambient13(50, 80), Ambient12(30, 50), Ambient11(50, 70)
MAP34 Hub 3: Wolf Chapel (5, 7) * 100 5 Ambient13(50, 80), Ambient13(50, 90), Ambient10(50, 90), Ambient13(50, 60), Ambient13(30, 50)
MAP35 Hub 5: Necropolis (3, 4) * 100 6 Ambient1(50, 80), Ambient2(50, 90), Ambient3(50, 90), Ambient6(50, 80), Ambient6(70, 110), Ambient12(50, 70)
MAP36 Hub 5: Zedek's Tomb (500, 700) 5 Ambient12(50, 80), Ambient14(50, 90), Ambient12(50, 90), Ambient12(50, 70), Ambient15(50, 80)
MAP37 Hub 5: Menelkir's Tomb (2, 5) * 100 5 Ambient8(50, 90), Ambient8(50, 70), Ambient12(50, 90), Ambient10(50, 60), WaterMove(50, 70)
MAP38 Hub 5: Traductus' Tomb (4, 7) * 100 5 Ambient13(50, 60), Ambient12(50, 80), Ambient13(50, 60), Ambient10(50, 60), Ambient10(50, 127)
MAP39 Hub 5: Vivarium (4, 7) * 100 5 Ambient10(50, 80), Ambient12(50, 90), Ambient12(50, 70), Ambient14(50, 90), Ambient15(50, 70)
MAP40 Hub 5: Dark Crucible N/A Korax fight scripts instead

Deathkings of the Dark Citadel[edit]

The deathmatch maps in Deathkings do not feature ambient sounds.

Map Delay value Ambient sounds
MAP33 Hub 4: Transit N/A Deathmatch map
MAP34 Hub 4: Over N Under N/A Deathmatch map
MAP35 Hub 4: Deathfog N/A Deathmatch map
MAP36 Hub 4: Castle of Pain N/A Deathmatch map
MAP37 Hub 4: Sewer Pit N/A Deathmatch map
MAP38 Hub 4: The Rose N/A Deathmatch map
MAP41 Hub 1: Ruined Village (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient1(30, 90), Ambient2(80, 100), Ambient3(50, 90), Ambient4(50, 80), Ambient7(50, 70), Ambient10(50, 100)
MAP42 Hub 1: Blight (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient10(30, 90), Ambient10(80, 100), Ambient11(50, 90), Ambient12(50, 80), Ambient12(50, 70), Ambient14(50, 100)
MAP43 Hub 1: Sump (4, 7) * 100) 6 Ambient1(30, 90), Ambient8(80, 100), Ambient9(50, 90), Ambient10(50, 80), WaterMove(50, 70), WaterMove(50, 100)
MAP44 Hub 1: Catacomb (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient1(30, 90), Ambient2(80, 100), Ambient11(50, 90), Ambient11(50, 80), Ambient10(50, 70), Ambient10(50, 100)
MAP45 Hub 1: Badlands (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient1(30, 90), Ambient7(80, 100), Ambient11(50, 90), Ambient11(50, 80), Ambient10(50, 70), Ambient10(50, 100)
MAP46 Hub 1: Brackenwood (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient1(30, 90), Ambient2(80, 100), Ambient3(50, 90), Ambient7(50, 80), Ambient4(50, 70), Ambient1(50, 100)
MAP47 Hub 1: Pyre (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient8(30, 90), Ambient9(80, 100), Ambient9(50, 90), Ambient12(50, 80), Ambient12(50, 70), Ambient10(50, 100)
MAP48 Hub 2: Constable's Gate (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient9(30, 90), Ambient8(80, 100), Ambient8(50, 90), Ambient12(50, 80), Ambient12(50, 70), Ambient12(50, 100)
MAP49 Hub 2: Treasury (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient5(30, 90), Ambient8(80, 100), Ambient9(50, 90), Ambient10(50, 80), Ambient8(50, 70), WaterMove(50, 100)
MAP50 Hub 2: Market Place (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient10(30, 90), Ambient11(80, 100), Ambient11(50, 90), Ambient12(50, 80), Ambient12(50, 70), Ambient12(50, 100)
MAP51 Hub 2: Locus Requiescat (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient1(30, 90), Ambient7(80, 100), Ambient2(50, 90), Ambient3(50, 80), Ambient4(50, 70), Ambient13(50, 100)
MAP52 Hub 2: Ordeal (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient12(30, 90), Ambient12(80, 100), Ambient13(50, 90), Ambient14(50, 80), Ambient15(50, 70), Ambient12(50, 100)
MAP53 Hub 2: Armory (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient14(30, 90), Ambient14(80, 100), Ambient15(50, 90), Ambient15(50, 80), Ambient12(50, 70), Ambient12(50, 100)
MAP54 Hub 3: Nave (7, 9) * 100 4 Ambient10(30, 90), Ambient12(80, 100), Ambient12(50, 90), Ambient13(40, 60)
MAP55 Hub 3: Chantry (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient12(30, 90), Ambient12(80, 100), Ambient13(50, 90), Ambient10(50, 80), Ambient11(50, 70), Ambient10(50, 100)
MAP56 Hub 3: Abattoir (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient12(30, 90), Ambient12(80, 100), Ambient14(50, 90), Ambient15(50, 80), Ambient11(50, 70), Ambient10(50, 100)
MAP57 Hub 3: Dark Watch (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient1(30, 90), Ambient2(80, 100), Ambient12(50, 90), Ambient10(50, 80), Ambient11(50, 70), Ambient10(50, 100)
MAP58 Hub 3: Cloaca (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient1(30, 90), Ambient5(80, 100), Ambient12(50, 90), Ambient12(50, 80), Ambient8(50, 70), Ambient9(50, 100)
MAP59 Hub 3: Ice Hold (3, 6) * 100 6 Ambient10(30, 90), Ambient10(80, 100), IceStartMove(50, 90), IceStartMove(40, 60), IceStartMove(50, 90), EarthStartMove(40, 60)
MAP60 Hub 3: Dark Citadel (4, 7) * 100 6 Ambient13(30, 90), Ambient15(80, 100), Ambient12(50, 90), Ambient12(50, 80), Ambient10(50, 70) Ambient14(50, 70)
  • † Ambient sounds are disabled in deathmatch mode in this map.


The information above was obtained by using Descript on each map of both IWADs, hexen.wad and hexdd.wad, both in their 1.1 versions.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

Hexen usage: