Hub 2: Constable's Gate


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Constable's Gate
Hexen: Beyond Heretic
Map name: MAP48

Cheat code: visit08

Constable's Gate is the central map of the second hub in Deathkings of the Dark Citadel. It uses one of the following music tracks composed by Kevin Schilder: "Bones" (default) or "Crypt" (played from the game CD).


Map of Constable's Gate
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets.


You begin on a ledge overlooking a lawn with several centaurs and one or more slaughtaurs, as well as brown chaos serpents that are also on ledges. Note the ledge to the north of your starting point, as it holds the hub's primary objective: the Heart of D'Sparil. Drop to the ground and open the wooden gate in the north-east corner to reach a courtyard, but do not go through the gate until you are prepared - stepping through it opens a door at the back of the courtyard, releasing a heresiarch. Defeating this enemy is entirely optional, so if you want to avoid wasting resources you can lure it into the starting area then close the gate to trap it outside.

Enter the heresiarch's chamber to find the first of three Yorick's Skulls, as well as the pedestal that the Heart of D'Sparil will eventually go into. On either side of the pedestal are wooden doors that have slaughtaurs and minotaur switches behind them; pull both switches to open a stone door in the courtyard, then go through that door and open a second door behind it to enter a hall with ettins. Press the moon switch at the south end of the hall to lower the supports on either side and reveal more ettins along with green chaos serpents, then pull all six minotaur switches inside the alcoves to open the northern door and pass through it to reach a bridge over a sludge trench.

Cross the bridge then go up the steps directly in front of you (not the ones to the west) to enter a passage with fléchettes, as well as a valve wheel. Turn the wheel once to open a sewer gate at the east end of the sludge trench, then drop into the trench and fight through some stalkers to get through that gate. In the next room, enter the narrow corridor to the south and go straight forward to a door, kill the ettins and afrits that are released behind you then open the door to face more afrits (if you are playing as the Fighter, you should go south into the next room to find a piece of the Quietus). Go through the north-east door to enter a small room with two valve wheels, then turn the northern valve to lower the sludge visible through the window - the southern valve only opens and closes the sewer gate, so it can be ignored.

Go back into the slime and enter the junction that has been revealed on the north side. The east and north paths are currently sealed, but if you go up the western steps you will find an Amulet of Warding and a valve wheel that will open the north path. Take the north path now and push past more stalkers to a room with a moon switch, press it then go back to the junction and take the east path to enter a room with a teleporter and a torch. Ignore the teleporter for now and go down the steps to find the portal to Locus Requiescat, where you can obtain the axe key. If you are playing as the Mage, you will find a piece of the Bloodscourge here as well.

Returning with the axe key[edit]

After returning from Locus Requiescat with the axe key, go through the aforementioned teleporter to travel to the portal to Market Place, where you can pick up the second Skull and the steel key. If you are playing as the Cleric, look behind the portal to find a piece of the Wraithverge.

Returning with the steel key[edit]

With the steel key, go back to the courtyard and open the wooden door on the west side to find a Dark Servant between two locked switches. Use the axe and steel keys to activate both switches and reveal the portal to Ordeal, where you can collect the final Skull.

Returning with all three Skulls[edit]

After returning from Ordeal you should have all three Skulls. Return to Locus Requiescat to use them and get the castle key.

Returning with the castle key[edit]

After returning from Locus Requiescat with the castle key, return to Ordeal to use it.

Returning from Treasury[edit]

After returning to the hub from Treasury, you will appear in the south-west corner of the map - behind you is a portal back to Treasury and a door leading back to the ettins' hall. Activate the lift in front of you and ride it up to get Boots of Speed, then push past a couple of afrits to get the Heart of D'Sparil. Go back to the heresiarch's chamber and use the Heart on the pedestal to reveal a star switch in front of you, which you can press to complete the hub and move on to Nave.


  • A green serpent (thing 448) in the north-west corner of the map is stuck against a barrel.
  • The portal to Ordeal should require the axe and steel keys to unlock it, however it is also possible to open the portal by pressing on the wall that conceals it, making the switches and the keys redundant.
  • If you enter (or exit) the lift leading to the Heart of D'Sparil on the left side while it is descending, the lift script will break by lowering itself below ground level. If the Heart was not collected, progress is blocked until you retrieve the Wings of Wrath from Armory.
  • The whole hub can be skipped. With the Boots of Speed, the player can use a strafe-jump from the starting platform to the ledge with the Heart.

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

At the start of the level, you can attempt to jump across the southern ledges. This eventually leads to the south-east corner, which opens up a secret passage. This leads to a lava-pit separating you and a stained-glass platform, which you can jump on to get an alternate path. If you choose this path, you can continue with the game as normal and bypass some combat sections, although you will still need Yorick's Skull from the heresiarch area. Also, this route does not require opening the alcoves in the western room, thus blocking a path if you arrive from the Treasury map.

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
Sk4 speed
Sk4 max
Sk5 speed
Sk5 max

The (absence of) data was last verified in its entirety on December 3, 2021.



  • Timon's Axe: Starting area, middle of south wall.
  • Hammer of Retribution: Near gate separating two sludge sections
  • Quietus: Piece 1 in eastern stained-glass room, piece 2 past south-west lift leading to Heart of D'Sparil, piece 3 in area leading to Market Place.


  • Serpent staff is in the eastern area.
  • Firestorm: in portal leading to Ordeal
  • Wraithverge: Piece 1 behind Market Place portal, piece 2 near hub exit, piece 3 near lift leading to Heart of D'sparil.


  • Frost shards: North-west area, in front of switch that opens north-west teleporter
  • Arc of Death: In central area, before heresiarch.
  • Bloodscourge: Piece 1 near portal to Locus Requiescat, piece 2 in south-west lift area, piece 3 in southern starting area near the south-east corner.

Items of note:

  • From the normal map starting point, jump across to the ledges on the south edge of the map. If done properly, you can reach the south east platform, which opens the backdoor path as normal. The stained glass floor holds an Icon of the Defender.

Player spawns[edit]

This level contains eight spawn points:

  1. facing north-east. (thing 92)
  2. facing east. (thing 93)
  3. facing south. (thing 94)
  4. facing south. (thing 95)
  5. facing south. (thing 96)
  6. facing north. (thing 97)
  7. facing north-west. (thing 98)
  8. facing north. (thing 99)


Map data[edit]

Things 510
Vertices 1320*
Linedefs 1522
Sidedefs 2122
Sectors 283
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 1206.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:
