MAP06: The Coiled City (Legacy of Rust)


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Legacy of Rust maps
The Vulcan Abyss

Counterfeit Eden

08 09 10 11 12 13 14 16

This level occupies the map slot MAP06. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:MAP06.

MAP06: The Coiled City is the sixth map in episode The Vulcan Abyss of Legacy of Rust. It was designed by Xaser Acheron and uses the music track "Cloudy With A Chance Of Spiders," also by Xaser.


Map of The Coiled City
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


Drop into the pit below and flip the switch on the central column to lower part of the floor, then drop down and follow the passage down a spiral staircase to find a skull lever at the very bottom. Flip the lever to lower some of the steps and reveal a passage, then head south past a megasphere (or supercharge on Ultra-Violence (UV) and Nightmare (NM) skill levels) to an incinerator at the top of some steps. The walls on either side of the passage will lower to reveal a number of mindweavers—kill them quickly, then go to the north-west corner of the room, destroy the ghouls that are released behind you and go north to a white island which stands at the center of the map.

From the island, look south-west to see a small platform with a partial invisibility and run over to it, then carefully walk north along a red ledge to reach a walkway with vassagos who are guarding a circular junction. Go up the northern staircase to another ledge, then go west and north to a dark staircase which will eventually lead you to the room on the west side of the map where you can collect the red skull key. Retrace your steps to the circular junction and go down the eastern staircase, then press the skull switch at the bottom to raise steps to the floor above where you will find a berserk pack in a blood pool. Go south from here to a cage with shocktroopers, then climb the steps here to get inside the cage where you will find another switch. Flip it, then go back to the blood pool where a skull lever has been revealed—flipping it will reveal the exit door, but you need to find two other switches to raise a bridge to the exit room first.

From the blood pool, enter the passage just to the east to see a door guarded by shocktroopers and open it to find the first switch you need. Now go back to the blood pool and head west and north, following a trail of armor bonuses to a switch that will lower the floor (this will reveal a lift you can use to get back to the blood pool later). Climb the stairs on the other side of the fence to reach another door and open it to find the second switch, flip it then go back to the blood pool and flip the skull lever you revealed earlier to lower it and reach the exit door. Cross the bridge and kill a couple of shocktroopers that appear ahead, then enter the final room to see the exit teleporter rise out of reach. Press the skull switch that rises from the floor to raise a staircase, then climb to the top and step on the red pentagram to end the level.

Other points of interest[edit]

A blue skull key can be found on the southern staircase in the west area of the map, but it is not used to unlock any doors.

There are three narrow paths in the south-west area of the map. Follow the western path round to its south side to enter a small room with two gargoyle switches, then press the northern switch to open the tower at the center of the paths which contains banshees and another red key.

The north-east area of the map contains a rocket launcher and a computer area map.


  1. In the incinerator hall, go to the north-east end and press the button in the blood pool to lower the east wall. Step past this wall to drop into lava, then run east and south to another incinerator and two fuel cans. (sector 475)
  2. From secret #1, head up the stairs to see an armor under a low ceiling. Shoot the skull wall behind the armor to raise the ceiling. (sector 1161)
  3. Continue up the stairs from secret #2 and press the skull switch at the top to open the door leading back to the incinerator hall, along with another door directly opposite. Go through this door and fight your way to the top of the stairs, press the skull switch here then walk forward to drop down to a ledge with a megaarmor and two medikits. (sector 348)
  4. As soon as you land on secret #3, turn round and press another skull switch behind you to raise steps leading up to the yellow skull key. (sector 318) Taking the key lowers the wall ahead to reveal banshees, one or two fuel tanks and a supercharge (invulnerability on I'm Too Young To Die or Hey Not Too Rough).
  5. At the white island in the center of the map, press the gargoyle switch here to lower the lift then quickly drop off the north side of the island to land by a second switch. Flipping it will reveal a megaarmor hidden behind the lift. (sector 309)
  6. With the yellow key, ride the lift on the white island up and open the locked door at the top to find the calamity blade. (sector 367) Taking the weapon teleports you to a square arena with mindweavers (and spiderdemons on UV and NM) where you can test it out.
  7. From the white island, run south-west to the narrow red path and follow it to a walkway, then head west to a teleporter that goes to the western room. Run through the lava to the south-east corner and approach the teleporter on the wall to go to a supercharge. (sector 1018)
  8. Exit the room from secret #7 to reach another red path and follow it south and east to the next junction, then head south into a similar room with fuel cans. The pillar in the middle of the room has two gargoyle switches on it; press the southern switch to lower a platform with a medikit behind you, then step on the lift behind the medikit to register the secret. (sector 451)
  9. Press the switch in secret #8 to go down to a cave with a megaarmor and medikits, then drop into the lava below and go to the first step of the staircase on the east side to get another secret. (sector 430)
  10. Go to the top of the staircase mentioned in secret #9 and press the skull switch here to open a door back to the incinerator room, along with another door directly opposite. Go through this door and head to the top of the steps, then open the metal door in the east wall and flip the switch behind it to open a small room behind you. In this room, flip the switch in the north-west corner to raise a bridge to another switch, then flip that switch as well to lower the floor of the starting room, revealing an invulnerability in the center. (sector 80)
  11. With the invulnerability from secret #10, head north, east and north through the lava to find an opening to a cave. Go to the medikit on the east side of the cave and open the skull door behind it to register the secret. (sector 1354) The gargoyle switch behind the door will activate crushers inside the cages around the exit door, while the teleporter leads back to the white island.
  12. Go back to the junction that led to secret #8, but this time go east until you reach a small platform with a partial invisibility. Run south-east to a red fire wall, which will lower, then walk east past a second wall to drop down to a berserk pack. (sector 271)


Demo files[edit]

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
UV speed
NM speed
UV max
NM 100S
UV -fast
UV -respawn
UV Tyson
UV pacifist

The (absence of) data was last verified in its entirety on August 11, 2024.


Map data[edit]

Things 1113
Vertices 7345*
Linedefs 7967
Sidedefs 12762
Sectors 1359
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 6047.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]

Xaser Acheron stated in a Q&A that FromSoftware was a major inspiration for The Coiled City, both in its nonlinear design and its trial-and-error gameplay.[1]


See also[edit]


External links[edit]


  1. "Q&A with SVKaiser and Xaser Acheron." Google Docs. Retrieved 17 January 2025.