

MAP32: Blood Fund Gang (Japanese Community Project)

542 bytes added, 15:31, 21 July 2019
# Head left from the bank entrance and enter the room to the southwest. Exit that room and take the steps up. The elevator nearby should be open, enter it and press the switch to go down. This elevator will go all the way down past the first floor. Open the north panel at the bottom, then use the switch. Now exit the elevator and continue north to the next floor of the bank. On this floor, turn left and a door should open nearby. Take this path all the way to the red key room and enter the opposite room to find a [[BFG9000]]. ('''sector 332''')# This secret room is close to the secret BFG closet, just right outside between the BFG room and the room with the red key. However, will open within 5 minutes as the map begins (as hinted in the [[automap]]), and will close within 5 seconds after the 5 minutes mark. Within that 5 seconds, enter the room and mash the use key against the indented floor in the middle. The double doors to the vault will lower ('''sector 1175''') and reveal a [[megasphere ]] and a [[backpack]].