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ONEMANDOOM: WAD Reviews is an independent blog authored by Doomworld community member kmxexii. Its focus is on reviewing WADs created for Doom and other Doom engine-derived games. The blog first opened on 26 April 2011 as "One Man's Journey Through Doom", the title was later changed to "Doomed: Doom WAD Reviews" before eventually going back to the original name but as a single word.

WADs are reviewed on the blog in-depth with at least one screenshot provided for each level alongside a paragraph of commentary. Review structuring is less formal when covering WADs featuring less than four levels; WADs containing single maps get more extensive write-ups.


The blog is divided in several sections:

  • Home: The frontpage of the site.
  • Begin Here: An introduction to the blog and guide to how to play classic Doom.
  • Reviews: All the indexed reviews across different Doom engine games.
  • Mods: All the indexed mods.
  • Authors: All featured authors.
  • Itinerary: Blog updates.
  • Second Opinions: A list of other review sites and authors.
  • Features: Special write-up features that collect different WAD series or related topics.
  • Statistics: A complete statistical list of all the data collected in the blog, including reviews, total maps and authors.
  • About: Information about the blog and author.

External links[edit]