Pierce Rogers

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Revision as of 15:44, 18 October 2009 by (talk)

Doctor Pierce Rogers is a UAC scientist in Doom 3 seen in Site 3. Dr. Rogers was stuck in Site 3 while he wanted to go to the Delta Complex and find the Soul Cube. He says the Soul Cube is the only way to end this invasion and close the Hellgate seen in the Primary Excavation level. It is also the only way to destroy the Cyberdemon. He wants you to kill the Hell Knight and the Maggots where the Tablets are. Then he opens the door and tells you about the Soul Cube. Take the PDA on his desk and it will give you access to the entire Site 3 Complex. Take the CD on the desk while your at it. It is unknown what his fate is.


  • P. Rodgers has a nephew named Timmy Rogers, as shown by his PDA's emails.
  • It could be true that Pierce Rogers can be related to C. Rodgers.