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A reaver robot fires its blaster at the player in Strife.

Reavers are enemies in Strife. They are humanoid robots that have 150 hit points, attacking with a hitscan blaster at a distance and slashing when in melee range. They explode when they die, dealing blast damage to all nearby characters, including the player. Like all robotic enemies, reavers ignore alarms and will attack even if no alarm has been activated, so it is important to always be on guard for them. Destroying a reaver alerts nearby enemies to the player's presence.


Appearance statistics[edit]

In the IWAD the reaver is first encountered on these maps per skill level:

The IWAD contains the following numbers of reavers per skill level:

Monsters from Strife
Order minions: AcolyteCeiling turretCrusaderInquisitorReaverSentinelStalkerTemplar
Bosses: BishopEntityLoremasterProgrammerSpectre
Characters: BeggarMacilMerchantOraclePeasantRebel