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This article is about the items in Doom (2016). For the items in Doom 3, see Supplies (Doom 3). For the items in Doom Eternal, see Supplies (Doom Eternal).

In Doom (2016), the player receives supplies from two sources, namely through supplies placed on the ground, and from glory kill rewards.

Armor and medikits[edit]

  • Armor/health regained from bars, shields, chestplates, and medikits VARY across difficulties.
  • Armor/health Glory kill rewards DO NOT VARY across difficulties but VARY amongst enemy types.
Item Image Too Young To Die Hurt Me Plenty Ultra Violence Nightmare
Bar Supplies ArmorBar.png +5 +5 +3 +1
Shield Supplies ArmorShield.png +25 +25 +20 +15
Chestplate Supplies ArmorChestplate.png +50 +50 +40 +30
Item Image Too Young To Die Hurt Me Plenty Ultra Violence Nightmare
Small Supplies SmallMedikit.png +8 +5 +3 +1
Medium Supplies MediumMedikit.png +30 +25 +20 +15
Large Supplies LargeMedikit.png +50 +50 +40 +30


  • Ammo regained from map supplies DO NOT VARY across difficulties.
  • Ammo glory kill rewards VARY across difficulties.
  • Ammo values found under difficulty columns are the amounts dropped from enemies after a Glory kill (GK).
Image Weapon Supply Amount Too Young To Die (GK) Hurt Me Plenty (GK) Ultra Violence (GK) Nightmare (GK)
Supplies ChainsawFuel.png Chainsaw +3 NONE
Supplies Shells.png Combat shotgun / Super shotgun +8 +5 +5 +4 +3
Supplies Plasma.png Plasma rifle / Gauss cannon +30 +18 +15 +12 +9
Supplies Projectiles.png Heavy assault rifle / Chaingun +20 +12 +10 +8 +6
Supplies Rockets.png Rocket launcher +5 +1 +1 +1 +1
Supplies BFGCell.png BFG-9000 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Supplies Grenades.png Grenades +1 NONE
Supplies GenericAmmoSmall.png Small generic ammo
All ammo types
(SnapMap/multiplayer only)
Supplies GenericAmmoLarge.png Large generic ammo
All ammo types
(SnapMap/multiplayer only)