Talk:ZDaemon editing


Revision as of 08:49, 30 September 2011 by DooMAD (talk | contribs)

Possible VFD

Although currently marked for cleanup, I'm not really sure if this falls within the scope of the Doom Wiki. As far as I know, we're not covering port specific editing for any of the other executables out there (and we'd have to duplicate a hell of a lot of content from other wikis if we started to do so). Page is also "orphaned" and not linked from any current articles. - DooMAD 18:36, 28 September 2011 (UTC)

In its current state, it's pretty much useless if you were looking for info about ZDaemon-specific editing. Or general editing. Or legible English, for that matter. It is indeed out of scope for the wiki and furthermore it's rather obvious nobody is ever going to bother trying to salvage it. If there's a vote for deletion, I vote "for". --Gez 20:54, 28 September 2011 (UTC)
There used to be a few other articles.  IIRC they were deleted for very similar reasons.  That said, are all those other wikis still active?  Port-specific mapping is one of the most popular activities in the Doom community, so if we don't allow people to write about it here, we need to send them somewhere that is actually open for editing (by people other than the founder's friends).    Ryan W 00:18, 30 September 2011 (UTC)
There isn't a ZDaemon specific wiki currently online as far as I'm aware, but much of the editing material would be covered under the ZDoom one anyway. - DooMAD 13:49, 30 September 2011 (UTC)