
From DoomWiki.org

Revision as of 23:52, 11 January 2015 by Quasar (talk | contribs) (Add documentation)

{{{1}}} None None None


Create an NTSC/PAL/Japan data row inside a GamePicsPortal table for items with a pre-digital-television three-region release scheme (typical of Nintendo and Sega consoles in particular).


  • 1: Row name, such as "Box art", "Manuals", or "Media"
  • 2: File name of NTSC (North/South America) release picture, without File: prefix. If not provided, "None" appears.
  • 3: File name of PAL/SECAM (Most of the world) release picture, without File: prefix. If not provided, "None" appears.
  • 4: File name of Japanese release picture, without File: prefix. If not provided, "None" appears.