UV pacifist

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Revision as of 19:56, 30 October 2012 by Unmaker (talk | contribs) (Doom II)

UV pacifist is a Compet-N speedrunning category. The objective is to finish the level as quickly as possible, in Ultra-Violence, with the following restrictions: not harming monsters directly (no shooting, chainsawing, or punching monsters), and not harming monsters indirectly (no destroying barrels that hurt monsters, no activating crushers that hurt monsters). Causing monsters to attack each other is permitted, as are unintentional telefrags. Firing weapons is also permitted, provided no monster is damaged.

Current records

Ultimate Doom

Map Time Player Date File Notes
E1M1: Hangar 00:09 Thomas "Panter" Pilger 1998-09-28 e1m1-009.zip
E1M2: Nuclear Plant 00:23 Xit Vono 2003-01-04 p1m2-023.zip
E1M3: Toxin Refinery (normal exit) 00:50 Adam Williamson 2004-12-21 p1m3-050.zip
E1M3: Toxin Refinery (secret exit) 04:15 Anders Johnsen 2002-11-26 p1m3s415.zip
E1M4: Command Control 00:12 Adam Hegyi 2001-04-11 e1m4-012.zip
E1M5: Phobos Lab 01:14 Adam Williamson 2000-04-24 p1m5-114.zip
E1M6: Central Processing 01:44 Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore 2003-04-30 p1m6-144.zip
E1M7: Computer Station 01:46 Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore 2003-05-01 p1m7-146.zip
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly 02:29 Oyvind Stenhaug 2002-05-13 p1m8-229.zip
E1M9: Military Base 00:33 Selim "Bastard" Benabdelkhalek 2004-02-04 p1m9-033.zip
E2M1: Deimos Anomaly 00:39 Adam Williamson 1999-06-07 p2m1-039.zip
E2M2: Containment Area 00:14 Marijo "Sedlo" Sedlic 2000-05-12 e2m2-014.zip
E2M3: Refinery 00:32 Vaclav "Bolton" Kunes 2001-11-22 p2m3-032.zip
E2M4: Deimos Lab 00:41 Adam Hegyi 2001-05-10 p2m4-041.zip
E2M5: Command Center (normal exit) 00:27 Adam Hegyi 2001-07-02 e2m5-027.zip
E2M5: Command Center (secret exit) 00:24 Jonathan Rimmer 2000-08-03 e2m5s024.zip
E2M6: Halls of the Damned 02:13 Adam Williamson 1999-06-13 p2m6-213.zip
E2M7: Spawning Vats 00:19 Jonathan Rimmer 2001-11-10 p2m7-019.zip
E2M8: Tower of Babel 2
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery 00:06 Marijo "Sedlo" Sedlic 2000-05-14 e2m9-006.zip
E3M1: Hell Keep 00:48 Radek Pecka 2004-12-23 p3m1-048.zip
E3M2: Slough of Despair 00:12 Marijo "Sedlo" Sedlic 2002-12-25 e3m2-012.zip
E3M3: Pandemonium 00:22 Marijo "Sedlo" Sedlic 2004-03-20 e3m3-022.zip
E3M4: House of Pain 00:39 Adam Hegyi 1999-11-08 e3m4-039.zip
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral 00:24 Adam Hegyi 1999-09-07 e3m5-024.zip
E3M6: Mt. Erebus (normal exit) 00:49 Thomas "Panter" Pilger 1999-06-21 p3m6-049.zip
E3M6: Mt. Erebus (secret exit) 00:06 Adam Hegyi 1998-10-05 e3m6-006.zip
E3M7: Limbo 00:57 Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore 2002-10-06 e3m7-057.zip
E3M8: Dis 01:07 Steffen "Rini" Udluft 1998-06-01 p3m8-107.zip
E3M9: Warrens 01:37 Radek Pecka 2004-12-21 p3m9-137.zip
E4M1: Hell Beneath 02:50 Vincent Catalaá 2000-01-02 p4m1-250.zip
E4M2: Perfect Hatred (normal exit) 00:17 Jakub "method_man" Razak 2004-02-09 p4m2-017.zip
E4M2: Perfect Hatred (secret exit) 00:22 Adam Williamson 2000-04-14 u4m2s022.zip
E4M3: Sever the Wicked 00:08 Marijo "Sedlo" Sedlic 2002-11-14 u4m3-008.zip
E4M4: Unruly Evil 00:37 Vincent Catalaá 2000-01-18 p4m4-037.zip
E4M5: They Will Repent 00:30 Vaclav "Bolton" Kunes 2001-11-12 p4m5-030.zip
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly 1
E4M7: And Hell Followed 00:12 Jonathan Rimmer 1999-06-07 p4m7-012.zip
E4M8: Unto The Cruel 01:27 Radek Pecka 2004-02-14 p4m8-127.zip
E4M9: Fear 00:09 Marijo "Sedlo" Sedlic 2000-05-16 u4m9-009.zip

Doom II

19 speedrunners hold at least a single UV pacifist record for Doom II. Adam Williamson is most successful with an achievement of five current records.

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: Entryway 00:05 Thomas Pilger (Panter) 1998-10-03 pa01-005.zip
MAP02: Underhalls 1
MAP03: The Gantlet 00:28 Adam Williamson 2003-02-16 pa03-028.zip
MAP04: The Focus 00:37 Adam Williamson 2001-12-23 pa04-037.zip
MAP05: The Waste Tunnels 00:25 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-06-28 pa05-025.zip
MAP06: The Crusher 01:13 Jakub Razák (method_man) 2003-11-28 pa06-113.zip
MAP07: Dead Simple 00:11 JC 2012-10-20 pa07-011.zip
MAP08: Tricks and Traps 00:22 Jonathan Rimmer 2000-04-08 pa08-022.zip
MAP09: The Pit 01:06 Vaclav Kunes (bolton) 2001-10-26 pa09-106.zip
MAP10: Refueling Base 00:28 Vaclav Kunes (bolton) 2001-12-23 pa10-028.zip
MAP11: Circle of Death 00:47 Radek Pecka 2001-10-29 pa11-047.zip
MAP12: The Factory 00:43 Henning Skogstø 2000-05-01 lv12-043.zip
MAP13: Downtown 01:57 Jakub Razák (method_man) 2003-05-05 pa13-157.zip
MAP14: The Inmost Dens 00:20 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-04-29 lv14-020.zip
MAP15: Industrial Zone (normal exit) 02:23 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-02-11 pa15-223.zip
MAP15: Industrial Zone (secret exit) 00:31 Vincent Catalaá 2000-08-18 pa15-031.zip
MAP16: Suburbs 00:11 Adam Hegyi 2001-03-24 pa16-011.zip
MAP17: Tenements 41:33 Looper 2011-01-06 pa174133.zip
MAP18: The Courtyard 00:21 Juho Ruohonen (ocelot) 2004-01-06 lv18-021.zip
MAP19: The Citadel 00:41 Adam Williamson 2000-02-18 pa19-041.zip
MAP20: Gotcha! 00:36 Adam Williamson 2003-03-04 pa20-036.zip
MAP21: Nirvana 00:28 Kim Lundqvist (N.C.) 2003-11-16 pa21-028.zip
MAP22: The Catacombs 01:03 Oyvind Stenhaug 2001-07-30 pa22-103.zip
MAP23: Barrels o' Fun 00:51 Adam Williamson 2000-01-28 pa23-051.zip
MAP24: The Chasm 00:32 Looper 2011-08-20 pa24-032.zip
MAP25: Bloodfalls 00:46 Jaromir Cihak (Jacih) 2000-07-24 pa25-046.zip
MAP26: The Abandoned Mines 11:53 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2008-03-01 pa261153.zip
MAP27: Monster Condo 00:11 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-10-27 lv27-011.zip
MAP28: The Spirit World 00:45 Radek Pecka 2004-01-02 pa28-045.zip
MAP29: The Living End 02:14 SAV88 2007-09-30 pa29-214.zip
MAP30: Icon of Sin 2
MAP31: Wolfenstein (normal exit) 00:29 Looper 2011-02-07 lv31-029.zip
MAP31: Wolfenstein (secret exit) 00:32 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-11-16 lv31s032.zip
MAP32: Grosse 00:23 Radek Pecka 2001-10-23 pa32-023.zip

TNT: Evilution

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: System Control 00:35 David "mr.twister" Ficenec 2004-01-10 ep01-035.zip
MAP02: Human BBQ 01:12 Adam Williamson 2001-12-18 ep02-112.zip
MAP03: Power Control 01:41 Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore 2003-05-11 ep03-141.zip
MAP04: Wormhole 02:17 Xit Vono 2002-11-22 ep04-217.zip
MAP05: Hanger 1
MAP06: Open Season 1
MAP07: Prison 01:34 Xit Vono 2002-10-05 ep07-134.zip
MAP08: Metal 1
MAP09: Stronghold 1
MAP10: Redemption 1
MAP11: Storage Facility 00:21 Xit Vono 2002-11-15 ep11-021.zip
MAP12: Crater 00:39 Juho "ocelot" Ruohonen 2004-01-05 ev12-039.zip
MAP13: Nukage Processing 02:10 Xit Vono 2002-10-05 ep13-210.zip
MAP14: Steel Works 1
MAP15: Dead Zone (normal exit) 00:17 Xit Vono 2002-11-16 ep15-017.zip
MAP15: Dead Zone (secret exit) 00:17 Xit Vono 2002-11-16 ep15s017.zip
MAP16: Deepest Reaches 02:30 Xit Vono 2002-10-06 ep16-230.zip
MAP17: Processing Area 00:35 Vincent Catalaá 2001-11-16 ev17-035.zip
MAP18: Mill 02:06 Xit Vono 2002-12-23 ep18-206.zip
MAP19: Shipping/Respawning 00:54 Adam Williamson 2001-11-29 ep19-054.zip
MAP20: Central Processing 05:29 Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore 2003-04-25 ep20-529.zip
MAP21: Administration Center 03:04 Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore 2003-05-10 ep21-304.zip
MAP22: Habitat 00:17 Marijo "Sedlo" Sedlic 2004-05-01 ev22-017.zip
MAP23: Lunar Mining Project 00:31 Xit Vono 2002-11-15 ev23-031.zip
MAP24: Quarry 00:41 David "mr.twister" Ficenec 2003-08-02 ep24-041.zip
MAP25: Baron's Den 1
MAP26: Ballistyx 1
MAP27: Mount Pain 02:22 Xit Vono 2002-10-05 ep27-222.zip
MAP28: Heck 1
MAP29: River Styx 04:35 Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore 2003-05-12 ep29-435.zip
MAP30: Last Call 02:04 Eugene Kapustin 2003-03-26 ep30-204.zip
MAP31: Pharaoh (normal exit) 00:28 Xit Vono 2003-02-14 ev31-028.zip
MAP31: Pharaoh (secret exit) 00:32 Xit Vono 2003-02-14 ev31s032.zip
MAP32: Caribbean 03:42 Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore 2003-04-26 ep32-342.zip

The Plutonia Experiment

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: Congo 00:11 Marijo "Sedlo" Sedlic 2002-10-15 pl01-011.zip
MAP02: Well of Souls 00:50 Vincent Catalaá 2001-11-12 pl02-050.zip
MAP03: Aztec 01:23 Xit Vono 2002-11-08 pp03-123.zip
MAP04: Caged 00:51 Adam Williamson 2001-12-18 pp04-051.zip
MAP05: Ghost Town 00:41 Xit Vono 2002-08-08 pp05-041.zip
MAP06: Baron's Lair 01:10 Jakub "method_man" Razak 2005-02-26 pp06-110.zip
MAP07: Caughtyard 1
MAP08: Realm 02:39 Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore 2003-03-12 pp08-239.zip
MAP09: Abattoire 01:34 Jakub "method_man" Razak 2005-08-09 pp09-134.zip
MAP10: Onslaught 00:24 Adam Williamson 2001-12-19 pp10-024.zip
MAP11: Hunted 00:49 Marijo "Sedlo" Sedlic 2004-02-05 pl11-049.zip
MAP12: Speed 00:37 Casey Alvis 2003-03-08 pp12-037.zip
MAP13: The Crypt 00:44 Adam Williamson 2002-02-19 pp13-044.zip
MAP14: Genesis 00:25 Adam Williamson 2001-12-26 pp14-025.zip
MAP15: The Twilight (normal exit) 00:28 Adam Williamson 2000-04-09 pp15-028.zip
MAP15: The Twilight (secret exit) 00:28 Adam Williamson 2000-04-09 pp15s028.zip
MAP16: The Omen 00:20 Juho "ocelot" Ruohonen 2001-10-20 pp16-020.zip
MAP17: Compound 00:08 Marijo "Sedlo" Sedlic 2001-12-16 pl17-008.zip
MAP18: Neurosphere 00:14 Adam Williamson 2000-04-08 pp18-014.zip
MAP19: NME 01:48 Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore 2003-03-10 pp19-148.zip
MAP20: The Death Domain 00:43 Adam Williamson 2002-02-19 pl20-043.zip
MAP21: Slayer 00:28 Casey Alvis 2002-09-24 pp21-028.zip
MAP22: Impossible Mission 04:07 Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore 2005-02-28 pp22-407.zip
MAP23: Tombstone 01:39 Adam Williamson 2003-03-08 pp23-139.zip
MAP24: The Final Frontier 00:51 Adam Williamson 2002-02-19 pp24-051.zip
MAP25: The Temple of Darkness 01:50 Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore 2003-03-07 pp25-150.zip
MAP26: Bunker 00:48 Xit Vono 2003-01-14 pl26-048.zip
MAP27: Anti-Christ 00:48 Xit Vono 2003-01-16 pl27-048.zip
MAP28: The Sewers 01:38 Xit Vono 2002-08-04 pl28-138.zip
MAP29: Odyssey of Noises 01:07 Adam Hegyi 2001-06-06 pp29-107.zip
MAP30: The Gateway of Hell 3
MAP31: Cyberden 02:45 Adam Williamson 2003-03-26 pp31-245.zip
MAP32: Go 2 It 01:28 Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore 2003-04-17 pp32-128.zip
  1. Uncompleted as of the most recent Compet-N database update.
  2. The design of this map prevents its completion in the UV pacifist style.
  3. Although Compet-N maintains a UV pacifist competition for this level, its design prevents its completion using the above listed restrictions.