From Warning: You are not logged in. Your IP address will be recorded in this page's edit history. Anti-spam check. Do not fill this in! ==Doomednums== {| {{prettytable}} |- ! Ordinal !! Doomednum |- |MT_PLAYERBOT1||3008 |- |MT_PLAYERBOT2||3009 |- |MT_PLAYERBOT3||3010 |- |MT_DEMON1||3002 |- |MT_DEMON2||58 |- |MT_MANCUBUS||67 |- |MT_POSSESSED1||3004 |- |MT_POSSESSED2||9 |- |MT_IMP1||3001 |- |MT_IMP2||3007 |- |MT_CACODEMON||3005 |- |MT_BRUISER1||3003 |- |MT_BRUISER2||69 |- |MT_SKULL||3006 |- |MT_BABY||68 |- |MT_CYBORG||16 |- |MT_CYBORG_TITLE||3014 |- |MT_PAIN||71 |- |MT_RESURRECTOR||3013 |- |MT_CAMERA||0 |- |MT_DEST_TELEPORT||14 |- |MT_DEST_PROJECTILE||2050 |- |MT_FAKEITEM||89 |- |MT_LASERMARKER||90 |- |MT_GIB_CRUSHED||24 |- |MT_ITEM_ARMOR1||2018 |- |MT_ITEM_ARMOR2||2019 |- |MT_ITEM_BONUSHEALTH||2014 |- |MT_ITEM_BONUSARMOR||2015 |- |MT_ITEM_BLUECARDKEY||5 |- |MT_ITEM_REDCARDKEY||13 |- |MT_ITEM_YELLOWCARDKEY||6 |- |MT_ITEM_YELLOWSKULLKEY||39 |- |MT_ITEM_REDSKULLKEY||38 |- |MT_ITEM_BLUESKULLKEY||40 |- |MT_ITEM_ARTIFACT1||1042 |- |MT_ITEM_ARTIFACT2||1043 |- |MT_ITEM_ARTIFACT3||1044 |- |MT_ITEM_STIMPACK||2011 |- |MT_ITEM_MEDKIT||2012 |- |MT_ITEM_SOULSPHERE||2013 |- |MT_ITEM_INVULSPHERE||2022 |- |MT_ITEM_BERSERK||2023 |- |MT_ITEM_INVISSPHERE||2024 |- |MT_ITEM_RADSPHERE||2025 |- |MT_ITEM_AUTOMAP||2026 |- |MT_ITEM_PVIS||2045 |- |MT_ITEM_MEGASPHERE||83 |- |MT_AMMO_CLIP||2007 |- |MT_AMMO_CLIPBOX||2048 |- |MT_AMMO_ROCKET||2010 |- |MT_AMMO_ROCKETBOX||2046 |- |MT_AMMO_CELL||2047 |- |MT_AMMO_CELLPACK||17 |- |MT_AMMO_SHELL||2008 |- |MT_AMMO_SHELLBOX||2049 |- |MT_AMMO_BACKPACK||8 |- |MT_WEAP_BFG||2006 |- |MT_WEAP_CHAINSAW||2005 |- |MT_WEAP_CHAINGUN||2002 |- |MT_WEAP_LAUNCHER||2003 |- |MT_WEAP_PLASMA||2004 |- |MT_WEAP_SHOTGUN||2001 |- |MT_WEAP_SSHOTGUN||82 |- |MT_WEAP_LCARBINE||84 |- |MT_PROP_FIRE||2051 |- |MT_PROP_CANDLE||34 |- |MT_PROP_BARREL||1001 |- |MT_PROP_TECHLAMP1||1015 |- |MT_PROP_TECHLAMP2||1016 |- |MT_PROP_TORCHBLUE||1003 |- |MT_PROP_TORCHYELLOW||1039 |- |MT_PROP_TORCHRED||1025 |- |MT_PROP_POLEBASELONG||1050 |- |MT_PROP_POLEBASESHORT||1051 |- |MT_PROP_FIREBLUE||1033 |- |MT_PROP_FIRERED||1034 |- |MT_PROP_FIREYELLOW||1035 |- |MT_GIB_MEATSTICK||1005 |- |MT_GIB_MEATHANG||1006 |- |MT_GIB_TORSOHANG||1007 |- |MT_GIB_RIBFLOOR||1008 |- |MT_GIB_TWITCHFLOOR||1009 |- |MT_GIB_BLOODPOOL||1010 |- |MT_GIB_BONEFLOOR||1011 |- |MT_GIB_MEATRIBFLOOR||1012 |- |MT_GIB_MEATRIBCAGE||1013 |- |MT_GIB_CHAINHOOK||1014 |- |MT_GIB_HANGCAGE||1017 |- |MT_GIB_CHAINPINSER||1018 |- |MT_GIB_CHAINARM||1019 |- |MT_GIB_HANGMACE1||1020 |- |MT_GIB_HEADSTICK1||1022 |- |MT_GIB_HEADSTICK2||1023 |- |MT_GIB_DOUBLEMEATSTICK||1024 |- |MT_PROP_STATUE1||1028 |- |MT_PROP_STATUE2||1029 |- |MT_PROP_TECHPOLELONG||1031 |- |MT_PROP_TECHPOLESHORT||1032 |- |MT_PROP_TREESTUMPSMALL||1036 |- |MT_PROP_TREESTUMPLARGE||1037 |- |MT_PROP_TREE||1038 |- |MT_PROP_BLOODYPOLE||1045 |- |MT_GIB_HANGMACE2||1046 |- |MT_GIB_HANGWHITEMEAT||1047 |- |MT_GIB_HANGHEAD||1048 |- |MT_GIB_HANGRIB||1049 |} ==Map structures== <pre style="display: block; width: auto; height: auto; max-height: none; border: none;"><nowiki> struct maplights_t { byte r; byte g; byte b; byte a; int16_t tag; }; struct mapsidedef_t { int16_t textureoffset; int16_t rowoffset; uint16_t toptexture; uint16_t bottomtexture; uint16_t midtexture; int16_t sector; }; struct maplinedef_t { uint16_t v1; uint16_t v2; int flags; int16_t special; int16_t tag; uint16_t sidenum[2]; }; // Line flags #define ML_BLOCKING 1 // Solid, is an obstacle. #define ML_BLOCKMONSTERS 2 // Blocks monsters only. #define ML_TWOSIDED 4 // Backside will not be present at all if not two sided. #define ML_DONTPEGTOP 8 // upper texture unpegged #define ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM 16 // lower texture unpegged #define ML_SECRET 32 // In AutoMap: don't map as two sided: IT'S A SECRET! #define ML_SOUNDBLOCK 64 // Sound rendering: don't let sound cross two of these. #define ML_DONTDRAW 128 // Don't draw on the automap at all. #define ML_MAPPED 256 // Set if already seen, thus drawn in automap. #define ML_DRAWMASKED 0x200 // Draw middle texture on sidedef #define ML_DONTOCCLUDE 0x400 // Don't add to occlusion buffer #define ML_BLOCKPROJECTILES 0x800 // blocks projectiles #define ML_THINGTRIGGER 0x1000 // Line is triggered by dead thing (flagged as ondeathtrigger) #define ML_SWITCHX02 0x2000 // Switch flag 1 #define ML_SWITCHX04 0x4000 // Switch flag 2 #define ML_SWITCHX08 0x8000 // Switch flag 3 #define ML_CHECKFLOORHEIGHT 0x10000 // if true then check the switch's floor height, else use the ceiling height #define ML_SCROLLRIGHT 0x20000 // scroll texture to the right #define ML_SCROLLLEFT 0x40000 // scroll texture to the left #define ML_SCROLLUP 0x80000 // scroll texture up #define ML_SCROLLDOWN 0x100000 // scroll texture down #define ML_BLENDFULLTOP 0x200000 // do not extend blending for top texture #define ML_BLENDFULLBOTTOM 0x400000 // do not extend blending for bottom texture #define ML_BLENDING 0x800000 // use sector color blending (top/lower, ceiling, floor colors). #define ML_TRIGGERFRONT 0x1000000 // can only trigger from the front of the line #define ML_HIDEAUTOMAPTRIGGER 0x2000000 // don't display as yellow line special in automap #define ML_INVERSEBLEND 0x4000000 // reverse the blending of the sector colors #define ML_UNKNOWN8000000 0x8000000 // reserved #define ML_UNKNOWN10000000 0x10000000 // reserved #define ML_UNKNOWN20000000 0x20000000 // reserved #define ML_HMIRROR 0x40000000 // horizontal mirror the texture #define ML_VMIRROR 0x80000000 // vertical mirror the texture // Special attributes #define MLU_MACRO 0x100 // line is set to be used as a macro #define MLU_RED 0x200 // requires red key #define MLU_BLUE 0x400 // requires blue key #define MLU_YELLOW 0x800 // requires yellow key #define MLU_CROSS 0x1000 // must cross to trigger #define MLU_SHOOT 0x2000 // must shoot the line to trigger #define MLU_USE 0x4000 // must press use on the line to trigger #define MLU_REPEAT 0x8000 // line can be reactivated again // Sector light indices enum { LIGHT_FLOOR, LIGHT_CEILING, LIGHT_THING, LIGHT_UPRWALL, LIGHT_LWRWALL }; struct mapsector_t { int16_t floorheight; int16_t ceilingheight; uint16_t floorpic; uint16_t ceilingpic; uint16_t colors[5]; int16_t special; int16_t tag; uint16_t flags; }; // Sector flags #define MS_REVERB 1 // sounds are echoed in this sector #define MS_REVERBHEAVY 2 // heavier echo effect #define MS_LIQUIDFLOOR 4 // water effect (blitting two flats together) #define MS_SYNCSPECIALS 8 // sync light special with multiple sectors #define MS_SCROLLFAST 16 // faster ceiling/floor scrolling #define MS_SECRET 32 // count secret when entering and display message #define MS_DAMAGEX5 64 // damage player x5 #define MS_DAMAGEX10 128 // damage player x10 #define MS_DAMAGEX20 256 // damage player x20 #define MS_HIDESSECTOR 512 // hide subsectors in automap (textured mode) #define MS_SCROLLCEILING 1024 // enable ceiling scrolling #define MS_SCROLLFLOOR 2048 // enable floor scrolling #define MS_SCROLLLEFT 4096 // scroll flat to the left #define MS_SCROLLRIGHT 8192 // scroll flat to the right #define MS_SCROLLUP 16384 // scroll flat to the north #define MS_SCROLLDOWN 32768 // scroll flat to the south // Thing flags // Skill flags. #define MTF_EASY 1 #define MTF_NORMAL 2 #define MTF_HARD 4 #define MTF_AMBUSH 8 // Deaf monsters/do not react to sound. #define MTF_MULTI 16 // Multiplayer specific #define MTF_SPAWN 32 // Don't spawn until triggered in level #define MTF_ONTOUCH 64 // Trigger something when picked up #define MTF_ONDEATH 128 // Trigger something when killed #define MTF_SECRET 256 // Count as secret for intermission when picked up #define MTF_NOINFIGHTING 512 // Ignore other attackers #define MTF_NODEATHMATCH 1024 // Don't spawn in deathmatch games #define MTF_NONETGAME 2048 // Don't spawn in standard netgame mode (coop) #define MTF_NIGHTMARE 4096 // [kex] Nightmare thing struct mapthing_t { int16_t x; int16_t y; int16_t z; int16_t angle; int16_t type; int16_t options; int16_t tid; }; </nowiki></pre> Summary: All contributions to are considered to be released under the CC BY-SA 4.0 International (see Doom Wiki:Copyrights for details). 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