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ZanZan is a total conversion for Doom 2 requiring an older version of ZDoomGL to run, because of the use of custom MD2s being used in the TC. This TC was created by Edmundo Bordeu.

The players take control of ZanZan, a creature with a face with many eyes, a long arm with a large claw at the end, and floating as his means of locomotion. He sees the Earth as being an evil place and wants to destroy the planet. While he was sleeping for one year, Koocayam had already started a campaign against him. After an unknown event where the ZanZan awakes and the Avedusa collapses, ZanZan discovers he is no longer immortal. Not understanding why this happens, ZanZan vows to find out what happened to his immortality, and find out what exactly is going on.

The total conversion is very short, with only three playable levels, but it has some replay, as there is more than one ending to get depending on the player's actions throughout the game. There are a few weapons, but how they're done is marvelous. Weapons such as the Fire Orb and Holy Blade work very differently than how weapons from other TCs do. The enemies and scenery are well done too, as they are all in the form of MD2 models used by ZDoomGL.

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