
From DoomWiki.org

30nm1244 is a complete tool-assisted speedrun through Doom II on Nightmare! in 12 minutes, 44 seconds. It was released on January 3, 2019 by Zero-Master.[1] It was the first complete Doom II run to beat 30uv1402 (the Ultra-Violence run by RamboBones in 2006), and remained the fastest run until 30uvx942 in 2022.

Like the latter, this was accomplished by entering the input for each tic manually via XDRE, and by applying many new tricks that were discovered in the intervening years, including void glides in MAP23 and MAP28. It is however billed as a "low effort TAS" and does not optimize movement down to the last tic, and it also skips both secret levels. The total running time, including intermission screens, is 13:33.51 (28,473 tics).

Level breakdown[edit]

Level Time Exact
Kills Items Secrets Par
MAP01: Entryway 0:04 0:04.94 7% 0% 0% 0:30
MAP02: Underhalls 0:17 0:17.63 36% 0% 0% 1:30
MAP03: The Gantlet 0:17 0:17.91 19% 11% 100% 2:00
MAP04: The Focus 0:21 0:21.80 47% 38% 0% 2:00
MAP05: The Waste Tunnels 0:20 0:20.89 11% 33% 0% 1:30
MAP06: The Crusher 0:46 0:46.46 32% 5% 33% 2:30
MAP07: Dead Simple 0:02 0:02.97 0% 0% 100% 2:00
MAP08: Tricks and Traps 0:14 0:14.89 3% 40% 0% 2:00
MAP09: The Pit 0:34 0:34.94 9% 14% 0% 4:30
MAP10: Refueling Base 0:24 0:24.94 15% 18% 5% 1:30
Episode 1 3:19 3:27.37 17.9% 15.9% 23.8% 20:00
MAP11: Circle of Death 0:29 0:29.83 22% 4% 0% 3:30
MAP12: The Factory 0:36 0:36.77 1% 20% 0% 2:30
MAP13: Downtown 0:56 0:56.77 20% 11% 25% 2:30
MAP14: The Inmost Dens 0:08 0:08.94 8% 0% 100% 2:30
MAP15: Industrial Zone 0:42 0:42.89 33% 12% 0% 3:30
MAP16: Suburbs 0:10 0:10.97 1% 0% 0% 2:30
MAP17: Tenements 0:47 0:47.97 30% 15% 0% 7:00
MAP18: The Courtyard 0:20 0:20.91 3% 15% 0% 2:30
MAP19: The Citadel 0:29 0:29.49 1% 10% 11% 3:30
MAP20: Gotcha! 0:32 0:32.89 19% 4% 14% 2:30
Episode 2 5:09 5:17.43 13.8% 9.1% 15.0% 35:00
MAP21: Nirvana 0:04 0:04.49 3% 27% 100% 4:00
MAP22: The Catacombs 0:14 0:14.37 44% 14% 100% 2:30
MAP23: Barrels o' Fun 0:23 0:23.97 26% 9% 0% 3:00
MAP24: The Chasm 0:30 0:30.37 5% 0% 0% 2:30
MAP25: Bloodfalls 0:40 0:40.51 65% 0% 0% 2:30
MAP26: The Abandoned Mines 0:36 0:36.80 40% 13% 25% 5:00
MAP27: Monster Condo 0:14 0:14.71 0% 3% 0% 5:30
MAP28: The Spirit World 0:12 0:12.94 2% 0% 0% 7:00
MAP29: The Living End 1:04 1:04.97 28% 88% 100% 5:00
MAP30: Icon of Sin 0:19 0:19.51 100% 16% 100% 3:00
Episode 3 4:16 4:22.64 31.3% 17.0% 42.5% 40:00
TOTAL 12:44 13:07.44 21.0% 14.0% 27.1% 95:00

* Listed in 30nm1244.txt

External links[edit]


  1. Zero-Master (3 January 2019). 30nm1244 (TAS). Doomworld forums. Retrieved 13 January 2025.