32in24-15: DWANGO Unchained

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32in24-15: DWANGO Unchained
Title screen
Authors Various (YEDS)
Port Boom-compatible
Year 2015
Link Doomworld/idgames

32in24-15: DWANGO Unchained is the fifteenth edition of the 32in24 series of PWADs, in which a 24-hour mapping session is held with the aim of creating 32-level megawad of multiplayer maps. This time the maps were designed for standard FFA deathmatch. The theme of the WAD this time was cinema, with every map referencing a film in its title, and the WAD subtitle itself is a play on Django Unchained and DWANGO. The cinema theme was dropped into the maps via large billboards made in the days following the session, which themselves were spoofs of movie posters. 30 billboards are included in the WAD, including the "blank" placeholder used by mappers before the compilers of the final WAD added the finished billboards to the maps.

The session was held on 13 December, 2015. Feedback was gathered in the following days, and a second 24-hour session took place a week later for polishing the maps. This session saw a huge turnout with 53 maps submitted to the project, the highest of all 32in24 sessions, as of April 2017. For the first time, the project was split into two files. The main WAD contains 33 maps, including an attempted post-deadline update to an existing map. The second WAD, labelled as the "uncut edition," contains another 21 maps in slots MAP34-54, and should be loaded with the main WAD.

After a month of continuous updates, the WAD was uploaded to the /idgames archive on 23 January, 2016. It was well received, though some players noted a step down in quality from the thirteenth and fourteenth editions.



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