
The ANIMATED lump is a Boom feature for defining additional animated walls and flats. Although some modern editors such as SLADE 3 allow to create and edit this lump directly in binary form, the original method devised by TeamTNT involved creating a text file and converting it with a small utility called swantbls (switch and animation tables). ANIMATED lumps are supported by all Boom compatible ports, Crispy Doom (as of version 3.3) and Doomsday.

ANIMATED lumps are not cumulative, only the last one loaded will be used.


The ANIMATED lump makes the names of the animated flats and textures known to the engine. It consists of a list of records, each 23 bytes long, terminated by a record (not used) whose first byte is -1 (255). The terminating record does not need to be complete and may be only the first byte; the rest will be ignored.

Length Description
1 byte 255 to terminate list, 0 if a flat, 1 if a wall texture. ZDoom also uses the value 3 to mark a wall texture allowing decals.
9 bytes Null-terminated string naming last texture/flat in animation.
9 bytes Null-terminated string naming first texture/flat in animation.
4 bytes Animation speed, number of tics between animation changes (little-endian). SMMU and the Eternity Engine use a speed value of 65536 or greater to define warping textures. This feature is also supported by ZDoom.

Swantbls syntax[edit]

The swantbls tool converts a plain text file into an ANIMATED and SWITCHES lump. The format of the plain text file prior to conversion is as follows (quoth defswani.dat):

# This file is input for SWANTBLS.EXE, it specifies the switchnames
# and animated textures and flats usable with BOOM. The output of
# SWANTBLS is two lumps, SWITCHES.LMP and ANIMATED.LMP that should
# be inserted in the PWAD as lumps.
#switches usable with each IWAD, 1=SW, 2=registered DOOM, 3=DOOM2
#epi    texture1        texture2
1       SW1BRCOM        SW2BRCOM
#animated flats, spd is number of frames between changes
#spd    last        first
8       NUKAGE3     NUKAGE1
#animated textures, spd is number of frames between changes
#spd    last        first
8       BLODGR4     BLODGR1

See also[edit]

External links[edit]