A BrainExplode

From DoomWiki.org

Wall of explosions spawned across the face of the Icon of Sin through A_BrainExplode during the death animation of Romero's head.

A_BrainExplode is a code pointer used in the death animation for the Romero's head.

A_BrainExplode spawns a rocket explosion effect near the thing that triggered the function, and sets the state of that thing to S_BRAINEXPLODE1 (frame #799). Since this is followed after two frames by S_BRAINEXPLODE3 which again calls A_BrainExplode, the result is a continually exploding wall effect that completes until the boss brain object calls A_BrainDie that triggers the level exit.


The A_BrainExplode code pointer appears in the following states in Doom's state table:


The following is an example of how to set the A_BrainExplode code pointer in a DeHackEd file:

Pointer 21 (Frame 34)
Codep Frame = 801

Or using BEX syntax:

Frame 1234 = BrainExplode

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