
From DoomWiki.org

Chaingunner attacking the player in MAP03. A_CPosAttack in his attack sequence is the code pointer that inflicts damage.

A_CPosAttack is a code pointer used in the attack animation for the Wolfenstein SS and heavy weapon dude.

The logic in A_CPosAttack is identical to A_PosAttack used in the zombieman's pistol attack; the only difference being that the DSSHOTGN sound effect is played (presumably to make the chaingunner's weapon sound more intense). The two code pointers can be swapped without changing any gameplay behavior other than the sound effect.


The A_CPosAttack code pointer appears in the following states in Doom's state table:


The following is an example of how to set the A_CPosAttack code pointer in a DeHackEd file:

Pointer 21 (Frame 34)
Codep Frame = 740

Or using BEX syntax:

Frame 1234 = CPosAttack

Code structure[edit]

The code structure for A_CPosAttack is almost identical to that of A_PosAttack.

External links[edit]