

The player's first battle in Strife: two Acolytes

Acolytes are enemies from the game Strife. They are soldiers of The Order. They are dressed in full body armor, varying in color, which covers a mostly cybernetic body. Acolytes are armed with assault rifles, and most of them drop a bullet clip when killed. They usually attack only if the alarm is active, and the player can even talk to them while they are on stand-by, although most acolytes are temperamental and will rudely brush the player off.

Some acolytes are dressed in shadow armor and are called shadow acolytes. They are translucent, but other than this are no different from ordinary acolytes. Most acolytes have 70 hit points (the same as a heavy weapon dude), except for the light green and blue acolytes, which have 60.

According to Macil the main platoon of acolytes are controlled by a single program, created by the Programmer. This is why the player must eventually face him in the first part of the game. Acolytes are created by a machine known as the "Convertor". It is found inside the Factory near the commons.

In the Loremaster's lab, you can find a hall full of Becoming Acolytes. These are subjects of the order partially converted into acolytes, propped up by their restrains and hooked up to wires. They wear tan uniforms without the helmet. They can be killed, though shooting at them will alert a large contingent of fully-fledged acolytes.

Acolytes are somewhat unique in that they will react to seeing nearby comrades killed by the punch dagger by attacking the player, even if the alarm is not active. The acolytes must be in the same sector for this to happen. Templars also react in this fashion.


  • There is a discrepancy between the acolyte's world sprites and their conversation sprites. In the world sprites, the acolyte is depicted with one red eye. In the conversation sprites, however, they are shown with two red eyes.
  • Three varieties of acolyte have different colored emblems on their shield. They are gold (with tan), the unused light green (with dark gray), and blue (with red).

Acolyte actors[edit]

There are nine different acolyte actors with mostly identical properties. These exist so that multiple conversation IDs can be used in dialogue scripts, allowing for a variety of characters with the same appearance to co-exist on the same levels.

Type DoomEd number Enum Conversation ID Special properties Notable uses
Tan 3002 (decimal), BBA (hex) MT_GUARD1 (53) 53 Sewer duty
Red 142 (decimal), 8E (hex) MT_GUARD2 (54) 54 Door guards, Temple Guards, Foreman (MAP04), Bailey Guard, Order Sergeant (MAP32)
Rust 143 (decimal), 8F (hex) MT_GUARD3 (55) 55 Body guards, Foreman (MAP15), Prison Guard, Watchman
Gray 146 (decimal), 92 (hex) MT_GUARD4 (56) 56 Reactor Guard, Sergeant
Dark green 147 (decimal), 93 (hex) MT_GUARD5 (57) 57 Sewer Guard, Overseer, Warehouse Guard (MAP17)
Gold 148 (decimal), 94 (hex) MT_GUARD6 (58) 58 Body guards, Core Guard, Warehouse Guard (MAP18)
Light green 232 (decimal), E8 (hex) MT_GUARD7 (59) 59 60 hit points, does not drop bullet clip unused
Blue 231 (decimal), E7 (hex) MT_GUARD8 (60) 60 60 hit points, does not drop bullet clip Scanning Crew
Shadow 58 (decimal), 3A (hex) MT_SHADOWGUARD (61) 61 Translucent none


These statistics reflect the base characteristics of the majority of acolyte actor types. Deviations for specific types were noted above. Note that bit flags 28 through 30 are added to change the color translation appropriately (the base color of the peasant without any color swap bit flags applied is tan).

  1. A disintegration death is caused by the mauler's primary and secondary attacks, the templar's mauler hitscan attack, and the sentinel's laser attack.
  2. A burning death is invoked by the flamethrower, the flames of phosphorous grenades, and the crusader's flamethrower attack.

Appearance statistics[edit]

In the IWAD acolytes exist in eight colors, but in many maps they have roles as minor characters with specific names, which are used in the things tables on the pertaining map pages. Below are the raw statistics of the unnamed enemies.

Acolytes are first encountered on these maps per skill level:

Color 1-2 3 4-5
Blue MAP02: Town MAP02: Town MAP02: Town
Dark green MAP02: Town MAP02: Town MAP02: Town
Gold MAP02: Town MAP02: Town MAP02: Town
Gray MAP02: Town MAP02: Town MAP02: Town
Light green - - -
Red MAP01: Sanctuary MAP01: Sanctuary MAP01: Sanctuary
Rust MAP02: Town MAP02: Town MAP02: Town
Tan MAP01: Sanctuary MAP01: Sanctuary MAP01: Sanctuary

The IWAD contains the following numbers of acolytes per skill level:

Color 1-2 3 4-5
Blue 5 7 9
Dark green 13 19 18
Gold 108 114 114
Gray 15 17 21
Light green 0 0 0
Red 15 16 16
Rust 22 23 23
Tan 340 440 514

The shadow and becoming acolytes are first encountered on these maps per skill level:

Game 1-2 3 4-5
Shadow MAP04: Power Station MAP02: Town MAP02: Town
Becoming MAP27: The Lab MAP27: The Lab MAP27: The Lab

The IWAD contains the following numbers of shadow and becoming acolytes:

Game 1-2 3 4-5
Shadow 151 172 178
Becoming 56 56 56


  • The acolyte's sprites are based on those used for the zombieman in Doom and Doom II (note the posing on the walk cycle and firing frames). Notably, the acolyte's right-facing sprites are based on the expanded rotation frames from the 2015 Doom source data release.
Monsters from Strife
Order minions: AcolyteCeiling turretCrusaderInquisitorReaverSentinelStalkerTemplar
Bosses: BishopEntityLoremasterProgrammerSpectre
Characters: BeggarMacilMerchantOraclePeasantRebel