

An armor can be found on a shelf in MAP01: Congo of The Plutonia Experiment.
An armor found in a secret room in Doom 64 MAP01: Staging Area

The standard armor (known as security armor in the manuals) is an item that appears in the Doom games as a bright green military vest, similar to the one worn by the player sprite. When collected, it increases the player's armor percentage to 100. It cannot be collected if the player already has at least 100 percent armor. When an armor is obtained, the game displays a HUD message: picked up the armor. According to the manual, it is a light kevlar vest.

The armor will absorb one third (1/3) of all damage received, rounded down, until it is fully depleted. The blue megaarmor, by contrast, absorbs half (1/2) of damage received.

This item is not counted in the items percentage displayed at the end of each level.


Armor data
Thing type 2018 (decimal), 7E2 (hex)
Enum MT_MISC0 (43) - Doom
MT_ITEM_ARMOR1 (47) - Doom 64
Appears in Shareware Doom
Doom/Ultimate Doom
Doom II/Final Doom
Doom 64/Lost Levels
Radius 20
Height 16
Sprite ARM1
Frames 2 [AB]
Class Item
Flags 1 (decimal)
00000001 (hex)
Flags list 0: Can be picked up

Appearance statistics[edit]

In the IWADs the armor is first encountered on these maps per skill level:

The IWADs contain the following numbers of armors per skill level:

Other games[edit]

In Doom RPG, the armor is called a flak jacket. It increases the player's armor rating by 25 units.