Blood Maykr


The blood Maykr charges up its energy in this capture from the teaser trailer.

The blood Maykr is an enemy introduced in The Ancient Gods, Part One, the first downloadable content expansion for Doom Eternal. It is a Maykr angel corrupted by the influence of Hell.[1] It is able to fly like a Maykr drone and can fire a stream of projectiles from its staff, as well as throw the staff like a javelin and fire cross-shaped beams from its body.

Unlike the previously seen Maykrs, its face is exposed and it wears a helmet that resembles a set of demonic horns. It somewhat resembles a smaller version of the Khan Maykr in several respects, especially in the shape of its head and the presence of wings.

Tactical analysis[edit]

The Blood Maykr is normally protected by a gold shield, much like the Khan Maykr; while this shield is deployed its weak point—the head—is protected. The shield only lowers when the Blood Maykr is about to use its most powerful attacks, signified by it either assuming a cruciform pose or flying upwards and preparing to throw its staff—just like a Maykr drone, hitting the head with the combat shotgun's Sticky Bombs, the ballista, or the heavy cannon's Precision Bolt will kill it instantly and produce a shower of ammo drops. A Blood Maykr can be killed with shots to its body, but this requires much more firepower.

If the Blood Maykr is not killed during this window, it will use its power attacks after a couple of seconds. When in the cruciform pose it will fire a single cross-shaped beam straight forward followed by two more beams in an outward cone to hit players that dodge to the side; if it flies into the air it will throw its staff at the player's position three times, leaving behind an electrified area that damages and slows the player if they walk into it. When the shield is up, the Blood Maykr can fire streams of gold projectiles from its staff and slam the staff into the ground for a melee attack.

The gold shield can also be temporarily disabled with a BFG shot, making the Blood Makyr defenseless; however, the rarity of the weapon's ammo means that strategy should only be used in the worst circumstances.

Should a Blood Maykr be possessed by a spirit, it will gain the speed bonus of other possessed monsters, but can still be instantly killed with a headshot while its shield is down.


When the Icon of Sin was awakened within Urdak, many Maykr angels were corrupted by its will. The Blood Maykrs are said to have hellfire coursing through their veins, with their minds shattered by the Icon's wrath. They move freely among the demons while wreaking havoc on their former home. They retain the spears they carried as loyal servants of Urdak, which they can hurl with the force of a thunderbolt.

Glory kills[edit]

The following glory kills against the Blood Maykr exist:[2]

  • The Doom Slayer punches the Blood Maykr, pulls away its staff, and impales it through the mouth with it.
  • The Slayer kicks the Blood Maykr's wings off and decapitates it with the Doomblade when it turns around.
  • The Slayer lands on the Blood Maykr's chest and stomps on its head.
  • The Slayer lands on the Blood Maykr's back and stomps on its head when it looks at him.
  • The berserk Slayer lands on the Blood Maykr's chest and simultaneously crushes its head with his foot.
  • The Slayer uses the chainsaw from the front digging into the Blood Maykr's neck which, while sawing, gushes with blood, and it writhes in pain until its head falls from its body.
  • The Slayer uses the chainsaw from behind, sawing the Blood Maykr's waist into upper and lower parts.
  • The Slayer (from either in front or behind) slices the Blood Maykr's waist into upper and lower halves with the Crucible.


  1. Hugo Martin and Marty Stratton (28 August 2020). "The Doom Eternal DLC will deliver 'what people wanted' – plus more Marauders." PCGamesN. Retrieved 28 August 2020.
  2. GameCompareCentral (2 August 2023). "DOOM Eternal All Glory Kills & Finishers." YouTube. Retrieved 30 June 2024.