

Title screen
Authors Amaruq Wulfe
Port Limit-removing
Year 2024
Link Doomworld/idgames
A screenshot from Map 02, showcasing the WAD's gothic themes as well as the newly added assault rifle.

Bloodsport, initially released on June 1, 2024, is a 6 level WAD designed exclusively for multiplayer deathmatch play. It was authored by Amaruq Wulfe, a project which took him 4 months to complete. The maps follow a theme of Industrial and Gothic design elements, inspired by megawads such as GothicDM and Eternal Doom. The WAD makes extensive use of DEHEXTRA to add new decorative objects and modify the functionality of the base weapons, such as increasing the chaingun's rate of fire, or replacing them entirely, as in the case of the pistol. The soundtrack was taken from Nine Inch Nails Doom Wad, which as the name implies, uses MIDI renditions of Nine Inch Nails songs.

A different build was created by elf-alchemist to replace DEHEXTRA with DECORATE, making it compatible with ZDoom based multiplayer ports, such as Zandronum.



  • MAP01: Twilight of the Idols
  • MAP02: The Divine Apotheosis
  • MAP03: Timeless Resonance
  • MAP04: Temple of Sorrows
  • MAP05: Persistence of the Past
  • MAP06: Valley of Angels

While a 7th map is also present, it's sole purpose is to provide special thanks to those whose assets were used in the WAD or people who helped playtest it.

Built-in demos[edit]

This WAD features three built-in demos showing deathmatch gameplay. These demos demonstrate the maps as well as the altered weapon behavior. The demo levels are:

Demo Level Skill Tics Length
DEMO1 DEMO1: MAP01: Twilight of the Idols 2-player deathmatch 8190.25 1:00.00
DEMO2 DEMO2: MAP05: Persistence of the Past 2-player deathmatch 8190.25 1:00.00
DEMO3 MAP06: Valley of Angels 2-player deathmatch 8190.25 1:00.00


The WAD follows a story, which can be viewed by hitting the F1 key:

Two years have come to pass since the U.A.C. disaster occurred, which left their research and military bases on Phobos in shambles with all of the personnel killed, and Deimos lost completely; its teleportation technology used by the demons to slingshot a full-scale invasion on Earth.

Since then, U.A.C. has been reformed, re-establishing their facilities on the moons of Jupiter this time, with their research division based on Callisto and their military bases and facilities on Europa. With the data collected from the invasion, the research team has prepared a virtual training program to help marines at stand-by on Europa familiarize themselves with combat tactics and firearms, a project that has been dubbed "Operation Skulltag".

In this training course, marines are put into a simulation, which transports their virtual likings, known as "icons" by the research team into a set of six arenas designed specifically to represent hellish architecture. Marines can engage with each other in these virtualized skirmishes with other marines to improve their tactics, or alternatively, a lone marine is able to practice against computer-based opponents controlled by a central mainframe, with their AI tailored specifically to mimic almost human-like behavior in combat. The research team are in high hopes to see the results of how much this course affect a marine's capabilities, and that they'll be able to withstand against the forces of darkness in case another invasion breaks out in the future.

External links[edit]