Bury My Heart Knee Deep

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Bury My Heart Knee Deep
Title screen
Author scwiba
Port Vanilla Doom
Year 2018
Link Doomworld/idgames
This level occupies the map slot MAP01. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:MAP01.
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Bury My Heart Knee Deep is a single-level PWAD for Doom II that was released on December 27, 2018 by scwiba. The map is built utilizing the look and feel of a Knee-Deep in the Dead map, but utilizes a unique gameplay style influenced by the Metroid series, featuring non-linearity and multiple ways of completing the map. It uses the music track "The Imp's Song" by Robert Prince, from Doom.

In 2024, Bury My Heart Knee Deep was included in the Missed Cacowards 2.


Map of Bury My Heart Knee Deep
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


Other points of interest[edit]


  1. Head south from the start, then to the east hall, but quickly run west to an opening where you can head south to get a green armor. (sector 16)
  2. At the south end of the starting area, head southeast and towards a column to the east. A switch is behind the column. Press it to lower a shotgun (not on Ultra-Violence or higher) and shotgun shells. (sector 130)
  3. At the zigzag bridge of the starting area, take the lift up, then jump to the east side and use the tan wall to the east to find armor bonuses and a chaingun. (sector 247)
  4. In the labs, enter the dark room to the south. Use a lift at the northwest end, then head south, east, north slightly, east slightly, then jump southeast. Head east slightly, then north and use the lift. Ride it up and run south, then to the lit portion to get a megaarmor. (sector 1000)
  5. You will see a rocket icon on the ground in Secret #4. Fire a rocket east. This will let you get the box of rockets to the south. (sector 1196)
  6. Drop east of Secret #4 and head east, then north. You will see another rocket icon pointing east. Shoot a rocket there to access the box of ammo and box of shotgun shells. (sector 1517)
  7. Head northwest of Secret #6 and find a switch which unlocks the light amplification visors. (sector 1187)
  8. At the northeast end, go to the Depot entrance and to the north of it is a rocket icon. Shoot south and you can get the megaarmor and health bonus. (sector 395)
  9. In the same area, head south, then lower the east lift. Go to the green wall to the south and use it. Leave and head back to the southeast part of this area to see a large lift. Use another green wall to the southwest to open the wall above it, then lower the lift and go south to get a medikit, two stimpacks (only on Ultra-Violence or higher), and partial invisibility. (sector 352)
  10. Going to the first green wall mentioned above and head west into the compartment. Open the gray wall there and head west to get a rocket, a stimpack, and a medikit. (sector 419)
  11. At the dark room at the northwest end of the labs, you need to flip two switches to lower two sets of walls, then shoot three buttons on the north wall that have moving walls in front of them. Shooting the three buttons opens the way west. (sector 1335)
  12. Head west from Secret #11 and shoot another rocket into the opening to get two boxes of ammo. (sector 970)
  13. In the north maze, raise the central area, then lower it and shoot either the north or south sides of the central block to enter it. Inside you will find a berserk pack and health bonuses. (sector 1794)
  14. At the northwest end of the maze, shoot a rocket into the opening to get the soul sphere. (sector 890)
  15. Head south from the previous secret, then onto a lift to the east which is defunct. Quickly run west, south, east, south, west, and north into a dark opening. (sector 1285)
  16. In this dark room, you must shoot three rockets at three openings to the north, west, and east, to access the three switches here. You are doing this while there is nukage below you and the openings open and close. After pressing the three switches, head southwest into a passage with ammo, a plasma gun, a rocket launcher, and a super shotgun. (sector 926)
  17. At the exit of the Yellow Sector, use the switch to open the exit, then backtrack and take the long lift up. Press the switch here to return to the starting point and get a megasphere. (sector 1443)
  18. When you teleport to the yellow key area, find a box at the east end and lower it to get an invulnerability. (sector 1792)
  19. After getting the yellow key, return to the starting area and open the yellow door. This area is a passage with ammo. (sector 811)
  20. In the northeast room with the corpses in the vats, head to the south end and shoot a rocket into the opening to get the plasma gun. (sector 747)
  21. In the same room, leave to the northwest and go south, then east to a monitor. Press it and quickly run back to the room to get to a lift with a medikit. (sector 439)
  22. In the lava cave at the southwest end, head to the west side to get a box of ammo and a box of shotgun shells. (sector 714)
  23. In the same cave, head to the southeast end to get an invulnerability. (sector 704)
  24. Go back to the entrance of the labs after getting the blue key. At the north blue door, head east and press a wall to the north to lower a medikit to the southeast. (sector 1164)
  25. On the walkways over nukage at the east side, drop into the nukage at the west side and go under a glowing section, which has a brown ceiling. When you do this, quickly run to the south side and north into the room with a medikit, health bonuses, and a box of ammo. (sector 564)
  26. Head west of Secret #25 and take a lift up. Jump west, go up the steps, and enter the building there to get a chainsaw. (sector 544)
  27. On the walkways over nukage, take the west path to a rocket launcher and shoot a rocket into the opening to get a box of ammo and shotgun shells. (sector 726)
  28. On the walkways over nukage, head to the southeast nukage and head south, then follow this path all the way to energy cells and a plasma gun. (sector 1090)
  29. In the Maintenance area, head across the nukage to the east and northeast. Shoot rockets through the opening to access three secrets with stimpacks, medikits, a soul sphere, a box of ammo, and a box of shotgun shells. (sector 855)
  30. See Secret #29. (sector 1106)
  31. See Secret #29. (sector 1563)
  32. In the Maintenance area, head to the south lift and ride up. Run west onto a block and another wall lowers to the west with a stimpack. You can get shotgun shells, a box of shotgun shells, and a medikit. (sector 637)
  33. At the southeast switch in the Maintenance area, head north from it to a brown wall and open it to get a rocket. (sector 915)
  34. At the southeast end, open a door to the northwest, which leads to a dark room. You will need a light amplification visor to see, and you can get a berserk pack at the end of the walkway. (sector 73)
  35. Head east and south from Secret #34, then drop to the east and go through the north wall. At the end is a soul sphere. (sector 830)
  36. Head east and south from Secret #34, then east and north all the way. Shoot a rocket into the opening to get energy cells. (sector 1543)
  37. Keep going all the way to the switch, then drop to the east and go south. You will find armor bonuses, stimpacks, and a medikit. (sector 1361)
  38. At the southeast room, go to either the north or south sides and use the left wall to lower a wall in the middle, which has a medikit and health bonuses. (sector 898)
  39. In the southeast room, fall into the nukage to the east and find a switch on the central platform. It will lower and you can get a rocket and energy cells. (sector 835)
  40. At the south end with the rising blocks, jump into the nukage to the east and head east to get energy cells and rockets. (sector 1008)
  41. In the small room at the south end, shoot a rocket at the small opening to get shotgun shells and a box of shotgun shells. (sector 918)
  42. After raising the lift in the south area, take it up and lower a wall to the east to get energy cells and a medikit. (sector 813)
  43. Jump northeast from Secret #42 to a ledge leading to a rocket and stimpacks. (sector 740)
  44. At the west side of the south area, jump down to the nukage and get the health bonuses to the north. (sector 873)
  45. Take the lift at Secret #44 up, go to the switch, and jump southeast. Head around to get an energy cell pack. (sector 784)
  46. In the red key area, go to the southwest corner and press a skull switch, lowering the southeast platform and revealing an invulnerability. (sector 1699)
  47. Open the red door at the south end and head south on the steps. Take a lift down, then progress to another lift, taking it up to a megaarmor. (sector 875)
  48. Take the southwest nukage path northwest to a lift. Take it down and head north to a door. Open it, head northeast, take the steps, and head west. At the southernmost tip, lower the north wall to find a rocket. (sector 501)
  49. Head northwest from Secret #48 to a super shotgun. (sector 1791)
  50. Head east from Secret #48 all the way to find armor bonuses, medikits, and a computer area map. (sector 259)
  51. Enter the depot area and enter the area behind red doors. Go to the middle and shoot rockets into two openings here to find stimpacks, a medikit, and energy cells. (sector 1430)
  52. See Secret #51. (sector 1496)
  53. At the northeast end of the labs, open a blue door and a red door, then shoot a rocket into an opening to get a backpack. (sector 1236)
  54. After getting all three keys, return to the Labs and head to the east side. Open the blue door and shoot rockets into the two openings. Open the red door and head around, picking up armor bonuses. (sector 994)
  55. Heading all the way to the end of the path on Secret #54 nets you a BFG9000. (sector 1210)
  56. Enter the nukage in the large outside area and head south. Open the door and head west, finding a wall without grime on the bottom. Open it to find stimpacks and a soul sphere. (sector 673)
  57. Head out of Secret #56 and use the nearby lift to the east to enter amaze section. Head northeast to see two rockets. Open the wall there from the south side to get them. (sector 691)
  58. Go through the maze section and head to the blue door and the lift behind it. Ride up to get energy cells and partial invisibility. (sector 624)
  59. North of Secret #58, shoot a rocket to the west opening to get a green armor. (sector 1171)
  60. At the blue door leading to the Maintenance area, there is a switch behind the east fence. Use it and the west wall opens. Shoot the opening to access the hall with medikits and health bonuses, as well as a passage leading back to Secret #58. (sector 1363)
  61. Take the red door south of the maze section and take the long lift up. At the top, jump west, then jump west again to a lower passage. Follow it all the way northwest, getting shotgun shells and a soul sphere. (sector 1109)
  62. Take the red door south of the maze section and take the long lift up. At the top, jump west, then southwest twice. Follow this path east, then jump southeast and jump west to get health bonuses and a medikit. (sector 1059)
  63. Drop west of Secret #62 to get a rocket launcher, a rocket, and a switch. (sector 1017)
  64. The switch in Secret #63 opens a wall in the hall south of the secret, to the west. Take that path and if you pressed on four different color pillars (three of which are hidden in the key areas, the green one is in the northwestern section), you will access a teleporter to a megasphere and a point of no return, leading to the Icon of Sin arena. (sector 1898)


Demo files[edit]

This WAD features three built-in demos by the author. All require Doom II v1.9 to view them. The demos are:

Demo Skill Tics Length
DEMO1 3 1785 0:51.00
DEMO2 3 6775 3:13.57
DEMO3 3 4872 2:19.20

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
UV speed 8:36.40 Maribo 2023-01-15 bmh-836.zip
NM speed
UV max
NM 100S
UV -fast
UV -respawn
UV Tyson
UV pacifist

The data was last verified in its entirety on May 30, 2023.


Player spawns[edit]

This level contains four spawn points:

  1. facing south. (thing 38)
  2. facing east. (thing 2293)
  3. facing east. (thing 2330)
  4. facing north. (thing 2352)


Map data[edit]

Things 2520
Vertices 12948*
Linedefs 13592
Sidedefs 20527
Sectors 1905
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 10974.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]


See also[edit]


External links[edit]