Cacowards 2023
The 2023 Cacowards is the twentieth annual Cacowards feature, released by Doomworld on December 10, 2023. It was written by Andrew Stine (Linguica), Boris Klimeš (dew), Demon of the Well, rd, Stephen Browning (Scuba Steve), Kinsie, Omniarch, Dynamo, Drew DeVore (stx-Vile), Terminus, Carlos Sanchez (Cardboard Marty), scwiba and Maribo, with a guest contribution by Not Jabba. There were 12 main winners, 15 runners-up, and 23 honorable mentions.
- Dreamblood - HeadshotTAS - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Piña Colada - Alex Decker (myolden) et al. - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Insanity Edged - Pieruskwurje - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Hardfest 2 - Various - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Austrian Avian Association - MundyC - (Doomworld forums thread)
- DBK03: Shrine of the Silver CyberPrimate - Big Ol' Billy et al. - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Sepia - Petyan et al. - (Doomworld forums thread)
- worm\V/wood - Zachary Stephens (Ribbiks) and Grain of Salt - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Godless Night - Tango et al. - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Ultimate Doom In Name Only - Matt Powell (cannonball) et al. - (Doomworld forums thread)
- TNT 2: Devilution - Various - (Doomworld forums thread)
- My House - Steve Nelson (Veddge) - (Doomworld forums thread)
- 1x1 - Various - (Doomworld/idgames)
- BOOMER: Beyond Vanilla - Fernito - (Doomworld forums thread)
- El Viaje de Diciembre - Cacodemon187 - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Hexen: Veil of Darkness - Captain Toenail - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Solve Et Coagula - Nicolás Monti - (Doomworld/idgames)
- What Lies Beneath - ViolentBeetle et al. - (Doomworld/idgames)
- The Settlements - dashlet - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Machete - A2Rob - (Doomworld forums thread)
- The Diseases, and Casualties this year being 1632 - Various - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Tetanus - Egg Boy et al. - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Jaded - LunchLunch - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Head Trauma - AshtralFiend - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Ad Mortem - Various - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Glaive 3 - EANB - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Corruption - NinjaDelphox, EVILNECK, and Andrik Powell (Arsinikk) - (Doomworld/idgames)
Honorable Mentions and Special Features[edit]
- Flesharmonic - Various - (Doomworld/idgames)
- PUSS XXVIII: Quoth the Raven - Various - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Abscission - Snaxalotl - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Doomed: By the Hour - finnks13 and Yumheart - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Fallen Leaves - Brian Irving (Bri) - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Protoslayer - Volasaurus - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Nostalgia 2 - Alex Decker (myolden) - (Doomworld/idgames)
- The Cognition Engine - Snowy44 - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Junkfood and Junkfood 2: Summertime Slotter - Various - (Doomworld/idgames and Doomworld/idgames)
- Alcázar - General Roasterock, Ravendesk, and Jizzwardo - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Deep Breath - EduardoAndFriends - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Mudman - eater29 - (Doomworld forums thread)
- PSX Doom: The Forgotten Chapter - Dant3 - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Deadliest Dem(o(li)ti)on - Scypek2 - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Break//Point// - Shannon O'Neill (Major Arlene) - (Doomworld/idgames)
- The Lost Magic - Vortale - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Venturous - PixelFox - (ZDoom forums thread)
- Final Carnage - Onox - (Doomworld forums thread)
- I CANT GIVE YOU ANY THING - Maribo et al. - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Terminal Stages of Nostalgia - Brayden Hart (AD_79) - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Oubliette Fatalis - RDETalus - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Uroboros - Ravendesk - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Crusader - Cheesewheel - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Doom 64 Ascension - AtomicFrog - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Heretic: Quest for the Crystal Skulls - Captain Toenail - (Doomworld/idgames)
- DIY - Various - (Doomworld/idgames)
- Caldera of Wretchedness - Darragh Coy (intacowetrust) - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Dissension - Tait Kristen (Doom-X-Machina) - (Doomworld forums thread)
Multiplayer awards[edit]
- Culling Strike - The Hellforge - (Doomworld forums thread)
- Vesper and Vesper Community Deathmatch - Xaser and the Doom Central community - (Doomworld forums thread and Doomworld forums thread)
Multiplayer runner-up[edit]
Gameplay mod awards[edit]
- Doom Infinite - DifficultOldStuff - (ModDB)
- Volatile Material - LossForWords and Mace - (ZDoom forums thread)
- Bring Your Own Class - Various - (
- Rampancy - Yholl - (ZDoom forums thread)
Mordeth award[edit]
Odyssey of Noises[edit]
- memory=entryrrrr///// from My House - Sarah Mancuso (esselfortium)
Most Promising Newcomers[edit]
- EduardoAndFriends
- JonExMachina
- suzerduzer
- Mr. Hypnos
- Treehouseminis
- eater29
- RataUnderground
- raddicted
- IlyaPashchenko
- Ravendesk
- Dee Legit
- ryiron
Creator of the Year[edit]
Espi award[edit]
Doot Eternal[edit]
Main article: Doot Eternal
A separate feature was Doot Eternal, showcasing the best music used in Doom mods in its thirty-year history. It was led by Scuba Steve and written by members of the Cacowards team as well as some external contributors.