

A camera is an object which serves as a viewpoint for rendering a part of the level. Each player actor is its own camera, though it is possible to change camera by "spying" on another player. Some source ports may provide additional camera features. For instance:

In Heretic and Hexen, the player's camera can change after death. Corvus and Baratus are beheaded when gibbed, the camera is then transfered to the "head" object instead of remaining with the body. The Hexen characters, when frozen to death, eventually shatter into a shower of ice shards, the camera is transfered to one of them, which will not melt as long as the corresponding player does not respawn (in multiplayer).

Doom 64 can use some camera cutscenes, as shown as early as MAP01 and the scripted non-playable map shown when launching the game instead of a title picture.