CompuServe Action Games forum


The CompuServe Action Games forum was a forum active in the 1990s on CompuServe. It was dedicated to PC games in general, and had a particularly prominent focus on Doom. Primarily serving as a binary archive, the forum included over 3000 files at its peak, and was considered one of the main sites for Doom-related file sharing outside of the idgames archive.

Described by magazine Wired as "a mecca for Doom heads and architectural aspirants,"[1] the forum had a number of well-known participants, including John Anderson (Dr. Sleep), Bob Evans, Jim Flynn and Sverre André Kvernmo (Cranium).

The forum closed in 2000, with the file archive believed lost[2] - including some notable WADs such as the Odessa series and levels by Master Levels author Christen Klie.[3] However, in late 2013, Odessa author Bob Evans revealed on Doomworld that he possesses a backup CD with the contents of the forum's file archive.[4] While it was hoped that the archive would be made publicly available, there has been no response indicating progress in that direction for the last 10 years .

See also[edit]


  1. McCandless, David (14 December 1993). "Legion of Doom." Wired. Retrieved 7 October 2015.
  2. Burgess, Graham (23 October 2002). "Wads from the CompuServe Action Games Forum." Doomworld Forums. Retrieved 7 October 2015.
  3. Nemark (14 April 2008). "Looking for some rare Chris Klie levels." Doomworld Forums. Retrieved 7 October 2015.
  4. Evans, Bob (11 January 2014). "Bob Evans and the Odessa series." Doomworld Forums. Retrieved 7 October 2015.