Cultist Base/Walkthrough


Doom Eternal walkthroughs
Cultist Base
Main campaign
The Ancient Gods, Part Two

This page contains walkthroughs for both the standard and Master Level versions of Cultist Base, the third level of Doom Eternal.

Standard level[edit]


Infiltrate the Cultist Base
Obtain your super shotgun
Eliminate Deag Ranak
Take the train to the Terrordome


Cultist key[edit]

Head straight forward to a pit and look down to see a pitted wall that you need to jump to. Look right and jump down to a ledge, kill the gargoyles that appear then walk to the end of a broken spine and look down at a launcher that you can reach by dashing. Use the launcher to fire yourself up to a pitted wall, then head right until you see another wall with electrified sections on it - leap across so you grab an empty part of the wall then carefully climb between the electrified parts to the top. Punch through the green-cracked wall ahead to reach the first combat encounter, where blaster soldiers and a couple of revenants are firing at a group of zombie cultists. After killing the demons, go through the archway at the end of the walkway and cross the energy bridge to enter a hallway with two mecha zombies - unlike other zombies, these cyborgs can shoot back or use a flamethrower at close range. Go into the passage opposite the doorway you entered through and go straight forward to a metal skull switch.

After pressing the switch, turn round - the doorway you just walked through will close and two walls will open on either side to reveal mecha zombies followed by a Hell knight. Kill all the enemies then return to the hallway to find some more mecha zombies guarding a green pressure pad; standing on the pad will open the door ahead and reveal the first mancubus of the game. Destroy the mancubus' arm cannons to make it less of a threat (or shoot the green button overhead to trigger some lethal swinging blades), then kill it along with the imps that teleport in before heading through the door you just opened to get back outside. Turn left and look down to see a barricade with another green button; shoot the button to open the barricade, then quickly drop down and double-dash through the barricade before it shuts again. Climb up to a combat encounter with mecha zombies, blaster soldiers and an arachnotron, then use the launcher to reach the upper floor where a crate is suspended over some crushers. Use the monkey bar to get on top of the crate when it is close enough to you, then dash to the opening in front of you to get the cultist key.

Base approach[edit]

With the cultist key, drop back into the corridor with swinging blades and kill the waiting demons, then head straight forward to a locked gate marked "Cultist Key" and head through it. Some shield soldiers will climb up ahead of you; use the plasma rifle to overload their shields and kill them more easily, then drop to the floor below and turn left to walk between some mines until you reach a pole with a green light. Look down to see a pitted wall and drop down to it, then head left and turn round to see a launcher below that will fire you up to a platform with an armor pickup. Turn round to see another green button and drop down to the launcher again; while in mid-air, shoot the button to open the barricade above it then double-dash to reach a cracked vent. Punch through the vent and drop down to find the rocket launcher.

Ahead is an arena with several mancubi as well as gargoyles and a cacodemon; kill everything then go through a hatch that opens near a pair of monkey bars to find a punch switch, which will temporarily raise one of the bars. Go round to the other side of this bar before it lowers again and swing off it to reach another electrified wall, climb to the top then turn round and jump to a runestone. From the runestone, turn round and jump up to the platform above then head forward until you drop down to a skull switch; the switch will open a barrier leading back to the mined area you passed through earlier, and activate a pressure pad that will open the door ahead. When you approach the pad it will deactivate and a whiplash will appear; kill it to summon more whiplashes along with blaster and shield soldiers, then step on the reactivated pad to open the way forward and reveal a modbot.

Grab whatever weapon modification you want from the modbot then enter the passage on your left to find more shield soldiers. Go into the next room and walk round to the center to find a punchable block, then use it to reach the platform directly above you where you can break two chains to lower a drawbridge. Across the drawbridge is an arena that features all the enemies you have faced thus far, so keep moving and use all the tactics and weapons you have to defeat them. Once all significant opponents have been killed, a second bridge will rise that you can use to enter the main base.

Super shotgun[edit]

You will enter a tall T-shaped room. Kill the cacodemon that tries to ambush you from the right then head straight forward to a door with an elevator behind it, which will carry you to the Basilica of Adjuration. Stand on the pressure pad in the middle of the basilica (where Ranak's hologram was standing) to extend an energy bridge then cross it and ride the elevator up to a square chamber with a box and a breakable chain. Break the chain to reveal some lost souls and another skull switch, which will drop the floor around you. Drop down to the bottom of the pit and get ready to face several waves of enemies, starting with mecha zombies followed by soldiers, whiplashes, an arachnotron and gargoyles, and two mancubi - attack the cueballs that spawn inside the room to use them as projectiles, and watch out for the walls and floor becoming electrified as you fight. Once all the enemies are killed the floor will rise again - go through the open gate and turn right, then drop down and quickly dash to a climbable wall over an electrified pit. Look right to see a dash refill pickup and dash in that direction to reach an electrified wall which you must climb to the top, then turn round and jump off to a platform with another skull switch. Press the switch to open the gate on the opposite side of the room, as well as an enclosure containing a Sentinel crystal, then head through to a room with a pair of moving elevators.

Step into the left-hand elevator and let it carry you down to a passage. Kill the cacodemon that comes round the corner then go to the end of the passage and climb on a box, then climb up to a platform with a punch switch - hit this switch to open the barricade ahead, then shoot the green button below you and quickly swing across a monkey bar to a climbable wall. Look right and wait until the left-hand elevator lowers to reveal an opening with an armor pickup, then jump into that opening and let the elevator carry you up to the top floor where two revenants and some mecha zombies are waiting. Kill them then go through the gate to return to the top floor of the square chamber, and jump across the gap to find another electrified pit with a monkey bar in it. Drop down and the monkey bar to swing yourself around the corner, then quickly dash to two more bars that you can use to reach safety. Step on the green-lit elevator on your left to be taken down to a chamber where you can take control of a revenant drone - use the drone's weapons and jetpack to kill all the enemies waiting outside, which will lower a platform holding the super shotgun. Once the shotgun is in your possession, return to the arena entrance to bring the weapon back to yourself.

Hunting Ranak[edit]

With the super shotgun, step on the elevator again to descend to a lower level then use your new weapon's meat hook to pull yourself to a zombie on the other side of a pit. You will enter a room with eight boxes that have breakable chains, and each box contains different items and demons. Once all the boxes have been opened the enclosure in the middle of the room will open; drop down the hole here to enter a passage filled with mecha zombies, as well as chopping blades that rise and fall in sequence. Time your run through the blades to reach an elevator at the end of the passage, which will take you to a large chamber with a rotating skull-box. Either side of the entrance are archways with climbable walls behind them; jump down and dash to these walls then swing along some monkey bars to an electrified wall that leads up to a skull switch. Press the switch to activate a launcher and use it to get on top of the skull-box, then turn right and go through the marked doorway to leave the room. You will see a barricade in front of you - shoot the green button under the barricade to open it, then jump to a pair of climbable pillars and leap between them until you reach a ledge at the top. Turn left and follow the path to some large crushing walls, then look down to see another green button - as the walls open, shoot the button to open a barricade underneath it then quickly drop down and dash through to a climbable wall.

Climb up the wall and head forward to a room full of Hellgrowth and some more crushers, as well as some gargoyles and tentacles. Head forward until you see a moving crusher on your left, stand on top of it as it drops then turn right and follow the path round to a button opposite a cracked wall; punch through the wall and stand on the glowing green platform in the middle of the room, then shoot the button to be taken up to an outdoor arena with several zombies and shield soldiers as well as a revenant, a mancubus and a cacodemon. After clearing all opposition, drop back into the crusher room and shoot the button again to raise the platform then quickly hit the punch switch on your right - this will activate a green laser that opens the next door. Ignore the hologram of Ranak ahead and turn right to walk through another door requiring the cultist key, which has a Hell knight waiting behind it. Kill the knight and any imps that teleport in to activate a green pressure pad, then stand on the pad to open the opposite door and reveal an arachnotron and three shield soldiers - the arachnotron will launch itself up to the ceiling, so destroy its turret to force it to come back down.

Head through the door you just opened to find a crucified Agaddon Hunter and look behind it to see a monkey bar that will swing you up to a climbable wall. Turn round and leap to a second climbable wall that leads to the top of the room, then leap over to a grate platform and follow it until you drop down to a punchable block - dislodging this block will open a hatch in the ground and reveal a launcher that will give you enough height to dash into the crucifix, knocking it backwards and breaking through a wall. Go through this wall to find an elevator leading back to the basilica, then stand on the central dais again to extend an energy bridge leading to the final area of the level. Take the elevator up and head forward until you drop into an arena that features many of the enemies you have previously encountered - once they are all dead, a barricade at the back of the arena will open revealing another elevator. Ride it up and press the skull switch at the top to finish the level.

Slayer Gate[edit]

Both the Slayer Gate and the Slayer Key are in the chamber with the crucified Agaddon Hunter. Go behind the crucifix and look over the edge to see some climbable walls in the pit below, drop down to either of these walls then turn round to see a monkey bar leading under the floor - from this monkey bar you will swing to another climbable wall, then you must make a long dash to a third wall that leads up to the Key. The Gate itself is directly opposite the crucifix.

This arena includes encounters with mancubi, cacodemons, imps and arachnotrons, but also introduces the prowler enemy - prowlers can teleport and prefer to attack from behind, so be aware of your surroundings at all times when they are around.


  • Pull the Crystal - Acquire a Sentinel crystal
  • Armored Rain - Ignite four demons in a single blast of the flame belch
  • Master of Turrets - Destroy an arachnotron's turret.

Secret encounters[edit]

  1. Return to the square chamber after getting the super shotgun; a gore nest that was sealed behind some bars is now accessible. You will have 25 seconds to kill a cacodemon and some fodder demons.
  2. When you reach the crushing walls, turn right to enter an icy cavern with a couple of mines; the gore nest is behind a cracked wall. You will have 25 seconds to kill two whiplashes, a mancubus and a couple of fodder demons.

Special items[edit]

  • Six extra lives
    1. Stand under the walkway in the first combat encounter and go to the edge to find a cable, then look down that cable to see a dopefish next to a red mine. Blow up the mine to pull up a 1UP.
    2. After clearing the third combat encounter (where you encounter the first arachnotron), go to the opposite side from where you entered the arena to find another barricade with a green button. Shoot the button and dash through the barricade as before, then climb a pitted wall and jump to a platform with a 1UP.
    3. After the first encounter with shield soldiers, drop to the floor below then go to the edge on your right and look down to see a ledge that you can drop to. Swing on the nearby monkey bar and look left to drop into a small cavern with another dopefish; shoot it to reveal a 1UP.
    4. On entering the main base you will be in a tall T-shaped room. Turn right at the junction to find a punch switch that will extend two monkey bars for a short time; use both bars to reach a small climbable wall, then turn round to reach the 1UP.
    5. After getting past the spiked crusher walls, turn round to see a 1UP on a platform below you between the crushers.
    6. After getting to the outdoor area above the Hellgrowth/crusher room, go to the ledge that the mancubus was on and look over the edge - you can just see a cave entrance behind some icicles. Carefully drop into this cave to find a dopefish on an altar, then press the nearby skull switch to sacrifice the dopefish and leave a 1UP in its place.
  • Three soulspheres
    1. Behind the runestone is a suspended platform with a couple of coffins on it. Climb over the coffins to find a soulsphere.
    2. In the Basilica of Adjuration are several worshipping zombie cultists wearing red outfits. Kill them all to reveal a soulsphere on the central dais.
    3. In the flesh room with numerous crushers, stand on top of the center crusher and it will take you up to a soulsphere.

A breakable chain can be found in a corner of the final arena. Break it to reveal an Overdrive powerup.


The automap station can be found after clearing the square chamber just before the super shotgun area. Once the floor rises, go through the open gate and turn left to find the station.

  • One modbot
    1. After the first whiplash encounter, this modbot is behind the door opened by the pressure pad.
  • One Sentinel crystal
    1. In the center of the square chamber before the super shotgun area.
  • Five Praetor suit points
    1. After clearing the first corridor with swinging blades (with the cultist key), you will find a Night Sentinel spirit waiting for you outside.
    2. Just after the modbot is a sloping passage with shield soldiers. Above this passage is a cracked wall; punch through it then drop down to find a Night Sentinel.
    3. In the area with the two moving elevators, go down to the lowest level to a passage with a cacodemon. At the end of the passage is a box you can climb on; go straight forward and drop down the other side of the box to find a Night Sentinel.
    4. In the room on top of the box, get on top of the box then turn left to see a Night Sentinel.
    5. After using the final elevator leading out of the basilica, turn right at a crossroads to find a Night Sentinel.
  • One Codex page
    1. "Cultist Base" - turn right as soon as the level starts to find the page.
  • Three Sentinel batteries
    1. After clearing the first combat encounter, stand on the walkway and look at the arch that you entered the arena through; you should see a small ledge to the left of this archway. Jump to this ledge to find a cracked vent with a punch switch behind it, which will open a set of bars under the bridge. Go through these bars to a launcher that will fire you up to a platform with the battery.
    2. On entering the main base you will be in a tall T-shaped room. Turn left at the junction to find a battery.
    3. After reaching the top level of the room with the pair of elevators, wait for the right-hand elevator to lower and reveal an opening, then step into that opening to be carried up to a hidden passage. You can drop down to a battery from here.
  • One rune
    1. Above the arena found past the rocket launcher, reached by jumping off an electrified wall.
  • One Slayer key
    1. Above the chamber with the crucified Agaddon Hunter; you will need to use the monkey bars and climbable walls under the floor to reach it.
  • One Empyrean key
    1. The Slayer Gate is opposite the crucified Agaddon Hunter
  • Two toys
    1. "Gargoyle" - after climbing the first electrified wall you will see a green-cracked wall ahead. Ignore this wall for now and turn left to see another cracked wall; punch through here to get on top of a hanging demon skull with a question mark.
    2. "Soldier (Blaster)" - in the passage of falling blades, just before turning the corner look to your right to see a cracked grate with a question mark behind it. Taking the toy will open a hatch behind you revealing three blaster soldiers.
  • One cheat code
    1. "IDDQD" - in the room with eight chained boxes, after opening the center enclosure use the monkey bars on either side to leap to a question mark at the top of this enclosure.
  • One album
    1. "Into Sandy's City" - in the Hellgrowth room with the crushers, get on top of the crusher by the wall then turn left and climb over a stationary crusher to find a question mark.

Master Level[edit]


Cultist key[edit]

As soon as you step forward imps, a carcass and a prowler will teleport in. Head straight forward to a pit and look down to see a pitted wall that you need to jump to. Look right and jump down to a ledge where you will find zombies along with a cacodemon and pain elemental, then walk to the end of a broken spine and look down at a launcher that you can reach by dashing. Use the launcher to fire yourself up to a pitted wall, then head right until you see another wall with electrified sections on it - leap across so you grab an empty part of the wall then carefully climb between the electrified parts to the top. Punch through the green-cracked wall ahead to enter an arena that includes a mancubus, cyber-mancubus, tyrant and arachnotron; after they have been killed, go through the archway at the end of the walkway and cross the energy bridge to enter a hallway with several locked doors. Go into the passage opposite the doorway you entered through and head straight forward to a metal skull switch.

After pressing the switch, turn round - the doorway you just walked through will close and two walls will open on either side to reveal mecha zombies followed by a dread knight. Kill everything then return to the hallway to find that more mecha zombies have appeared along with a mancubus and pain elemental then push past them to a now-open gate that leads back outside. Turn left and look down to see a barricade with another green button; shoot the button to open the barricade, then quickly drop down and double-dash through the barricade before it shuts again. Climb up to a combat encounter that includes carcasses, arachnotrons, prowlers and a mancubus followed by a baron of Hell, then use the launcher to reach the upper floor where a crate is suspended over some crushers. Use the monkey bar to get on top of the crate when it is close enough to you, then dash to the opening in front of you to get the cultist key.

Base approach[edit]

With the cultist key, drop back into the corridor with swinging blades and kill the prowlers that appear, then head straight forward to a locked gate marked "Cultist Key" and kill all the imps that emerge from a side doorway before heading through it. Look left as you get back outside to see two arachnotrons and a pain elemental teleport in, drop down to ground level to dispose of them and head forward between some mines until you reach a pole with a green light. Look down to see a pitted wall and drop down to it, then head left and turn round to see a launcher below that will fire you up to a platform with an armor pickup. Turn round to see another green button and drop down to the launcher again; while in mid-air, shoot the button to open the barricade above it then double-dash to reach a cracked vent. Punch through the vent and drop down into another arena which includes two pain elementals, an arachnotron and a mancubus followed by two barons, a revenant, carcasses and a Doom hunter.

With everything dead, go through a hatch that opens near a pair of monkey bars to find a punch switch which will temporarily raise one of the bars. Go round to the other side of this bar before it lowers again and swing off it to reach another electrified wall, climb to the top then turn round and jump to the platform behind you. Turn round at this point to jump up to the top floor then head forward until you drop down to a skull switch; the switch will open a barrier leading back to the mined area you passed through earlier, but will also cause several demons to teleport in including a Hell knight, mecha zombies, a prowler and a marauder. Once all the heavy demons are killed (the mecha zombies will die off automatically), step on the green pressure pad to open the door ahead then go through to a sloped passage that will fill with imps followed by a revenant. Head down to a room containing a cyber-mancubus and walk round to the center to find a punchable block, then use it to reach the platform directly above you where you can break two chains to lower a drawbridge. Ahead is an arena that opens with mancubi and carcasses, followed by a Hell knight, a tyrant, a revenant and then another tyrant. Once all the opposition has been killed, a second bridge will rise that you can use to enter the main base.

Super shotgun[edit]

You will enter a tall T-shaped room. Kill the mecha zombies and arachnotron waiting inside then head straight forward to a door with an elevator behind it, which will carry you to the Basilica of Adjuration; revenants and blaster soldiers are fighting in this area which will be joined by two cacodemons and two pain elementals. Stand on the pressure pad in the middle of the basilica (where Ranak's hologram was standing) to extend an energy bridge then cross it and ride the elevator up to a square chamber with a box and a breakable chain. Break the chain to reveal another skull switch, which will drop the floor around you - go down to the bottom of the pit and get ready to face several waves of enemies, starting with pinkies, prowlers and a Hell knight, followed by mancubi and revenants, then arachnotrons and carcasses; strike the cueballs that spawn inside the room to use them as explosive projectiles, and watch out for the walls and floor becoming electrified as you fight. Once all the enemies are killed the floor will rise again - go through the open gate and turn right, then drop down and quickly dash to a climbable wall over an electrified pit. Look right to see a dash refill pickup and dash in that direction to reach an electrified wall which you must climb to the top, then turn round and jump off to a platform with another skull switch. Press the switch to open the gate on the opposite side of the room, then head through to a room with a pair of moving elevators.

Step into the left-hand elevator and let it carry you down to a passage. Kill the pain elemental that drops through the ceiling then go to the end of the passage and climb on a box, then climb up to a platform with a punch switch - hit this switch to open the barricade ahead, then shoot the green button below you and quickly swing across a monkey bar to a climbable wall. Look right and wait until the left-hand elevator lowers to reveal an opening with an armor pickup, then jump into that opening and let the elevator carry you up to the top floor where two revenants and some mecha zombies are waiting. Kill them then go through the gate to return to the top floor of the square chamber, and jump across the gap to find another electrified pit with a monkey bar in it. Drop down and the monkey bar to swing yourself around the corner, then quickly dash to two more bars that you can use to reach safety. Step on the green-lit elevator on your left to be taken down to a chamber where you can take control of a revenant drone - use the drone's weapons and jetpack to kill all the enemies waiting outside, which will lower a platform holding the super shotgun. Once the shotgun is in your possession, return to the arena entrance to bring the weapon back to yourself.

Hunting Ranak[edit]

With the super shotgun, step on the elevator again to descend to a lower level then go round the corner and jump across a pit to a ledge above. You will enter a room with eight boxes where some mecha zombies and two tyrants will appear; as you kill the tyrants they will be replaced with mancubi, arachnotrons, pain elementals and a Hell knight, but the boxes will open to reveal pickups. After clearing the room the enclosure in the middle of the room will open; drop down the hole here to enter a passage filled with mecha zombies, as well as chopping blades that rise and fall in sequence. Time your run through the blades to reach an elevator at the end of the passage, which will take you to a large chamber with a rotating skull-box where two pain elementals will appear. Either side of the entrance are archways with climbable walls behind them; jump down and dash to these walls then swing along some monkey bars to an electrified wall that leads up to a skull switch. Press the switch to activate a launcher and use it to get on top of the skull-box, then turn right and go through the marked doorway to leave the room. You will see a barricade in front of you - shoot the green button under the barricade to open it, then jump to a pair of climbable pillars and leap between them until you reach a ledge at the top. Turn left and follow the path to some large crushing walls, then look down to see another green button - as the walls open, shoot the button to open a barricade underneath it then quickly drop down and dash through to a climbable wall.

Climb up the wall and head forward to a room full of flesh and some more crushers, along with a pinky and two whiplashes. Head forward until you see a moving crusher on your left, stand on top of it as it drops then turn right and follow the path round to a button opposite a cracked wall; punch through the wall and stand on the glowing green platform in the middle of the room, then shoot the button to be taken up to an outdoor arena that initially contains a baron and an arachnotron, followed by whiplashes, two pain elementals, a revenant and a tyrant. After clearing all opposition, drop back into the crusher room and shoot the button again to raise the platform then quickly hit the punch switch on your right - this will activate a green laser that opens the next door. Ignore the hologram of Ranak ahead and turn right to walk through another door requiring the cultist key, then turn round to kill several enemies that appear behind you including a carcass, a mancubus and two whiplashes. Once they are killed, head past them to a room containing a crucified Agaddon Hunter.

Look behind the crucifix to see a monkey bar that will swing you up to a climbable wall. Turn round and leap to a second climbable wall that leads to the top of the room, then leap over to a grate platform and follow it until you drop down to a punchable block - dislodging this block will open a hatch in the ground and reveal a launcher that will give you enough height to dash into the crucifix, knocking it backwards and breaking through a wall. Go through this wall to find an elevator leading back to the basilica, then stand on the central dais again to extend an energy bridge leading to the final area of the level. Take the elevator up and head forward until you drop into an arena that opens with two tyrants and a revenant, followed by whiplashes, a mancubus, a Hell knight, a pain elemental, an arch-vile and a Doom hunter. Once they are all dead a barricade at the back of the arena will open revealing another elevator; ride it up and press the skull switch at the top to finish the level.

Special items[edit]

  • Six extra lives
    1. Stand under the walkway in the first combat encounter and go to the edge to find a cable, then look down that cable to see a dopefish next to a red mine. Blow up the mine to pull up a 1UP.
    2. After clearing the third combat encounter (just before the cultist key), go to the opposite side from where you entered the arena to find another barricade with a green button. Shoot the button and dash through the barricade as before, then climb a pitted wall and jump to a platform with a 1UP.
    3. After passing the first cultist key door, drop to the floor below then go to the edge on your right and look down to see a ledge that you can drop to. Swing on the nearby monkey bar and look left to drop into a small cavern with another dopefish; shoot it to reveal a 1UP.
    4. On entering the main base you will be in a tall T-shaped room. Turn right at the junction to find a punch switch that will extend two monkey bars for a short time; use both bars to reach a small climbable wall, then turn round to reach the 1UP.
    5. After getting past the spiked crusher walls, turn round to see a 1UP on a platform below you between the crushers.
    6. After getting to the outdoor area above the flesh/crusher room, go to the ledge that the arachnotron was on and look over the edge - you can just see a cave entrance behind some icicles. Carefully drop into this cave to find a dopefish on an altar, then press the nearby skull switch to sacrifice the dopefish and leave a 1UP in its place.
  • One spirit armor
    1. In the alcove that held the second Praetor suit point
  • Four soulspheres
    1. Behind the platform that held the runestone is a suspended platform with a couple of coffins on it. Climb over the coffins to find a soulsphere.
    2. In the chamber that held the third Sentinel battery.
    3. In the flesh room with numerous crushers, stand on top of the center crusher and it will take you up to a soulsphere.
    4. In the alcove that held the "Into Sandy's City" album.
  • One Crucible charge
    1. At the end of the walkway in the outdoor area above the crusher room

A breakable chain can be found in a corner of the final arena. Break it to reveal an Overdrive powerup.