DüM II: Heck on Earf

From DoomWiki.org

DüM II: Heck on Earf, or just Dum, is a 2D shooting gallery game created by Shoehead for a 2017 game jam.

The game features a single level, representing the outside of a generic techbase. It features three types of enemies:

  • Ex-humans: they walk from one side of the screen to the other in one of two lanes, occasionally stopping to shoot at the player.
  • Ex-sergents: they appear at one of the five windows, attack the player, and duck back out.
  • Astrademons: they descend from the sky and move around, occasionally spitting fireballs at the player. These are the only enemies that do not eventually disappear on their own if the player does not kill them.

In addition, robots based on the support drones from Doom (2016) fly across the screen, carrying powerups or bonus items. Shooting their cargo gives the item to the player.

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