Vicarious Reality is a six-level mapset for Doom II designed for limit removing source ports created by various members of the Doomer Boards community, led by Jon Vail (40oz). It is the sixth entry in the ongoing Doomer Boards Projects and features a retro virtual reality theme inspired by 1990s WADs such as STRAIN and Hell To Pay. The resources were donated to Doomer Boards by MagicMaha and were originally intended for a standalone project he intended to make that was ultimately abandoned. It was released on the Doomer Boards forums on September 1, 2018, and uploaded to the /idgames archive on October 6. This project would be the last to feature contributions from 40oz until DBP23 in 2020 as he would take a year-long hiatus from the Doom community following its release.
- MAP01: E1M9 from djb01.wad
- MAP02: MAP28 from sd.wad
- MAP03: "Tomorrow's Another Day" by MxPx
- MAP04: "Demon Cleaner" by Kyuss
- MAP05: MAP06 from Hell To Pay
- MAP06: E1M4 from djb01.wad
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