Doom Editing Utilities


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Doom Editing Utilities
DEU screenshot.png

Viewing E1M1 of Doom in DEU 5.2.

Developer(s) Raphaël Quinet, Brendon Wyber
Initial release 2.00 (1994-01-26, 31 years ago)
Latest release 5.21 (1994-05-21, 30 years ago)
Development status Discontinued
Written in C
Target platform DOS, Linux
License GPLv1+
Website DEU - Doom Editing Utilities

Doom Editing Utilities (often referred to by the abbreviation DEU, and abbreviated DEUS by the ASCII art in the text files), is a DOS-based level editor created by Raphaël Quinet and Brendon Wyber. It was one of the first complete editors to be developed. It was first released on January 26, 1994.

The last version of DEU was version 5.21, released on May 21, 1994 (although a beta of version 5.3 was also released).

DEU did not support Doom II. However, an unofficial copy called DEU 2 added support.


  • Modifiable default wall texture and flat textures
  • Modifiable default height for ceilings and floors
  • Map statistic counting
  • Drawing a polygon, with up to 32 sides and a radius of 2000

Commands (command line arguments)

  • B, to create a WAD file
  • C, to create a new map
  • D, to dump a entry into hexadecimal
  • E, to edit a level to create a PWAD
  • G, to combine PWADs into a single file
  • I, to insert a raw file into a PWAD
  • M, list the name of the parent directory
  • S, to save a single object to a separate file
  • V, to view sprites


  • DEU 1.00 was never released to public.
  • DEU 2.00 was released on January 26, 1994. It is the first full release.
  • DEU 3.00 was released on January 29, 1994, with the v3.01 released later on the same day.
  • DEU 4.00 was released on February 16, 1994. Stylized as NewDEU.
  • DEU 4.10 was released on February 17, 1994.
  • DEU 4.20 was released on February 25, 1994.
  • DEU 4.31 was released on March 8, 1994.
  • DEU 5.00 was released on March 30, 1994.
    • DEU 5.00 Beta (titled DEU5BETA) was the first complete editor with a functional node builder, released on March 17, 1994.
  • DEU 5.10 was released on April 26, 1994.
  • DEU 5.20 was released on May 20, 1994.
  • DEU 5.21 was released on May 21, 1994. It is the last full release (v5.30 was only a beta).


Versions 4.0 till 4.31 were released by Quinet as NewDEU, because he was not an official maintainer. Basing his work off DEU 3.01, Quinet wrote in the instructions for NewDEU 4.0:


 This program is called "NEWDEU" because Brendon Wyber (the author of DEU)
 has requested that anyone who alters his DEU program calls it something
 else.  This program is based on DEU-3.01, but I originally didn't plan on
 releasing it by myself.  In fact, I sent a first version of this program
 to Brendon, hoping that he will release it soon and add new features of
 his own.

 Well, he didn't have the time to work on it, because he had to go on
 holidays.  So I eventually decided to make this program public.  When
 Brendon returns, I hope that he will work on my program and release it
 under the "DEU" name.

 In short, you will probably never see any program called "NEWDEU" again.
 If Brendon starts working on my program, it will be called "DEU" from
 then on.  If he doesn't like it, I will call it something else.  Got that?

						   Rapha‰l Quinet,
						   15 Feb. 1994

With DEU 5.0, permission was given by Wyber to let Quinet develop the editor further under the original DEU moniker.

Development history[edit]

Being a pioneering program in its own right, DEU incrementally gained new features. It was under the NewDEU moniker when the program evolved into a complete suite capable of editing every aspect of a WAD. NewDEU 4.2 was the first version that was used to create a third-party level, with the nodes still built by hand. With DEU5BETA, Quinet achieved the first complete level editor with automatic node builder. The history of the editor, in source called EDIT.C showcases the progression as more data structures were reverse-engineered:

* 3.00/3.01 (EDIT.C) - merely copies all lumps except for THINGS, which it generates
* 4.0/4.1 (EDIT.C) - generates THINGS/LINEDEFS/SIDEDEFS/VERTEXES/SEGS/SECTORS, "generates" SSECTORS (code does read and organise the lump data into a struct, but does nothing with editing or even reading data in that struct) and copies NODES/REJECT/BLOCKMAP
* 4.2/4.3/4.31 (EDIT.C) - generates THINGS/LINEDEFS/SIDEDEFS/VERTEXES/SEGS/SSECTORS/SECTORS/BLOCKMAP, also "generates" NODES as 4.2/4.3/4.31 do have a node viewer but it's effectively just writing what it had read from the NODES lump when opening a level just like the SSECTORS lump in 4.0/4.1, copies REJECT lump
* DEU5BETA/5.0 beta 4 (EDIT.C) - generates everything, though REJECT is all 0s
* 5.0 (LEVELS.C) - as above, but map reading/writing moved to its own C file 

Knee-Deep in the DEU[edit]

Starting from DEU 5.1 (April 26, 1994) a PWAD was included with the distribution entitled Knee-Deep In The DEU. It consists of a new episode, entitled The Architects of Hell. Its filename is KNEEDEEP.WAD.

It was made with various versions of DEU, predominantly version 5.0 (March 30, 1994) and with the BSP compiler. It consists of nine new levels, many done by early pioneers in Doom:

  • E1M1: FSW4.WAD by Cameron Newham
  • E1M2: STUPIDDT.WAD (Stupid DOOM Tricks #1) by Steven L. Bareman
  • E1M3: BOOM.WAD by Billy Chow
  • E1M4: MICHAEL.WAD by Michael Stiller
  • E1M5: SHOOTEM3.WAD (Shoot 'Em, rev.3) by Michael Kelsey
  • E1M6: HELIPAD.WAD by Sean R. Malloy
  • E1M7: DETHWHEL.WAD by Trevor Phillips
  • E1M8: PRISON.WAD by Dierich Hempelmann
  • E1M9: SEWER.WAD by Robert M. Harvey (replaces E1M2)

Additionally, a separate WAD called TINYWAD.WAD by Sven Neuhaus was also included.


DEU's impact on Doom was significant: For many users it was their first foray into level design. Due to the open nature of DEU's code, portions of it, in particular code found in the source files OBJECTS.C and NODES.C were re-used in other programs and releases:

  • AmigaDEU was a port of DEU 5.20 to the Amiga, by Ian Gledhill, in 1998. The release is in alpha only, carrying version number 5.20.3.
  • BSPCOMP contains code from DEU.
  • CROSS.WAD, one of the earliest maps for Doom, used a custom program made by Alistair Brown for the node building structure, but credits NewDEU for using the PWAD writing routine.
  • DDT: The Doom Developers Toolkit was a new editor, but fully based off DEU 5.21.
  • RoomEdit for the game Meridian 59 uses a heavily modified WinDEU and thus the DEU node builder, supporting slopes.
  • RORBSP was the first Room-over-room BSP node builder whose code was directly inspired by OBJECTS.C from DEU 5.0.
  • WAD Master by Mark Klem used a modified DEU 5.20 with Doom 2 support for its level editing sub program. The DEU node builder was removed.
  • ZETH: This DETH-derived (in turn derived from DEU itself) editor used the DEU node builder internally in version 4.17 as opposed to DETH's node builder, which was ZenNode.


As DEU's code was released as open source, multiple authors took advantage by releasing custom versions of DEU containing new features.

Main article: ADE2
Main article: DDT
Main article: DEU II
Main article: DEU2C
Main article: DEUH
Main article: HERED
Main article: HEU
Main article: HEUHack
Main article: HFDE
Main article: HFDE/2
Main article: HFDE/H
Main article: IDE (ID Edit)
Main article: MKD2EDIT

Other tools such as DMPSMU and DMMPST are also based on (part of) DEU's sources.


  • The level creation of the 3DO version of Killing Time was done using DEU, before eventually being converted to account for the custom ZX engine used for the game.

External links[edit]

Source code genealogy
Based on Name Base for
New code base Doom Editing Utilities (DEU) ADE2