DM05: Treading Caerphily (The Adventures of Square)


The Adventures of Square maps
Ep. 1: Cornered by Circles

TC A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 OS

Ep. 2: Galactic Lunacy

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12

This level occupies the map slot DM05. For other maps with a non-standard slot, see Category:Non-standard map slots.
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DM05: Treading Caerphily is the fifth deathmatch map of The Adventures of Square, also playable in single-player via the "Time Attack" mode. It was designed by Matt Tropiano (MTrop) and uses the music track "Cowculus" by James Paddock (Jimmy) and Xaser Acheron.


Spawn pointsUnmarked
Map of Treading Caerphily

Map layout[edit]

Player spawns[edit]

This level contains eleven spawn points:

  1. facing south. (thing 397)
  2. facing north-west. (thing 398)
  3. facing 293°. (thing 399)
  4. facing south-east. (thing 400)
  5. facing north-east. (thing 401)
  6. facing south-east. (thing 410)
  7. facing south. (thing 411)
  8. facing north-east. (thing 412)
  9. facing 204°. (thing 417)
  10. facing south. (thing 418)
  11. facing east. (thing 419)

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Map data[edit]

Things 580
Vertices 2047
Linedefs 2505
Sidedefs 4259
Sectors 507


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Weapons 1-2 3 4-5
Second paint gun 3
Defibrillator 1
Oozi 2
Shotbow 4
Quad cannon 1
Paintblaster 1
Hellshell launcher 1
Crescent-shaped scepter 1
Ammunition 1-2 3 4-5
Goonades 2
Clip of paint 22 22 25
Clip of ooze 22
Shotbolts 27 27 30
Quiver of shotbolts 1
Bag of marbles 6
Health & Armor 1-2 3 4-5
Hamburger 12
Lemonade 8 9 10
Cardboard box armor 1
Wooden box armor 1
Items 1-2 3 4-5
Soda 90
Piece of cake 12
Piece of pie 1
Devil sphere 1
Hot sauce 1
Fishtank 2 2 2
Miscellaneous 1-2 3 4-5
Deathmatch start 11
Teleport landing 3

See also[edit]

External links[edit]