DMMPST/All classes and things From Complete tables of classes and things that DMMPST processes for all games: DOOM ID Monsters (0) 3004 Zombieman 9061 Stealth human 9 Shotgun guy 9060 Stealth sergeant 65 Heavy weapon dude 9054 Stealth commando 3001 Imp 3007 Nightmare imp 9057 Stealth imp 3006 Lost soul 3002 Demon 9055 Stealth demon 58 Spectre 892 Spectre "1" 893 Spectre "2" 890 Spectre "3" 889 Nightmare spectre 66 Revenant 9059 Stealth revenant 3005 Cacodemon 894 Spectral cacodemon 9053 Stealth cacodemon 71 Pain elemental 69 Hell knight 9056 Stealth knight 3003 Baron of Hell 9052 Stealth baron 68 Arachnotron 9050 Stealth arachnotron 67 Mancubus 9058 Stealth mancubus 64 Arch-vile 9051 Stealth arch-vile 7 Spiderdemon 16 Cyberdemon 3013 Mother demon 84 Wolfenstein SS 72 Commander Keen 88 Romero's head 89 Monster spawner 87 Spawn spot 888 Helper dog 9100 Scripted marine 9101 Fists marine 9102 Berserk marine 9103 Chainsaw marine 9104 Pistol marine 9105 Shotgun marine 9106 Super shotgun marine 9107 Chaingun marine 9108 Rocket launcher marine 9109 Plasma gun marine 9110 Railgun marine 9111 BFG9000 marine ID Weapons (2) 2005 Chainsaw 2001 Shotgun 82 Super shotgun 2002 Chaingun 2003 Rocket launcher 2004 Plasma gun 2006 BFG9000 84 Unmaker ID Ammunition (3) 2007 Clip 2048 Box of bullets 2008 4 shotgun shells 2049 Box of shotgun shells 2010 Rocket 2046 Box of rockets 2047 Energy cell 17 Energy cell pack ID Health & Armor (4) 2011 Stimpack 2012 Medikit 2018 Armor 2019 Megaarmor ID Items (5) 2015 Armor bonus 2014 Health bonus 2013 Supercharge 83 Megasphere 8 Backpack 2023 Berserk 2026 Computer area map 2022 Invulnerability 2045 Light amplification visor 2024 Partial invisibility 2025 Radiation shielding suit 1042 Orange demon key 1043 Cyan demon key 1044 Purple demon key ID Keys (6) 5 Blue keycard 40 Blue skull key 13 Red keycard 38 Red skull key 6 Yellow keycard 39 Yellow skull key ID Miscellaneous (7) 1 Player 1 start 2 Player 2 start 3 Player 3 start 4 Player 4 start 4001 Player 5 start 4002 Player 6 start 4003 Player 7 start 4004 Player 8 start 32500 Cooperative start 11 Deathmatch start 2035 Exploding barrel 1001 Exploding barrel (Doom 64) 5080 Team Blue start 5081 Team Red start 5083 Team Green start 5084 Team Gold start 5130 Blue flag spot 5131 Red flag spot 5133 Green flag spot 5134 Gold flag spot 5132 White flag spot 14 Teleport landing 32501 Voodoo doll 0 Camera 2050 Projectile spot 89 Trigger 90 Laser marker 3014 Cyberdemon dummy 3008 Red marine bot 3009 Aqua marine bot 3010 Green marine bot Heretic ID Monsters (0) 66 Gargoyle 5 Fire gargoyle 68 Golem 69 Golem ghost 45 Nitrogolem 46 Nitrogolem ghost 90 Sabreclaw 15 Disciple 64 Undead warrior 65 Undead warrior ghost 70 Weredragon 92 Ophidian 6 Iron lich 9 Maulotaur 7 D'Sparil ID Weapons (2) 2005 Gauntlets of the Necromancer 2001 Ethereal crossbow 53 Dragon claw 2004 Hellstaff 2003 Phoenix rod 2002 Firemace ID Ammunition (3) 10 Wand crystal 12 Crystal geode 18 Ethereal arrows 19 Quiver of ethereal arrows 54 Claw orb 55 Energy orb 20 Lesser runes 21 Greater runes 22 Flame orb 23 Inferno orb 13 Mace spheres 16 Pile of mace spheres ID Health & Armor (4) 81 Crystal vial 31 Enchanted shield 85 Silver shield ID Items (5) 8 Bag of Holding 36 Chaos Device 35 Map scroll 30 Morph Ovum 32 Mystic urn 82 Quartz flask 84 Ring of Invincibility 75 Shadowsphere 34 Time Bomb of the Ancients 86 Tome of Power 33 Torch 83 Wings of Wrath ID Keys (6) 79 Blue key 73 Green key 80 Yellow key ID Miscellaneous (7) 1 Player 1 start 2 Player 2 start 3 Player 3 start 4 Player 4 start 4001 Player 5 start 4002 Player 6 start 4003 Player 7 start 4004 Player 8 start 32500 Cooperative start 11 Deathmatch start 56 D'Sparil teleport spot 94 Key gizmo (blue) 95 Key gizmo (green) 96 Key gizmo (yellow) 2035 Pod 43 Pod generator 87 Volcano 5080 Team Blue start 5081 Team Red start 5083 Team Green start 5084 Team Gold start 5130 Blue flag spot 5131 Red flag spot 5133 Green flag spot 5134 Gold flag spot 5132 White flag spot 52 Teleport glitter (blue) 74 Teleport glitter (red) 14 Teleport landing 32501 Voodoo doll ID Ambient sounds (8) 1205 Bells 1202 Drops 1209 Fast footsteps 1206 Growl 1204 Heart beat 1208 Laughter 1207 Magic 1200 Scream 1203 Slow footsteps 1201 Squish 41 Waterfall 42 Wind Hexen ID Monsters (0) 10060 Afrit 121 Stalker 120 Stalker boss 8020 Wendigo 114 Dark bishop 34 Reiver 10011 Reiver (buried) 10030 Ettin 107 Centaur 8080 Brown chaos serpent 31 Green chaos serpent 115 Slaughtaur 254 Death wyvern 10102 Menelkir 10101 Traductus 10100 Zedek 10080 Heresiarch 10200 Korax ID Weapons (2) 8010 Timon's Axe 123 Hammer of Retribution 16 Quietus (hilt) 13 Quietus (cross) 12 Quietus (blade) 10 Serpent staff 8009 Firestorm 20 Wraithverge (shaft) 19 Wraithverge (cross) 18 Wraithverge (arc) 53 Frost shards 8040 Arc of Death 23 Bloodscourge (stick) 22 Bloodscourge (stub) 21 Bloodscourge (skull) ID Ammunition (3) 122 Blue mana 124 Green mana 8004 Combined mana ID Health & Armor (4) 81 Crystal vial 8008 Amulet of Warding 8006 Falcon shield 8005 Mesh armor 8007 Platinum helm ID Items (5) 10040 Banishment Device 8002 Boots of Speed 36 Chaos Device 86 Dark Servant 10110 Disc of Repulsion 8041 Dragonskin bracers 8000 Fléchette 84 Icon of the Defender 8003 Krater of Might 10120 Mystic Ambit Incant 32 Mystic urn 30 Porkalator 82 Quartz flask 33 Torch 83 Wings of Wrath ID Keys & Puzzle items (6) 8032 Axe key 8200 Castle key 8031 Cave key 8035 Dungeon key 8034 Emerald key 8033 Fire key 8038 Horn key 8037 Rusted key 8036 Silver key 8030 Steel key 8039 Swamp key 9014 Flame Mask 9003 Heart of D'Sparil 9005 Emerald planet 1 9009 Emerald planet 2 9004 Ruby planet 9006 Sapphire planet 1 9010 Sapphire planet 2 9021 Clock gear (bronze in steel) 9019 Clock gear (bronze) 9020 Clock gear (steel in bronze) 9018 Clock gear (steel) 9007 Daemon Codex 9008 Liber Oscura 9002 Yorick's Skull 9015 Glaive Seal 9016 Holy Relic 9017 Sigil of the Magus ID Miscellaneous (7) 1 Player 1 start 2 Player 2 start 3 Player 3 start 4 Player 4 start 9100 Player 5 start 9101 Player 6 start 9102 Player 7 start 9103 Player 8 start 32500 Cooperative start 11 Deathmatch start 10225 Bat spawner 8065 Bell 8062 Destructible tree 8068 Evergreen tree 10003 Fog patch (large) 10002 Fog patch (medium) 10001 Fog patch (small) 10000 Fog spawner 118 Glitter bridge 113 Leaf spawner 8104 Mushroom 104 Pot (tall) 105 Pot (medium) 106 Pot (short) 8102 Shrub (large) 8101 Shrub (small) 110 Sitting corpse 10090 Spike down 10091 Spike up 8064 Suit of armor 14 Teleport landing 140 Teleport smoke ID Ambient sounds (8) 1403 Creak 1408 Earth 1401 Heavy 1407 Ice 1405 Lava 1402 Metal 1409 Metal2 1404 Silence 1400 Stone 1406 Water 1410 Wind Strife ID Enemies (0) 231 Acolyte (blue) 147 Acolyte (dark green) 148 Acolyte (gold) 146 Acolyte (gray) 232 Acolyte (light green) 142 Acolyte (red) 143 Acolyte (rust) 3002 Acolyte (tan) 58 Shadow Acolyte 201 Becoming Acolyte 186 Stalker 3006 Sentinel 27 Ceiling turret 3001 Reaver 3003 Templar 3005 Crusader 187 Bishop 199 Oracle 64 Macil 200 Macil Spectre 12 Loremaster 16 Inquisitor 71 Programmer 129 Spectre (Programmer) 75 Spectre (Bishop) 76 Spectre (Oracle) 167 Spectre (Macil) 168 Spectre (Loremaster) 128 Entity 26 Entity nest 198 Entity pod ID Other characters (1) 73 Armorer 72 Barkeep 74 Medic 116 Weapon smith 9 Rebel 1 144 Rebel 2 145 Rebel 3 149 Rebel 4 150 Rebel 5 151 Rebel 6 141 Beggar 1 155 Beggar 2 156 Beggar 3 157 Beggar 4 158 Beggar 5 181 Peasant Blue 172 Peasant Dark Green 1 173 Peasant Dark Green 2 174 Peasant Dark Green 3 178 Peasant Gold 1 179 Peasant Gold 2 180 Peasant Gold 3 66 Peasant Gray 1 134 Peasant Gray 2 135 Peasant Gray 3 175 Peasant Light Green 1 176 Peasant Light Green 2 177 Peasant Light Green 3 65 Peasant Red 1 132 Peasant Red 2 133 Peasant Red 3 67 Peasant Rust 1 136 Peasant Rust 2 137 Peasant Rust 3 3004 Peasant Tan 1 130 Peasant Tan 2 131 Peasant Tan 3 204 Kneeling Guy 169 Zombie 170 Zombie spawner ID Weapons (2) 2001 Crossbow 2002 Assault rifle (lying) 2006 Assault rifle (standing) 2003 Mini-missile launcher 154 Grenade launcher 2005 Flamethrower 2004 Mauler 77 Sigil 1 (Lightning) 78 Sigil 2 (Rail) 79 Sigil 3 (Spread) 80 Sigil 4 (Column) 81 Sigil 5 (Blast) ID Ammunition (3) 114 Electric bolt 115 Poison bolt 2007 Bullet clip 2048 Box of bullets 2010 Mini-missile 2046 Crate of missiles 152 HE grenade 153 Phosphorous grenade 2047 Energy pod 17 Energy pack ID Health & Armor (4) 2011 Med patch 2012 Medical kit 83 Surgery kit 2018 Leather armor 2019 Metal armor ID Items (5) 183 Ammo satchel 206 Communicator 2025 Environmental suit 93 Gold coin 138 10 Gold 139 25 Gold 140 50 Gold 2026 Map 2027 Scanner 2024 Shadow armor 207 Targeter 10 Teleporter beacon 7966 Red talisman 7967 Green talisman 7968 Blue talisman ID Keys & Quest items (6) 184 ID badge 13 ID card 230 Base key 193 Blue crystal key 39 Brass key 195 Chapel key 236 Core key 234 Factory key 40 Gold key 233 Mauler key 235 Mine key 61 Oracle key 86 Order key 185 Pass card 192 Red crystal key 91 Severed hand 38 Silver key 166 Warehouse key 226 Broken power coupling 220 Power coupling 59 Degnin ore 7975 Ore spawner 25 Force field guard 45 Gate piston 52 Officer uniform 90 Guard uniform 92 Power crystal 205 Offering chalice 7970 Blue chalice 182 Computer ID Miscellaneous (7) 1 Player 1 start 2 Player 2 start 3 Player 3 start 4 Player 4 start 5 Player 5 start 6 Player 6 start 7 Player 7 start 8 Player 8 start 32500 Cooperative start 11 Deathmatch start 94 Exploding barrel 208 Practice target 85 Rat buddy 5080 Team Blue start 5081 Team Red start 5130 Blue flag spot 5131 Red flag spot 14 Teleport landing 23 Teleport swirl 118 Teleport map spot 1 119 Teleport map spot 2 120 Teleport map spot 3 121 Teleport map spot 4 122 Teleport map spot 5 123 Teleport map spot 6 124 Teleport map spot 7 125 Teleport map spot 8 126 Teleport map spot 9 127 Teleport map spot 10 32501 Voodoo doll 82 Wooden barrel Categories: Miscellaneous editorsListsDoom Wiki