Darryl Steffen (dobu gabu maru)

From DoomWiki.org

Darryl Steffen, known by his alias dobu gabu maru, is an American level designer, and host of The DWmegawad Club since its inception. He was named as the Mapper of the Year at the 2017 Cacowards, in addition to receiving a Cacoward for Saturnine Chapel and a Machaward for his monsterless puzzle map The Given.

Steffen is known for his highly idiosyncratic style, with common tropes being difficult, cruel combat setups, extravagant, richly detailed environments, ambitious concept levels, and meticulous worldbuilding. He also has a fascination with puzzle maps; besides The Given, his other levels in a similar style include Moonlight and his Exuviae levels such as MAP31: Iron Exuviae (NOVA: The Birth).

Steffen is also noted for his community project management efforts. He co-led NOVA: The Birth, and was the project lead for its sequel. In 2017, he playtested and did major mapping work for TNT: Revilution. One of the levels he retouched, his collaboration Transduction with Stupid Bunny, Kyka, and Megamur, placed 90th in Doomworld's Top 100 Most Memorable Maps.

Body of work[edit]










  • Team Rocket 2 - Looks like we're blasting off again! (Doomworld forums thread)
    • MAP29: Self-Destruct
  • Dark Scythe (Doomworld/idgames)
    • Project leader
    • MAP01: The Dark Shadow
    • MAP24: Distant Suckers
    • MAP29: Designing a Sculpture
    • MAP30: The Diorama Symposium
    • MAP34: Door Savvy
    • MAP37: Disseminator of Sin
    • MAP39: Dork Smasher
    • MAP43: Delivering Shakespeare
  • Pious Simplicity (Doomworld forums thread) (with 40oz)



  • NoDoom (Doomworld/idgames)
  • Realm of Chaos 2: The Revenge of '96! (Doomworld forums thread)
    • MAP13: Mosh-Pit of The Demons (with Rob Berkowitz (DocBob) and Steve Duff)
    • MAP15: Tower of Treachery (with Rob Berkowitz (DocBob))
    • MAP17: Stone Valley (with Leo Berahovich and Steve Duff)
    • MAP19: Snow Assault (with Leo Berahovich)
    • MAP23: Hunting Lodge (with Steve Duff and Capellan)
    • MAP25: Hell Is Where The Heart Is (with Rob Berkowitz (DocBob) and Steve Duff)
    • MAP28: I Gotta Wear Shades (with Rob Berkowitz (DocBob) and Steve Duff)
    • MAP31: Cyberdance (with Chris Bourke (purist) and Steve Duff)
    • MAP33: Los Números del Diablo
    • MAP37: Corpsetopia (with Rob Berkowitz (DocBob))
    • MAP38: Crimson Tightrope (with Rob Berkowitz (DocBob))
    • MAP40: Sanity is a Prison

External links[edit]