Doom Eternal albums


The Doom Slayer examines a record album after finding it.

Albums are secret items that occur in Doom Eternal. There are 16 records in total, with one or two albums appearing in most levels of the base campaign.

Albums take the form of vinyl records with Doom-related sleeves, and each album holds a music track from one of id Software's games; upon finding an album, the Doom Slayer examines the sleeve and the record inside briefly before putting it away. Finding an album adds a corresponding poster somewhere in the Fortress of Doom; the player can then interact with this poster to play its song on a loop until a different song is selected or the player leaves the fortress. The locations of found posters are highlighted on the automap using music notes.

Finding all the albums in a single save slot will complete the "Metal Head" achievement and tick off its corresponding milestone.


Poster Song Composed by Game Level Location in fortress
At Doom's Gate album cover.jpg At Doom's Gate Robert Prince Doom Exultia By the left-hand exit from the main bridge.
Into Sandy's City album cover.jpg Into Sandy's City Robert Prince Doom II Cultist Base By the right-hand exit from the main bridge.
Shadows Don't Scare Commander Keen album cover.jpg Shadows Don't Scare Commander Keen!![recnotes 1] Robert Prince Commander Keen 4 Doom Hunter Base Pass through the airlock leading to the Sentinel training armor room, then immediately turn right to see the poster behind you.
Doom 3 Main Theme album cover.jpg Main Theme Tweaker Doom 3 Super Gore Nest Just past the Unmaykr's containment chamber.
Wondering About My Loved Ones album cover.jpg Wondering About My Loved Ones Robert Prince Wolfenstein 3D Super Gore Nest Inside the airlock leading to the room with the original Praetor suit.
Quad Machine album cover.jpg Quad Machine Sonic Mayhem Quake II ARC Complex Outside the airlock leading to the Sentinel training armor room.
Quake 3 Intro album cover.jpg Intro Front Line Assembly Quake III Arena ARC Complex On the right-hand side of the walkway in front of the Atlan torso.[recnotes 2]
Doom 64 Intro album cover.jpg Intro Aubrey Hodges Doom 64 Mars Core At the back of the fortress, next to the two chambers containing Sentinel crystals.[recnotes 3]
Goroth album cover.jpg Goroth Chris Vrenna & Andrew Hulshult Quake Champions Mars Core Just behind the left-hand exit from the main bridge.
BFG Division album cover.jpg BFG Division Mick Gordon Doom (2016) Taras Nabad In the control room for the Ripatorium.
Rage album cover.jpg Rage Sonic Mayhem Quake II Taras Nabad On the left-hand staircase leading down to the Ripatorium elevator.
You've Got To Eat Your Vegetables album cover.jpg You've Got to Eat Your Vegetables!! Robert Prince Commander Keen 4 Nekravol In the room containing the Sentinel training armor.
Flesh and Metal album cover.jpg Flesh and Metal Mick Gordon Doom (2016) Nekravol - Part II Under the stairs leading up to the Unmaykr containment chamber.
Get Them Before They Get You album cover.jpg Get Them Before They Get You Robert Prince Wolfenstein 3D Nekravol - Part II Inside the room with the original Praetor suit
Descent into Cerberon album cover.jpg Descent into Cerberon Sonic Mayhem Quake II Urdak Go through the middle exit from the main bridge then turn left.
Rip and Tear album cover.jpg Rip and Tear Mick Gordon Doom (2016) Urdak Go through the middle exit from the main bridge then turn right.


  • A record player can be seen next to the computer in the Slayer's private room aboard the fortress, with a sleeve for the soundtrack to Doom (2016) lying next to it.


  1. This is actually a cover of "Spiro Grip Me Tighter" from Commander Keen 5.
  2. When obtaining this collectible, the album cover mistakenly uses the DOOM 64 Intro art.
  3. When obtaining this collectible, the album cover mistakenly uses the Quake III Intro art.