Doom Zero MIDI Pack


Doom Zero MIDI Pack
Title screen
Authors Demonic Meatball
Port Vanilla Doom
Year 2024
Link Doomworld/idgames

Doom Zero MIDI Pack is a solo music pack for Doom Zero, composed and compiled by Demonic Meatball. This music pack ensures that every map has a dedicated and bespoke composition, instead of reusing music from Doom, Doom II, or remixes from Project: Doom. It was released on September 30, 2024, coinciding with the fifth anniversary of Doom Zero.

Track listing[edit]

Track Name Level Length
Zeroing In MAP01: High-Rise Roof 02:26
Lions, Satyrs and Tongue Stickers MAP02: Toxic Tower 02:35
Asthmatic Meatballs MAP03: Marble Zone 03:12
Deceitful MAP04: Triple Town 03:50
Pitiful Vile MAP05: The Pits 03:17
Sneaking MAP06: Echo Halls 03:12
Double-Barreled Death Ballet MAP07: Claustrophobia 02:46
Familiar Nuisances MAP08: Module Base 04:00
Bookworm MAP09: Ancient Archives 02:54
Back to Hell They Go MAP10: Leap Gates 04:43
Can't Have Shit in DOOMtroit MAP11: Too Close To Home 02:57
Inner Mantle MAP12: Underland 03:05
Losing Your Marbles MAP13: Tease 03:23
Tectonic MAP14: Crust 03:52
In parts MAP15: Peak Facility 03:11
Mucus-Lookin' MAP16: Natural Supply 03:18
1548 Ticks MAP17: The Testing Labs 02:53
Among the STARs MAP18: Atom Transporter 03:34
Foreshadowing MAP19: Quantum Processing 02:40
Witch MAP20: Familiar Face 03:23
White Skulls MAP21: Starbourn 04:36
Marsh Face MAP22: The Cracks 02:49
At Most 3 MAP23: Atmos Caves 03:00
Light Trails MAP24: Booster Hub 04:17
Quadratic MAP25: Abandoned Compound 02:52
Rock Overdose MAP26: Fortification 04:13
Curtain Call of Tricks (May Include Traps) MAP27: The Junction 03:42
Doom Zero MAP28: Suspension 03:36
Violent Heart Surgery MAP29: The Rematch 04:23
Twisted Caves MAP30: The Sarcophagus 03:04
Classic Skin MAP31: Meat 05:52
Back to Square Zero MAP32: Dark Roof 03:51
Minus One Title screen 00:14
Piling Up Skulls Intermission screen 01:42
Read with Piotr Michael's Voice Text screen 02:24

See also[edit]

External links[edit]