Doom references in other games

A well-known Doomguy parody in Duke Nukem 3D
The popularity and longevity of Doom and its sequels have resulted in a large number of homages in other games. The following list consists of known references in games outside of the Doom series itself, including those made by id Software (such as in the Quake, Rage, and Wolfenstein series).
Commercial games[edit]

Jazz Jackrabbit 2 episode-selection screen.

Doom title screen in Soldier of Fortune II.
Game | Description |
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures | The first officially sanctioned game featuring the Angry Video Game Nerd character, it contains a level called "Thy Farts Consumed" in which the Nerd descends into Hell to face giant "cacademons" and flaming skulls. A video of the level is available here. Its sequel, Angry Video Game Nerd II: ASSimilation, features the cacademons in many of its levels. |
Battlefield 1 | The double barreled, sawn-off shotgun in the game has a rare reload animation which will replicate Doom II's super shotgun reload animation, complete with similar sounds and an imp growl added after the animation ends. The animation can be seen here. |
The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble | Also known in Europe as Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth. There is a scene in which Woodruff plays a Doom-like virtual reality game and shoots down a monster looking like a demon with a shotgun. |
Brink | Has a downloadable content pack which features Doom customizations for the in-game character. |
Corridor 7: Alien Invasion | One of the deathmatch maps in the CD version of this game is a copy of Doom's E1M1: Hangar. |
Damage Incorporated | The video-game-loving marine codenamed Vidiot will occasionally quip "Whoa, this is better than Doom!" during missions. |
Deathloop | Arkane Lyon's 2021 FPS Deathloop contains an arcade cabinet with vector-based graphics running the attract loop for a game called Hell Crasher. When interacted with, it begins to display pictures of a cacodemon alternating with its title screen, which uses the Doom logo font. |
Duke Nukem 3D | Contains a slaughtered marine who looks like the Doomguy, which causes Duke to remark, "Hmm, that's one doomed space marine." The "Nuclear Winter" expansion contains a partial recreation of E1M1: Hangar in its third level. |
Dungeons of Dredmor | This game has many references to other games, Doom included. The third level of the dungeon uses the "Moon Base Dredmor Alpha" theme, reminiscent of the UAC base on Phobos. One of the Steam achievements for the game is "Realms of the Id", which is obtained by equipping the green armor and the "rusty helm" (from Quake, which is also referenced with the "interdimensional axe"). |
DUSK | Features a super shotgun that is directly based off Doom II's super shotgun. |
Dying Light 2 Stay Human | After finding five hidden black ducks, they can be taken to the basement of the VNC Tower, an area with a Doom 3-like atmosphere. Placing the ducks onto tables allows wires in this area to be connected in the pattern of a pentagram, and when all five are connected, a combat challenge will appear in the center called "Hangar". Activating the challenge takes the player to a full re-creation of E1M1: Hangar. A note from the developers can also be found in the area which thanks the original id Software employees who created Doom and credits them for inspiring the Techland developers to enter the game industry. |
Earthworm Jim | In the MS-DOS versions of Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Jim 2 (collectively titled The Whole Can O' Worms), typing in the Doom cheat codes iddqd or idkfa displays a humorous picture. |
Fall Guys | During a Doom Eternal-themed limited time event, three Doom suits (Cacodemon, Cyberdemon, and Doom Slayer) were purchasable. |
Fallout 4 | The "Creation Club" features a few elements borrowed from Doom, such as the "Doom Classic Marine Armor" and the "Doom BFG" creations. The ammo for the BFG 9000 is called "Argent plasma cells" and feature the 2016 and Eternal version of the UAC logo. However, the look of the armor and of the weapon correspond to their classic incarnations. |
Fallout Shelter Online | Fallout Shelter Online added the Doom Slayer from Doom Eternal as a limited-pool character available between September 9-16, 2020. Demons from the game were also added as enemies at the same time.[1] |
Fortnite Battle Royale | During the launch event for the "Chapter 4" overhaul of the game, the Doom Slayer (as depicted in Doom Eternal) was unlockable as a playable character model as part of the Battle Pass, along with several Doom Eternal themed cosmetics (Cacodemon glider, Lost Souls contrails, Crucible pickaxe, Mini-Slayer Fistbump emote, Slayers Mark back bling, Cackledemon emoji, Slayer helmet spraypaint, and a loading screen with a custom illustration depicting the Slayer against a horde of Cacodemons.) |
Forza Horizon 5 | Two snippets of "At Doom's Gate", as played by a horn, are unlockable as car horns titled "Doom E1M1 High" and "Doom E1M1 Low". |
Ganbare Goemon 4 | One part of this Super Famicom game by Konami requires the player to avoid gunshots from a pistol in the foreground. The pistol sprite is clearly based on Doom's. |
Heretic | Typing in the Doom cheat codes in this game iddqd or idkfa either kills the player or removes all their weapons. |
Ion Fury | The game features countless references to Doom and other classic games as Easter eggs. These include an ad for "Caco Bell", a Cacodemon-themed parody of Taco Bell, another ad for Thy Flesh Consumed, a graffiti saying "DOOMED" in the style of Doom's logo, another graffiti saying "AASHITTY", a framed picture of the Yangshuo County landscape used as the E1 sky, a computer screen texture representing the Doom startup screen, and a bus headsign showing that the vehicle is meant to be going into "Sandy's City". In addition, the cheat code for all weapons and items is IMAFK as a play on IDKFA. |
Island Peril | Some of the weapons in this game use muzzle flares based on Doom's weapons such as the BFG9000. |
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 | In the episode-selection screen, the player is allowed to try the shareware demo of the game. The episode screen is a parody of the Doom II box art, and the text "Shareware Demo" is written using the Doom font. This is ironic since Epic Games would later go on to create Unreal, a major competitor of id Software's Quake franchise. |
Master of Magic | This turn-based strategy game contains an artifact called The Idspispopd. |
Minecraft | The randomized title screen phrases drawn over its logo include several related to Doom. These include "idspispopd!", "MAP11 has two names!" and "Phobos anomaly". April Fools 2019 featured a joke version known as Java Edition 3D Shareware v1.34 which contains numerous references to Doom as well as other games released during the era. |
Mission 3: Ultimate Challenge | The second of two FormGen-developed mission packs for Spear of Destiny, this episode features a story in which Hitler summons and consults Abigor, a demon of war and foresight, allowing him to see into the future and obtain the plans to advanced weaponry and robotics. The original edition of the game's final level, Floor 21: Future Threat, is placed in a UAC base complete with crates and computers derived from Doom, as well as pools and clouds of volatile nukage. BJ Blazkowicz must fight another demon here known as the Devil Incarnate, whom Abigor commanded to serve and protect Hitler. Though this is in line with other references to Doom in the Wolfenstein series, id Software apparently did not approve of the insertion of this material, as it was removed from a later version of the mission pack. |
Muppets Inside | The game features a Doom parody called "Kitchens of Doom" starring the Swedish Chef as he takes on giant killer vegetables using various kitchenware. |
Operation Body Count | Capstone's follow up to Corridor7: Alien Invasion features a terrorist foe that uses death sprites clearly derived from Doom's zombieman. |
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous | An item called "Helmet of the Abyss Killer" can be found in one location of the game, designed after Doomguy's iconic helmet. The in-game description states that "this helmet belonged to a mighty warrior who was doomed to endlessly slay hordes of demons". |
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure | Typing iddqd or idkfa shows a picture of the Pitfall staff. |
Pizza Tower | A billboard featured in the April Fools "GOLF build" displays a parody of the original DOOM's cover art. |
Phantom Forces | A first-person shooter on Roblox. The shotguns in-game have an alternate aiming option that centers their position on the camera like in Doom. The Stevens Double Barrel and Sawed-Off shotguns have the ability to fire off both barrels at once and an option to use or remove their stock with a black engraving written on the right side spelling out "BOOM" in the Doom font. The latter references are a nod to the super shotgun from Doom II.[2] |
Project X Zone | In Chapter 38 of the game, titled "The Lord of Puppets," when facing off against Street Fighter IV's villain Seth for the third and final time, Juri says she will drag Seth down to Hell, and Xiaomu adds that he should say hello to the cyberdemons when he gets there. |
Quake II | Has an Easter egg in which the Doom logo appears in a room full of John Carmack-related paraphernalia. Most of the weapons available in the game are also updated versions of the weaponry in Doom, including an upgraded version of the BFG named the "BFG 10K". The presence of Carmack's head as an item is likewise a callback to the Romero's head in Doom II. |
Quake III Arena | Features the Doomguy as a playable character; he is referred to simply as "Doom". The same model, with a different skin, is used for the character "Phobos", a UAC marine who led the strike team after the moon of the same name was invaded by demons. A female character wearing a strikingly similar helmet, known as "Crash", is referred to as Doom's former military instructor. The Quake III and Quake Live level, Dueling Keeps, includes art that is strikingly similar to the Doom II final boss. |
Quake Champions | Features the Doom Slayer as depicted in Doom (2016) as a playable combatant with a special attack based on the berserk power-up and a passive ability to double jump courtesy of his Delta V jump-boots. Previous versions of the Doomguy (the marine's classic appearance and the hero of Doom 3) are also available as cosmetic options. [3] |
Radix: Beyond the Void | A 1995 hybrid of first-person shooter mechanics and Descent-like gameplay by Neutral Storm Entertainment, contains a recreation of a portion of E1M1: Hangar as a tribute to Doom's influence on its creators. |
Rage | Contains an Easter egg room with Doom textures in the Gearhead Vault part of Subway Town. The entrance is a locked door behind a Mixom crate; the door can be opened by activating computer keyboards that make the Doom powerup sound until a demon growl is heard. Entering the room teleports to a partial recreation of E1M1. Similar Easter eggs also exist for Wolfenstein 3D and Quake. Other Doom Easter eggs include, among others, the "Pinkies" snack (a parody of Twinkies), the Doom II title screen adorning Siri's hookah, the concept art for the Doom 3 version of the spiderdemon as a graffiti, a Wellspring NPC reading the Doom comic, and the character watching a Doom demo on the targeting screen of the rocket launcher when idle. |
Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix | The Doom title screen is shown on the personal computer of an enemy sailor on board the Seaward Star (mission 4).[4] |
Simon the Sorcerer II: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe | BFG9000 is mentioned by role players in the secluded hut where a censored abbreviation expansion is given as "Big F--". |
Sin | In the Biomech security compound (level 10), one of the security terminals conceals an Easter egg. If the player accesses the command prompt, they can use DOS commands to navigate and launch gloom.exe. Unfortunately, after going through the Doom-like loading sequence, Gloom: Heck on Earth will fail to start due to a mouse not being present. |
Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon | In the Fireworks Factory level, a first-person shooter sequence must be undertaken using the laser-blaster-wielding monkey known as Agent 9. The game gives the names of the two dragon eggs to be recovered in this area as "You're doomed!" and "You're still doomed!". |
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | The Doom Slayer, as depicted in Doom Eternal, appears as a DLC costume for Mii Fighter (Gunner), as of the October 18 2021 patch. The costume also changes the model of Mii Fighter's gun to resemble the Doom (2016) pistol.[5] |
Terraria | The icon of the "god mode" available in the Journey Mode powers features glowing yellow eyes in a direct reference to Doomguy's invulnerability mode mug shot. |
This Means War | In the intro sequence, the title screen of the fictional "Snark Hunter" game parodies Doom's logo and title picture. |
Tomb Raider III | In the Nevada Desert level, there are many workers in blue suits. All of them have the easily recognizable image of a lost soul displayed on their backs. |
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 | The PC release features the Doomguy as a secret skater. He is unlocked on the cheat screen by typing idkfa. |
Troll Face Quest Video Games [nl] | The first Troll Face Quest Video Games title includes a Doom-themed level. |
Virtual Springfield | There is a minigame in this Simpsons video game entitled "Apoom", which is a parody of Doom in which Apu fights off squishee-throwing bullies in his shop with a broom, shotgun and a weapon similar to the BFG, causing them to explode in a bloody mess. |
Wolfenstein 3D | In the Atari Jaguar port of Wolfenstein 3D, the pistol, chaingun, and rocket launcher sprites are based on the same weapons from Doom. |
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood | A cacodemon chew toy can be found on a doggy bed belonging to Greta von Wolfenstein, a prized albino dog belonging to the game's sadistic antagonist, Rudi Jäger. |
World Tour Racing | Billboards featuring the Doom logo appear at trackside, most presumably as cross-promotion for the Jaguar version. |
Fan-made games[edit]
Game | Description |
Mushroom Kingdom Fusion | World 4 is themed around Castlevania, Ghosts 'n Goblins and Doom. The demo version includes World 4-2, "Tower of Babel" [1], which incorporates graphics and music from Doom. The World 4 map is that of Doom Episode 3's intermission map. Tower of Babel incorporates imps and cacodemons, as well as a cyberdemon boss. Mario may pick up and fire Doom's rocket launcher in the boss battle. |
Super Columbine Massacre RPG! | One can collect the Doom box at the beginning of the game. Later in the game, the player will face several Doom enemies, including imps and demons. The cyberdemon appears as the second to last boss. Upon defeating him, the player is rewarded with a BFG. |
ZAngband | In this Roguelike game and many derivative games, such as Gumband, Hengband and ToME, cyberdemon-like enemies can be found. There they have similar characteristics to cyberdemons in the Doom series, although they have been given a tremendously strong close-combat attack (four strokes for 150 damage each) in addition to their traditional rockets. Also, the unique monster "Oremorj the Cyberdemon Lord" can be found in ZAngband and Hengband (Oremorj is Jromero, i.e. John Romero, read backwards). |
Apoom, a minigame from Virtual Springfield.
A Doom parody in Sin.
Cacodemon dog chew toy in Wolfenstein: The Old Blood.
From Fallout 4 creation
See also[edit]
- BFG9000 appearances and homages
- Doom in popular culture
- Easter eggs
- References to Classic Doom in Doom 3
- Doom-related references in Doom 2016
External links[edit]
- This article incorporates text from the open-content Wikipedia online encyclopedia article Doom spin-offs and homages.
- ↑ Adlan, W. Amirul (9 September 2020). "Fallout Shelter Online X Doom Eternal Collaboration Starts Today." GamerBraves (archived 🏛). Retrieved 19 September 2021.
- ↑ "Stevens DB Trivia." Phantom Forces Wiki. Retrieved 27 April 2024.
- ↑ Bethesda (17 August 2017). "Quake Champions – Early Access Starts Soon." Retrieved 18 August 2017.
- ↑ Reference to Doom mentioned in Soldier of Fortune II walkthrough at
- ↑ Craddock, Ryan (5 October 2021). "Smash Bros. Ultimate Adds Doom Slayer And Splatoon Characters As Mii Fighter Costumes." Nintendo Life. Retrieved 5 October 2021.