Doomworld Mega Project 2022


Doomworld Mega Project 2022
Add a screenshot and caption
Authors Various
Ports Limit-removing, GZDoom
Year 2022
Link Doomworld forums thread

Doomworld Mega Project 2022 is a community project led by TimeOfDeath and the eleventh installment in the Doomworld Mega Project series. In this project anyone was able to participate by following the established rules. Like the previous installment, the result is not a megawad nor a group of separate WADs, but rather a collection of files, sorted into folders by creator and packed into a common ZIP file archive. The project was started on January 3, 2022,[1] and was released on November 13, 2022.[2]


The project had very relaxed rules compared to early installments:

  • every participant was able to submit every number of digital files that were created by them during 2022;
  • files could be anything and their relation to Doom was not required;
  • maximum size of files was set at 50 MB per person;
  • viruses, malware, inappropriate files etc. were prohibited;
  • submissions were to be released as-is without quality control or testing.


Doomworld Mega Project 2022 contains 12 folders, one for each contributor.

Folder by Walter Confalonieri (daimon)[edit]

  • Doom World Wars! - four levels for Hovertank 3D.
  • MAP01: Oohh: a Unwanted Sequel? (oo.wad) - a single level for limit-removing ports and Doom II IWAD.
  • E1M2: The Ultimate Terrors!? (12terror.wad) - a single level for vanilla Doom.
  • MAP06: Closed for Retirement? (speed06.wad) - a single level for vanilla Doom II and TNT: Evilution IWAD.
  • MAP01: Somebody Stoled Doomguy's Mousepad!? (mousepad.wad) - a single level for vanilla Doom II and TNT: Evilution IWAD.
  • MAP01: Radio Transmission Tower? (testtowr.wad) - a single level for MBF21 and Doom II IWAD.
  • World Hacks (whacks.wad) - two levels for Hacx.

Folder by Rycuz[edit]

29 work in progress versions of the Arresting Cartels level for Hell Cartel 2.

Folder by TimeOfDeath[edit]

  • A screenshot and a link to an interactive map, showing all of the digital TV channels that TimeOfDeath picked with his antennas since 2011.
  • MAP01: Chronic Unrealism? (tod-dmp22-m1.wad) - a single level for limit-removing ports and Doom II IWAD.
  • Violations (secret song) - a song in MP3 format.

Folder by Philnemba[edit]

  • Mystery of the Forgotten Ruins (MOTFRv2.wad) - three levels for GZDoom and sorrow.ipk3:
    • MAP01: The Battle Beneath
    • MAP02: The Forgotten Ruins
    • MAP03: Another Restless Night

Folder by memeboi[edit]

  • MAP01: Cyberdoom (Cyberdoom.wad) - a single map for Doom II IWAD, and 21 JPEG images which "tell a story based on that map".

Folder by SilverMiner[edit]

  • MAP01: Complex (HR3NEWMAP.wad) - a beta version of a level for limit-removing ports and Doom II IWAD. Requires resources from DBP41: Hell Revealed III (Pt. 1).
  • MAP01: KOFESKARDAMONOM (An alpha of my new personal megawad.wad) - an alpha version of a level for ZDoom from a work in progress megawad.
  • ExNihiloBuild0309.wad - a work in progress texture pack.
  • GreatmixTX.wad - an unfinished WAD for ZDoom.
  • IMG_6929.JPG - a photo used as a source picture for the titlepic of DBP53: Plutonian Sunrise.
  • plutVILEC4F6.png - an arch-vile sprite edit, also used in the titlepic of DBP53.

Folder by DoomTheRobot[edit]

  • MAP01: ACS RaceTest (ACS_RaceTest.wad) - an experimental WAD for GZDoom containing a single small map and some scripts implementing a race.
  • E1M1: The Boys Are Back In Tech (The_Boys_Are_Back_In_Tech.wad) - a single level for vanilla Doom.

Folder by clamgor[edit]

  • MAP01: Panopticono (panopticono.wad) - a single level for PrBoom+ or GZDoom and Doom II IWAD.

Folder by Moustachio[edit]

  • MAP01: Burn Baby Burn (moustachio22.wad) - a single level for limit-removing ports and Doom II IWAD.

Folder by General Roasterock[edit]

  • MAP01: Wash Away (DMP22.wad) - a single level for Boom-compatible ports and Doom II IWAD (there is also a second level, but it is small and empty).

Folder by Scypek2[edit]

  • Shrunk Sixtein.wad - three maps for Wolfenstein 3D.
  • Three unrelated screenshots and a text file.

Folder by Jjp[edit]

  • MAP01: Some Hell Cavern (dmp2022_jjp.wad) - a single level for vanilla Doom II.

External links[edit]


  1. TimeOfDeath666 (3 January 2022). Doomworld forums thread. Doomworld forums. Retrieved 3 April 2023.
  2. TimeOfDeath666 (13 November 2022). Doomworld forums post. Doomworld forums. Retrieved 3 April 2023.