E1M1: The Merchant's Hideout (Sold Soul)

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Sold Soul maps
This level occupies the map slot E1M1. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:E1M1.

E1M1: The Merchant's Hideout is the first map of Sold Soul. It was designed by Fryuko and uses the music track "Attack 4" from RuneScape.


Map of The Merchant's Hideout
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


Go up the steps on your left to confront a few golems, then head west up some more steps to a rectangular hallway. Head past some nitrogolems to reach the east side of the hallway, then go into the neighboring bedchamber where undead warriors and gargoyles are guarding the yellow key; taking it will reveal a fire gargoyle in front of you, and open monster closets behind you holding followers of D'Sparil. Return to the hallway and go to the south side to find a yellow key door, then open it to confront a sabreclaw and get outside.

Go to the stable at the south-west corner of the hideout and enter it to find a follower guarding an ethereal crossbow, take the weapon then go back to the south side of the hideout; some wooden bars in the cliff wall have opened and released more sabreclaws. Go inside the cavern to find a torch, press the switch in the south-east corner then go round to the north-east side of the hideout where a door has opened and released some followers. Take the dragon claw behind the door, then activate the metal lift on the opposite wall and ride it up to find three golems protecting the green key.

Go back outside and head round to the east side of the hideout to find a green key door with a switch behind it; the switch will open a gate behind you and reveal some weredragons and disciples of D'Sparil. Go through the gate and head east under a wooden bridge, then climb up some steps past a couple more weredragons to get on top of the bridge and head across it to reach the exit.

Other points of interest[edit]


  1. Climb the steps at the start and enter the north-east area. Lower the misaligned wall to the south to get a Morph Ovum. (sector 38)
  2. Enter the alcove with the fire gargoyle east of the yellow key, then go to the south-east room of the hideout to access the well with the shadowsphere. (sector 221)
  3. Outside the hideout on the west side, take the lift up and follow the path to a dead end with a quiver of ethereal arrows. Lower the north wall and head east to a hellstaff. (sector 348)
  4. In the green key room, there is a tiny switch north of the lift. After using it, ride the lift up and head outside for a mystic urn. (sector 396)
  5. Underneath secret #3, find a switch on the south wall behind crates. After using it, head south-west to the platform with a Bag of Holding. (sector 485)


Demo files[edit]

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
SM speed
SM max
BP speed
BP max
NM speed
NM 100S

The (absence of) data was last verified in its entirety on December 16, 2021.


Map data[edit]

Things 416
Vertices 3750*
Linedefs 3683
Sidedefs 6398
Sectors 612
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 3089.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]


See also[edit]


External links[edit]