E1M2: Town of Betrayers (Sold Soul)
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Sold Soul maps |
E1M2: Town of Betrayers is the second map of Sold Soul. It was designed by Fryuko and uses the music track "Harmony2" from RuneScape.
Yellow key[edit]
Take the Gauntlets of the Necromancer and kill the follower of D'Sparil in front of you, then open the door ahead to face some gargoyles. Walk west to a dragon claw, then head north along a ledge towards two golem ghosts who are protecting a switch that will open a door in the trench below. Go through the door to a small garden and climb the steps on your right, dodging attacks from overhead followers, then walk north to a switch and press it to open the bars below. Go through the bars to a water stream, noting a weredragon to your left, then walk north to drop over a waterfall and land in a pit before heading straight forward to a dark tunnel; the yellow key is behind some bars to your left, along with an iron lich on thou art a smite-meister skill level or higher.
Walk north into a chamber with a Morph Ovum and turn right to see a weredragon, then press the switch behind it to open some bars just to the south. Go through the bars to a room with a brazier, which is overlooked by nitrogolems and an undead warrior, then head up the steps in the north-west corner and follow the ledge round to the south-west corner to find another switch. Press it and dispose of the sabreclaws and fire gargoyles that are released behind you, then head east through another set of bars that have opened and go round the corner to a room with fire gargoyles, disciples of D'Sparil and more nitrogolems. Walk east into the neighboring chamber and head down the steps to an ophidian guarding another switch, press it then go back up to the previous room and run west over some poles that have risen to a gray lift that leads back up to ground level.
Ride the lift up and kill some followers waiting at the top, press the switch on the south wall (which will lower the bars blocking the yellow key) then go through the door opposite the lift and drop down to a platform with a hellstaff. Use this weapon to destroy some approaching gargoyles and disciples, then run west to reach a triangular ledge on the other side of the pit; climb up the steps by the south wall to reach a wooden bridge and cross it to reach the door on the other side. Go through the door and turn left to slay two undead warriors blocking your path to a switch, then press it to open three monster closets around you containing gargoyles. Go back outside to confront some undead warriors and golems that have teleported in, drop down to the pit again then head north and west to collect the yellow key.
Green and blue keys and exit[edit]
With the yellow key, you need to retrace your steps to the platform where you collected the hellstaff, passing a couple of iron liches on the way - when you return to the platform, look north to see that a teleporter has opened which goes up to the waterfall on the south side of the pit. Go back to the junction near the starting point, then enter the neighboring room to the east where two ophidians are guarding a yellow key door. Open this door and use the lift in front of you to reach the room above, then open another door to the east to get to a small courtyard with golems and followers. Go to the building in the middle of the courtyard and look through the windows to shoot some waiting weredragons, then open the door on the building's south side to get inside it and retrieve the green key. Taking the key will release a pack of sabreclaws behind you.
Backtrack to the area with the wooden bridge on the west side of the pit - you can get there quickly by running off the top of the waterfall to land on the triangular ledge below - then head west to a green key door, go through it and walk straight forwards to a T-junction. Turn left (south) and follow the corridor past a few monsters to a switch, press it then go back to the T-junction, passing a couple of ophidians that have been released, and take the north path to find some golems protecting a wooden door. Open the door to confront a gang of followers, take the blue key from the dining table then press the switch on the south column to reveal a teleporter leading back to the top of the waterfall. Go back to where you found the green key, where some nitrogolems have teleported in, then open the blue key door on the east side to find an iron lich protecting the exit teleporter.
Other points of interest[edit]
- Head north from the dragon claw and at the switch, jump north-east and use the banner to find a crystal vial, two flame orbs and a phoenix rod. (sector 128)
- At the big water pit, head up the south-west steps and head east to a narrow wooden ledge. Follow it round to a Bag of Holding. (sector 184)
- Head east from the bars blocking the yellow key and in the next room, shoot the pods to the south to find a torch. (sector 483)
- In the north-west building across the bridge, use the switch and enter the nearest closet. Open the banner to find flame orbs and a quartz flask. (sector 399)
- At the yellow key, use the south wall next to the hanging skull and follow the path to an enchanted shield. (sector 310)
- In the room that has the switch to lower the bars to the yellow key, head to the north stack of crates and head behind them. Use the weak crate to find an inferno orb. (sector 606)
- Use the stack of crates to the west of the green key building to find a map scroll. (sector 775)
- Open the green key door and use the south-east column. Ride up to a Morph Ovum. (sector 822)
Demo files[edit]
Areas / screenshots[edit]
Routes and tricks[edit]
Current records[edit]
The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:
Run | Time | Player | Date | File | Notes |
SM speed | |||||
SM max | |||||
BP speed | |||||
BP max | |||||
NM speed | |||||
NM 100S | |||||
Tyson | |||||
Pacifist |
The (absence of) data was last verified in its entirety on December 16, 2021.
Map data[edit]
Things | 680 |
Vertices | 4696* |
Linedefs | 4597 |
Sidedefs | 8013 |
Sectors | 950 |
This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level: