E1M3: Impalement Station (Fava Beans)

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Fava Beans maps
This level occupies the map slot E1M3. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:E1M3.

E1M3: Impalement Station is the third map of Fava Beans. It was designed by Sean Birkel. This level contains a secret exit leading to E1M9: Creeping Death.


Map of Impalement Station
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


Collecting keys

Go through the door near the start point. You will be surrounded by enemies. Dispatch them and in the corridor, head right. There are two UAC doors. Open either one and go down the stairs. Go down another staircase and open the door to a room. Press the switch which will unlock a door nearby. To get to that door, head to the corridor near the beginning of the level. Go down the staircase which is to the left of the door. You will be in the outside area with a water pool. The door here to the left is unlocked now. Head there. You can see a nukage hall and the exit door on the opposite end. Turn right and follow the corridor to an opening to an outside. Cross the river and enter an alcove. Go up. Pick up your first key.

Return to the nukage pool room and turn right. Enter the red door. In the room, take the yellow keycard.

Get back to the room where you found the red keycard by reentering the outside area and walking up the stairs. In this room, open the yellow door. Take the last key in this level.

Regular exit

Since you have all the keycards now, get back to the beginning of the level. Enter any of the UAC doors mentioned earlier. Go down into the room. This time, head right. Enter the blue door and walk up the stairs. Turn left and drop down. Head forward and turn left. You should notice a lift. Use it and follow the tunnel until you meet an imp and a switch. Activate this switch to have access to the regular exit.

Go back via the lift to the outside. Turn left to a point to where you dropped and notice a narrow opening with a health bonus and an armor bonus. Head there and turn around (or visit an area with a stimpack and a backpack). Open a small door. This will lead you to a familiar room. So, return to the starting area by ascending the stairs. Get back to the nukage hall. The bridge is built now. Cross it to the opposite site. Enter the door and flip the switch to end.

Secret exit

You must have the blue keycard to access the secret level. Near the beginning of the level, enter any of the UAC doors mentioned earlier. Go down to the room and head right. Enter the blue door and walk up the stairs. Turn left but do not drop down. From here, you can see a window and likely a very narrow border. Run as fast as you can towards this border in order to get to this window. Flip the switch to get to Creeping Death.

Other points of interest[edit]


  1. On the way to the northwestern outside area with the river after the nukage hall, notice a tech lamp before you reach the outside. The lamp casts light on the wall you should open. (sector 41) Once you enter inside you can take health and armor bonuses, a stimpack, a rocket launcher and a soulsphere which will be revealed once you enter.
  2. In the nukage hall, drop down to the nukage. Quickly, turn left and notice a wall with two signs reading "poison". Open this wall and follow the tunnel. Take the security armor and various health and armor items. Flip the switch here to open a wall at the starting area, which will lead to secret #3. (sector 48) Now to get out of here, return to the nukage hall and turn left. You will notice four "poison" signs on the wall. Approach this corner and you will be teleported.
  3. In the starting area, open the left door (west) and walk down on the staircase. You should notice a green wall to your right while descending on the stairs. Open this wall (sector 141) and you will access a nukage room with plasma gun on the top of the stand which can be lowered manually. Alternatively, if you have already visited secret #2, you can drop to this room from the opened wall in the starting room.
  4. As you enter the secret #3 nukage room, immediately open the wall opposite to the wall you entered. Take the computer map. (sector 144)
  5. The room in the northern portion of the map which contains the secret exit is counted as secret. You first need to obtain the blue keycard to get there. See the Secret exit section in Essentials. (sector 152)


A switch (linedef 933) in the middle of the level has a trigger linedef placed in front of it, blocking use attempts at the switch, which makes the switch appear unresponsive. The player must get closer to the switch than normally required to hit it.

Demo files[edit]

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
UV speed (normal exit) 0:29.89 scuffed 2022-03-11 f1a3-029.zip
UV speed (secret exit) 0:57.06 scuffed 2022-03-03 f1a3s-057.zip
NM speed (normal exit) 0:37.23 Rotwang 2020-03-17 f1b3n037.zip
NM speed (secret exit) 2:42.20 Selim Benabdelkhalek (Bastard) 2001-11-11 fava_full.zip
UV max 1:57.97 Kyle McAwesome 2012-11-16 f1b3-157.zip
NM 100S 1:25.74 OldManDan 2022-09-28 f1b3s125.zip
UV -fast 2:13.71 OldManDan 2022-09-28 f1b3f213.zip
UV -respawn
UV Tyson 6:21.17 Kyle McAwesome 2023-09-29 f1b3t621.zip
UV pacifist (normal exit)
UV pacifist (secret exit)
NoMo (normal exit) 0:29.57 Kyle McAwesome 2022-03-30 f1b3o029.zip
NoMo (secret exit) 0:38.83 kvothesixstring 2023-10-02 f1b3so38.zip

The data was last verified in its entirety on October 5, 2023.


Player spawns[edit]

This level contains four spawn points:

  1. facing north. (thing 4)
  2. facing north. (thing 5)
  3. facing south-east. (thing 6)
  4. facing north-east. (thing 7)


Map data[edit]

Things 204
Vertices 1031*
Linedefs 1082
Sidedefs 1407
Sectors 183
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 874.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]


See also[edit]


External links[edit]