E1M3: Jade Gardens (The Wayfarer)

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The Wayfarer maps
This level occupies the map slot E1M3. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:E1M3.

E1M3: Jade Gardens is the third map of The Wayfarer. It was designed by Not Jabba and uses the music track "Lands_76.mid" from Lands of Lore.


Map of Jade Gardens
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


Take the ethereal crossbow in front of you then go round the corner to a door that opens automatically. Go through the door to face some disciples of D'Sparil then head down some stairs on your left to enter a courtyard, then head west past some nitrogolems, undead warriors and fire gargoyles to collect a dragon claw before running north through a pair of tall arches to reach the main garden. There is a large building in the center of the garden that holds a phoenix rod, but entering from the south allows fire gargoyles (or undead warriors, sabreclaws and nitrogolems on bringest them oneth skill level or higher) to teleport in, and collecting the weapon triggers an ambush by more sabreclaws. Go round to the north side of the building to find a Sigil of Power, then go up the nearby steps to see the green key straight ahead. Approaching the key causes more of the same monsters to teleport in nearby.

From the green key, head south-east until you reach a green key door surrounded by columns, then open this door to find the yellow key. Head south from this point until you get back to the staircase near the start of the level, then head east towards a yellow key door and open it to reach the entrance to a curved bridge (bars will close off the entrance after you pass through it). Follow the bridge to the blue key, but watch out for a pack of gargoyles and fire gargoyles that teleport in behind you; you must fight them off while waiting for the bridge entrance to open again. Once you can escape, head back to the main garden and go to the blue key doors in the north-east corner, then pass through them to find a large teleporter that will send you to the hall below. Dodge the iron liches and ophidians around you and grab the hellstaff ahead, then press the red trident switches in the south-east and south-west corners to open a pair of bars at the north-east end of the hall. Go through these bars to see the blue exit teleporter ahead.

Other points of interest[edit]

The tower on the west side of the main garden can be opened once you find the green key. It contains four teleporters that can be used to quickly navigate the map.

  • The north-west teleporter goes to the yellow key room.
  • The north-east teleporter goes to a small room north of the blue key area, which contains a silver shield.
  • The south-east teleporter goes to a room above the courtyard, which contains a Bag of Holding.
  • The south-west teleporter goes to a room at the west end of the maze in the south-west corner of the map, which contains greater runes.

From the yellow key, head east up some steps to get an enchanted shield. The neighboring room to the east contains a button that will lower two pillars holding a hellstaff and phoenix rod, but approaching the items will release a pack of undead warriors.


  1. At the east end with the green key door, head north one room and use the south-west banner to lower the north-east wall. This has Time Bombs of the Ancients, a shadowsphere and a switch. (sector 3969)
  2. Head west from secret #1 to an intersection with Time Bombs and enter the west room. Head to the north wall and use the second face above, then enter the north-east hall and use the second face from the right on the north wall. Head back to the previous area and all the way south, using the wall next to the hall going west. The secret area you come to has ten crystal vials and a mystic urn. (sector 1463)
  3. Head north from the intersection with Time Bombs and head west, then north again. Keep going north, then in the hall, enter the room to the north. Use the mural on the west wall at the bottom of the steps to lower a wall nearby leading to an inferno orb. (sector 1752)
  4. Use the mural on the east wall in the same room as secret #3 to lower another wall which has greater runes. (sector 1745)
  5. In the main garden, head to the west side, west of the building requiring the green key. Look for a gray rock then press on the rock to its right (with a dead tree) to lower it so you can ride up. Follow the rocks south, then across to the east, where a switch will eventually show up. Use it and head south to the room with weredragons, flame orbs, lesser runes and an enchanted shield. (sector 1897)
  6. In the south-west maze area, head east from the south-west end and take a path south. Use the mural to the east, which has a yellow trident on it, to lower a wall nearby, then follow this path to a torch. (sector 2384)
  7. On the south wall of the hall leading to secret #6, the middle mural is green in color - press it to reveal lesser runes, a quartz flask and a switch. (sector 4006)
  8. At the north-east end of the maze is a small loop in the path. Press the east wall with a winged gargoyle on it to lower it and follow the revealed path to a lift. Ride up and open the door. Take the teleporter to get a shadowsphere. (sector 56)
  9. Head south-east from the previous secret, up the steps. Head east and look north-east for a small pillar, then shoot the small yellow button inside it to open the door where the three Time Bombs are. In the next hall, open the first mural to the west to find Time Bombs, a Morph Ovum and a switch. (sector 3985)
  10. In the same hall, head south and east to get a Might of Tysonius. (sector 6)
  11. After using the switches in secrets #1, #7, and #9, head back to the yellow key door and enter the open passage south of it to find a teleporter. This takes you to an outside area with energy orbs, a quiver of ethereal arrows, an inferno orb, a mystic urn and a Ring of Invincibility. (sector 3091) Beware the iron liches (or maulotaur on thou art a smite-meister or higher) that defend the area.


Demo files[edit]

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
SM speed 01:42 Kraflab 2019-06-30 w1f3p142.zip Cross-listed from Pacifist
SM max
BP speed
BP max
NM speed
NM 100S
Pacifist 01:42 Kraflab 2019-06-30 w1f3p142.zip
NoMo 01:40 Kraflab 2019-07-08 w1f3o140.zip

The data was last verified in its entirety on January 6, 2022.


Map data[edit]

Things 1564
Vertices 25745*
Linedefs 24501
Sidedefs 41295
Sectors 4262
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 20404.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]


See also[edit]


External links[edit]